

On Primitive Functions of Instrument Gymnastic Apparatus

【作者】 李晓卿

【导师】 谢建中;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新课标实施以来,体操文化,作为优秀的体育文化,并没有得到应有的发展,体操教学也没有获得推广普及的契机,反观在中J小学乃至高校的体育课程中,新兴体育项目遍地开花,体操教学境况颇窘。21世纪对青少年学生的高素质要求和当前国内学生的赢弱体质相互矛盾并趋于激化,由此国家在大力倡导全面健身,强制实施体能考试的同时,对体育教学及科研提出了要求。对器械体操器械原始功能进行研究是出于对体育课程改革探索的渴望,期望能对青少年学生全面发展提供有力的教学依据,为中小学体操教学创造改革的动力,为相关器械的功能研究提供一些参考。同时本次研究对器械体操运动的普及发展以及指导大众进行全民健身具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法等对器械体操器械的发展衍变、结构特点进行了研究,并以运动力学、运动解剖学及运动生理学理论为指导对器械体操基本动作进行了分析,并通过多方面寻求专家支持和资料考证,对器械体操器械功能进行了总结和思考。得出结论如下:(1)器械体操器械具有愉悦身心和强身健体的显性正向功能。娱乐功能和健身功能作为器械体操器械出现和存在的第一动力,其客观结果与主体目的相符合,对参与器械运动的人群具有符合人类价值取向的良好影响和作用。(2)器械体操器械具有医疗保健、意志力培养和生活实际应用的隐性正向功能。人们在参与器械体操运动的同时不自觉地将生活中的点滴和感悟与器械相结合,使得器械具有了辅助生活的功效,同时器械体操器械的练习具有人们所陌生的医疗保健功能以及意志力培养功能,这些结果在器械体操器械的策划和发展中属于意外所得,未得到充分开发和拓展但对练习者身体发展和器械休操运动发扬具有有利影响和作用。(3)器械体操器械具有与当今社会价值观相背离的负向功能。当代对青少年学生的“保护”过于苛刻,不允许任何具有危险隐患的事情接近他们。而恰好具有相对专业性和挑战性的器械体操运动被盖上了“危险”的戳。而危险的来源在于健身误区和心理阴影。(4)器械体操器械功能的关系需要辩证看待。正向功能和负向功能取决与人们的价值取向,负向功能是客观存在的,但可以人为控制,使其最小化。器械体操器械的隐性功能有待拓展和开发,将隐性正向功能显性化是教育工作者和体操工作者的使命。器械体操器械的宏观功能与微观功能相辅相成。

【Abstract】 Since the implementation of the New Standards, gymnastics culture, as one kind of outstanding sports culture, have not get proper development, nor the gymnastics teaching. Instead of it, the sports curriculum in primary and secondary schools and universities emerging sports blossom everywhere. Gymnastics teaching situation is so embarrassed. The high quality requirements from 21 century for the young students are so against towards the current domestic students’ weak constitution that our nation has to take measures to solve the problems. She tries her best to advocate All-round fitness,enforce the physical examination and at the same time,give requirements to sports teaching and scientific research.The study of the original function of gymnastics equipment is based on a desire to explore the physical education curriculum reform, and hoped to provide a strong basis of teaching for comprehensive development of young people, create momentum for the reform of teaching gymnastics in primary and secondary schools,and to provide some reference to the lelated study of equipment function.At the same time, there has some important theoretical and practical significance to the development of instruments and guiding the public to fitness.In this paper, we have studied the development and evolution of apparatus gymnastics and its structural characteristics, by research methods such as literature, expert interviews, questionnaires, logical analysis and so on. Based on the movement mechanics, sports anatomy and exercise physiology theory as guidance, I have analysisted instrument gymnastics basic action multidimensionally. and make summary and reflection of the gymnastics equipment function through various expert support and information research. Finaly,I get some conclusions as follows(1)Gymnastics equipment has the dominant positive function on entertainment and physical health. The function of entertainment and physical health is the strongest power for gymnastic apparatus, its objective results consistent with the main purpose of mankind. and have a good influence and role to people involved in sports equipment.(2)Gymnastics equipment has hidden positive functions such as health care, practical and the application of willpower. These results belong to some accidents in the planning and development of gymnastics equipment, they have not been fully developed and expanded, but has beneficial effects and role to the body development of practitioners and carry forward to gymnastics.(3)Gymnastics equipment has negative divergence functions witch against today’s social values. These functions come from the Lack of experience and the overly protection of our children.(4)The relationship of gymnastic equipment functions should be viewed dialectically. Positive features and negative features depending on the value orientation of people. Negative feature is an objective,but could be controlled, to make it smaller and smaller. The micro-macro function of gymnastics equipment are of complementary.We would be kind if we expand an develop the hidden positive functions, to make which dominance is the mission of us gymnastics workers.

【关键词】 功能器械体操器械分析
【Key words】 functiongymnastic apparatusanalysis

