

Strategic Research on Developing Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 陶国霞

【导师】 潘一禾;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 2006年以来,浙江省的留学生规模发展迅速,其中对外汉语教学发挥了重要作用。然而,相比上海和江苏,浙江省在规模上、层次上和效益上都明显落后。面对“时不我待”的对外汉语教学市场,浙江要想快速地具备竞争优势从而改变不利局面、赢得更多的市场份额,就必须从对在杭高校对外汉语教学的发展战略研究中找到答案。本文从分析对外汉语教学内涵的历史变革入手,首先明确了对外汉语教学对高校促进自身发展、带动地方经济、服务国家政治都具有重要意义。随后通过调查问卷发现行政人员、教师和留学生对目前在杭高校的对外汉语教学总体表示满意,但问题也明显存在,即课程设置雷同、整体布局失衡和管理模式滞后。深究其背后的原因,笔者认为除了高校自身认识不足、管理失范是主因之外,还有地方政府宏观调控不利、社会参与程度不高等不利因素。论文由此提出在杭高校作为浙江省对外汉语教学的主战场或主力军,必须得承担起扭转局面的重任,而当务之急就是摸清自身的内外环境。本文借助SWOT分析法重点分析了在杭诸高校发展对外汉语教学的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,得出在杭高校具备扭转落后局势的可能和潜力。提出,浙江省对外汉语教学的战略目标是建立与浙江省经济社会发展水平相适应的对外汉语教学课程体系、组织架构和运行机制。基于SWOT矩阵分析表,浙江省要实现对外汉语教学的突破,关键在于高校、政府、社会各司其职并实现有机联动。高校要立足实际,结合市场需求,依托差异化战略、多元化战略和合作战略等增长型战略类型,打出“特色牌”。另一方面对外汉语教学事业也要求地方政府和社会力量的充分参与,如果政府发挥好宏观调控职能、社会积极营造舆论氛围并给予资金支持,并与高校实现积极联动,浙江省的对外汉语教学就一定能大幅度提升竞争优势,实现跨越式发展。

【Abstract】 Ever since 2006, the number of foreign students in Zhejiang is increased significantly, which mainly results from the rapid development of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language(TCFL). However, compared with Shanghai and Jiangsu province, Zhejiang has little advantages in the overall numbers, levels and benefits. Time waits for no man. Strategic research is demanded on the TCFL of the universities in Hangzhou to shift the disadvantageous situation in the provincial wide and win a bigger proportion in TCFL market as soon as possible.The paper starts with introduction to the history of TCFL and makes it clear that TCFL has an important meaning not only with the universities themselves but also with the local economic development as well as the country’s politics. It’s found in the questionnaires that though the majority of the administrators, teachers and the foreign students are satisfied with the current situation of TCFL in Hangzhou, the problems in curriculum, overall structure and managing mode shall not be neglected and the universities, local government and the community are the three initiators. As the main force of TCFL in Zhejiang province, the universities in Hangzhou is responsible for changes and the most pressing matter of the moment is to find out their internal and external environment.Based on SWOT Analysis, the paper introduces the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats for the universities in Hangzhou in TCFL and makes an conclusion that the universities in Hangzhou have the possibilities and potential to enhance their competitiveness and shift the situation finally. It’s proposed that the strategic objective of Zhejiang province is to develop TCFL in curriculum system, organization framework and management mechanism. The SWOT array implies that on one hand the universities, while keeping a foothold in the actual and the market, should build their features by means of Differentiation Strategy, Diversity Strategy and Cooperation Strategy; on the other hand, the government shall play its role in macro control and the community in publicizing and funding. A favorable link between the universities, the local government and the community is the basic condition for the TCFL in Zhejiang to build competitive advantages and eventually accomplish leaping development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

