

The Research for the Development of the Young Sprinter Limb Combination of Esplosive Training Means

【作者】 王绪

【导师】 郭元奇;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 力量素质是运动员体能训练发展水平的重要标志之一,是所有身体素质的基础素质,爆发力属于速度力量,是许多体育项目的重要的素质基础,尤其是快速力量性项目,因此爆发力作为短跑运动员必备基础素质之一,运动员爆发力的训练方法一直是力量训练研究的一个热点问题。跳跃练习对少年短跑运动员的下肢的爆发力作用非常有效,跳跃练习分为单腿跳跃练习和双腿跳跃练习。单腿跳跃练习和双腿跳跃练习的动力特征不同,对下肢髋、膝、踝、趾关节及参与运动的肌肉的影响不同,必然在发展少年运动员下肢爆发力上存在差异。本文选取单腿的跳跃练习组成单腿训练手段组合,选取双腿的跳跃练习组成双腿训练手段组合,进行对比实验。验证两种训练手段组合对发展少年短跑运动员下肢爆发力的效果,为少年短跑运动员下肢爆发力的训练提供些建议和参考。经过3个月的训练,得出以下研究结果:1实验组和对照组的各项指标与试验前比较均得到了显著提高。表明实验组单腿跳跃组合训练手段和对照组双腿跳跃组合训练手段对少年短跑运动员的下肢爆发力的提高具有显著效果。2通过实验组与对照组的实验后结果比较分析发现:实验组的速度指标、爆发力指标的提高的幅度优于对照组。说明单腿的各种跳跃练习对短跑的起跑及加速阶段的加速能力、下肢爆发力的影响要优于双腿的各种跳跃练习。3试验后实验组的100米专项成绩与对照组的100米专项成绩不存在显著性差异。说明:短跑成绩的提高是多因素导致的结果,下肢爆发力增加是成绩提高的主要因素,但是上肢及全身的爆发力及速度耐力的提高对成绩的提高作用也很重要。4练习动作的结构特点和肌肉的用力方式与专项技术特点相似程度越高,素质间的良性转移越大,练习效果越好。单足跳、跨步跳等单腿的跳跃练习的用力特点、肌肉工作方式均与短跑技术的十分接近,是发展短跑运动员专项素质的有效手段。

【Abstract】 Strength of quality is fitness training in development levels is an important symbol of all physical quality of the explosive is to speed, force, is an important quality in many sports, especially the power of the project, explosive force as a basic quality of the runner and explosive training has been training is strength of a hot issue.Jump practice is the backbone of pressure to increase the rate of action, young sprinter the limb of the explosive role very effective, prancing into dancing a practice leg exercises and legs to jump practice leg exercises. the jumping and legs about the characteristics of different exercises, hip, knee, her limb, knuckles and the impact of different muscles, it is in the development of the lower limbs explosive are different.This article summarizes the legs to jump practice of training means one leg and one of the legs to jump practice of training means and the legs in contrast, experiments. The two types of training means for the development of combination of explosive young sprinter limb, the young sprinter limb explosive training provide advice and information. after three months training, that the results:1 Experimental group and the targets of explosive and the former is a significant increase in one leg. show jumping experimental group combination of training means and legs about the combination of training means young sprinter limb of the explosive is notable results.2 Experimental group and by the fruit of the comparative analysis found:experimental group speed indicator, explosive force indicators improved the rate of one leg. the price of running jump practice to start up the stage and the ability and explosive to be superior to the limb of the legs. various jump practice 3 Test experimental group after the 100 meters and the special achievements of the 100 metres of special grades no gender differences. on the increase the workout:are many factors leading to a result, the lower limbs explosive increase results of the major factors, but supper limb and body of explosive and endurance to improve the rate of increase is also very important role.4 Exercise of its structure and of the technical characteristics similar to a higher level and quality of the more benign from, the better. hop, stepped out one leg, jumping, the muscles of the exercise of the working methods and sprinting skills are very close to the development of the runner special qualities of effective means.


