

The Remote Control System of 6-DOF Manipulator Based on Internet

【作者】 张聪

【导师】 杨光;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet和网络通信技术的发展,机器人远程控制技术进一步扩展了应用范围,在远程作业、远程医疗、远程教学和远程监护等方面显示了其优越性。本文首先阐述了国内外在基于Internet的机器人远程控制系统方面的研究状况,各研究阶段的典型技术手段,基于以上的分析提出了本课题的研究内容。之后对整个远程控制系统的总体架构进行划分,将其分为通讯协议、机器人控制及视觉反馈三大模块。第三章介绍了网络通信技术,提出了适用于机器人远程控制系统的网络通信技术,利用Winsock技术在基于TCP/IP协议和客户机服务器模式下构建远程控制平台。第四章针对本项目所采用的六自由度机械臂进行了运动学分析,制定的相应的路径规划算法并优化,实现了控制界面的设计以及仿真系统的建立。第五章将双路立体视觉技术应用到远程控制系统中,与仿真系统相结合,使操作者更直观、更精确地进行远程控制。最后对整个系统进行评估和测试,主要在延迟问题、稳定性及系统的功能方面,通过测试用例,给出了测试结果并加以分析,并探讨了今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 With the development of Internet and network communication technique, the robot remote control system further expands the application range, and shows its superiority in the remote operation, telemedicine, distance education and remote monitoring, etc.This paper describes the domestic and overseas research status of remote control systems based on Internet, and the typical technical means of every study phase, then raises the research topic based on the above analysis.The general framework of the remote control system will be divided into three modules, which are communication protocols, robot control and visual feedback. Chapter III describes the network communication technology and presents the network communication technology for robot remote control system, the Winsock technology is used to construct remote control platform based on TCP/IP protocol and client-server mode. Chapter IV analyzes the kinematic of the six degrees of freedom (DOF) manipulator in this project, and the appropriate path planning algorithms is developed and optimized, then the control interface is designed and simulation system is established. Chapter V describes the Dual stereo vision technology for remote control system and simulation system, so that the operator will be more intuitive and more precise on the remote control.Finally, the system is evaluated and tested mainly in latency, stability and function of the system, the test results are given and analyzed through test cases, then discussed future research directions.


