

Research and Application of BACnet-based Gateway in Building Enertgy-saving Control System

【作者】 李芳

【导师】 万力;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑节能是当今社会普遍关注的热点问题之一,建筑节能控制系统的建立为实现建筑物有效节能提供了一个新的方向。建筑节能控制系统是伴随着智能建筑的发展而产生的,特别与智能建筑中的楼宇自动化系统密切相关。随着计算机技术和控制技术的不断发展,建筑节能控制系统正向智能化、集成化和网络化的方向发展。BACnet协议是一个专门为建筑设备实现集成控制而制定的通信协议,它解决了楼宇自动化系统中设备不兼容和难以集成的问题,为不同的建筑设备实现集成提供了统一的通信语言。将BACnet协议应用到建筑节能控制系统中,对建筑设备进行系统化的控制和管理,优化各类建筑设备的运行,是降低建筑能耗的有效方法。本文首先分析了传统的建筑节能控制系统的局限性,提出了将BACnet协议与建筑节能控制系统相结合的思想,在分析了BACnet协议和嵌入式技术相关理论的基础上,将BACnet协议应用到建筑节能控制系统中,提高了系统的开放性和集成度。其次,通过对该系统功能的分析,本文重点对系统中的一个关键技术难点——网关进行了研究与设计。硬件部分采用模块化的设计,结构简单、可靠,在对CPU核心模块、通信接口模块、外扩存储器模块和系统基本模块的芯片进行选择的基础上,设计了芯片的电路图。软件部分采用前后台的程序,实现了底层低速的控制设备与上层的控制中心进行信息交互的功能,从网关的应用角度出发,对TCP/IP协议栈进行了裁剪与实现,对底层通信的BACnet对象与应用服务分别进行了定义和选择。重点研究了BACnet应用层和网络层的编解码、数据链路层MS/TP帧的创建。最后,通过网关的启动自检测试和数据收发功能测试,证明了网关软件部分的正确性、可靠性和安全性。

【Abstract】 Building energy efficiency is one of the hot issues of common concern in today’s society, the establishment of building energy-saving control system provides a new direction for realizing an effective energy-saving building. With the development of computer technology and control technology, building energy-saving automation system is growing forward to intelligence, integration and network. BACnet protocol is a communication protocol which is especially to carry out the integrated control problem of building device,it has solved the problems that the equipment is not compatible and difficult to integrate in building automation system, and also provides a unified communication language for the realization of different building automation system. BACnet protocol will be applied to building energy-saving control system for systematic control and management of construction equipment, optimizing the operation of various types of construction equipment. It is an effective way to reduce building energy construction.Firstly , this dissertation analyzes the limitations of traditional building energy-saving control systems, proposes to combine the BACnet protocol with building energy-saving control system, analyzes the theory of the BACnet protocol and embedded technology, and on this basis apply the BACnet protocol to establish a building energy-saving control system, which improves the system’s openness and integration.Secondly, based on analyzing of the system’s function, the dissertation is researched and designed an important part of the system-the gateway. Hardware part is designed by modular chips, it has simple and reliable structure, on the base of chip choosing of CPU core module, communication interface module, external expansion memory module and the basic modules, it has designed the chip schematic. Using the procedure, software part achieves the communication of the underlying low-speed control device and the upper control center. From the perspective of gateway application, it has achieved the cutting of TCP/IP protocol stack, defined and selected the BACnet object and application services of underlying communication. It has put emphasis on the encoding and decoding of BACnet application layer and network layer, also on the creation of MS/TP frames in the data link layer.Lastly,through the starting self-test and data transceiver tests of the gateway, it has demonstrated the correctness, reliability and security of gateway software.


