

CDMA2000 Network Reconstruction and Optimization

【作者】 李银平

【导师】 袁超伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国电信作为传统的固网运营商,正受到移动业务的巨大冲击。移动通信业务替代传统固定通信业务已经成为不可逆转的趋势,近几年,固定电话用户增长非常少,部分省份甚至出现负增长,而移动用户第一季度仍以数百万的速度在增长。进入移动通信领域,实现全业务经营一直是中国电信重要的战略转型方向。2008年5月集团公司召开了全国的电视电话会议,传达了中组部、国资委的相关领导调整的决定,通报了工业和信息化部、国家发改委和财政部关于深化电信体制改革的通告,并就改革重组和收购等工作进行了部署,正式启动收购中国联通CDMA移动网络的准备工作,标志了中国电信跨出了向全业务运营目标具有历史里程碑的一步。目前中国电信正在积极做好接收中国联通CDMA移动网络的各项准备工作,电信各个部门都在为即将运营移动业务做好各项工作准备。为了推出中国电信自有品牌的服务和业务,2009年3月在全国范围内全面推出中国电信自有品牌的服务和业务,中国电信需要提前考虑新网元新功能在电信侧的部署。石家庄电信CDMA网络无线网一期工程正是在这个背景下启动,一期无线网络建设以收购的联通现有网络作为基础,以满足中国电信的市场前端的发展需求为目标,同时要求保持网络的稳定性。根据市场前端的反馈,中国电信到2009年底移动用户数将新增3600多万,而现有的核心网容量远远不能满足用户发展需求,且原联通三星基站存在设备老化、耗电量高等问题,无线网络优化势在必行。根据石家庄本地网的现状及发展趋势,本文提出了石家庄本地网CDMA2000网络的改造与优化方案。本文以优化石家庄CDMA移动网,满足业务发展为目标,重点研究了核心网各项指标和性能,新建石家庄本地核心网从而实现各业务入网,替换旧基站,优化无线网各项性能,主要研究工作可概括如下:1.分析现网数据,对各项方案进行可研论证,提出了石家庄CDMA2000本地网核心网的设计方案;2.完成了石家庄电信综合关口局GW2入网工程之网通业务割接、之移动业务割接、之铁通业务割接;3.原基站设备老化,性能下降,我们提出了新建基站替换原三星旧基站,以满足新业务和用户数发展需要;实际运行表明我们提出的方案合理可行,达到了设计要求。本次优化涉及如此大规模的用户进行跨经营主体、跨电信网络的迁移,在中国电信业的发展历史上尚无先例。通过本次项目的实施,既能保证CDMA网络和业务的平稳过渡,又能满足市场发展需要,获得移动用户的满意,为下一步市场拓展打下坚实基础。

【Abstract】 China telecom as a traditional fixed network operators and suffers from mobile business huge impact. Mobile telecommunication to replace the traditional stationary communication business has become an irreversible trend, in recent years, fixed telephone users growth is very little, some provinces appear even negative growth, and the mobile user first quarter still to millions of speed in growth.Enter the mobile telecommunication field, carry out the business has been China telecom important strategic transformation direction. May 2008 group company has held a national teleconference, communicate the CCCCP and the adjustment of related leaders sasac decided, report it to the ministry of industry and information, the national development and reform commission and ministry of finance about deepening telecom system reform, and announcements of the reform, reorganization and acquisitions makes a deployment, formally initiated purchase China unicom CDMA mobile network preparations, marks the China telecom stepped out of business operation objectives to the historic landmark step. At present China telecom is actively prepared to accept China unicom CDMA mobile network the preparatory work, telecom departments have been going to mobile business operation to complete each work preparation. In order to launch China telecom brand service and business, March 2009 in nationwide comprehensive launched China telecom brand service and business, China telecom need to think ahead one yuan new features in telecom lateral deployment. Shijiazhuang telecommunication CDMA network core network phase of the project is under this background startup, issue the core network construction by acquisitions unicom existing network as a basis, to satisfy China telecom market demand for the development of the front-end targets, and demanded to keep network stability. According to the market’s front-end feedback, China telecom by the end of 2009 mobile subscribers will add more than 3,600 million, while the existing core network capacity cant satisfy user development needs, core network construction is imperative.According to shijiazhuang telecommunications companies mobile business development trend of judgement, expect that 2009 shijiazhuang mobile users will add 100 million. According to shijiazhuang between local networks, the status quo and developing trend of shijiazhuang between local networks, this paper puts forward the network optimization scheme, solved nearly thousand of the base GeJie encountered problems; Given the core network of shijiazhuang CDMA between local networks, the design of completed shijiazhuang telecom bureau GW2 net engineering comprehensive pass the business of mobile GeJie, China netcom, tietong business business GeJie GeJie; The actual operation shows that we proposed scheme is rational and feasible, and meet the design requirements. This optimization involved so large-scale users across operating subject, cross telecommunications network migration in China, the development of the telecommunications industry history no precedent. Through this project implementation, which can ensure CDMA network and service of smooth transition, and can meet the market development needs, obtain mobile users’ satisfaction, for the next step market development so as to lay a solid foundation.

  • 【分类号】TN929.533
  • 【下载频次】45

