

The Research Based on Improving the Quality of Voice Service of High-speed Rail GSM Network

【作者】 梁奕

【导师】 勾学荣;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自2007年4月18日,我国铁路实施第六次大面积提速和新的列车运行图。列车在京哈、京沪、京广、陇海等既有铁路干线上实施时速250公里的提速。其中京津、武广客运高铁时速可达350公里以上。高速铁路涉及范围广、线路长。范围涉及全国17个省,线路长度约6700余公里。高速铁路连接京、津、沪、宁、杭等大型城市并逐渐成为人们出行的首选。由于高速铁路列车密封性好、穿透损耗大、列车速度快等原因,车厢内通信质量明显下降,由于覆盖原因导致的掉话和脱网现象时有发生。此外,高速列车经过平原、山地、丘陵、隧道、桥梁等不同地貌及市区、县城、农村等不同话务区域。无线环境极其复杂且变化迅速。列车车厢内语音业务质量下降严重、掉话和接通失败时有发生,客户感知差。具体解决思路:第一、首次提出了高速铁路“虚专网”分场景优化策略,高速铁路场景可分为:市区、县城、农村。高速铁路市区段话务量大、无线环境复杂,采用专网进行覆盖;高速铁路县区、农村段采取现网优化方式解决网络问题。以京广高铁邢台市区段为试点,对华为公司RRU专网、传统光纤专网进行对比。以京广高铁保定县城、农村段为试点,验证现网优化手段的可行性。第二、对高速列车车载放大器可行性进行研究,研究车载放大器的使用优势、系统结构、信源接收方式、天线要求、传播模型分析、电磁干扰分析等,车厢放大器的研究应用为解决高铁网络覆盖问题提供了一个新的思路。本文还以京沪高铁网络建设为例,从建设投资、工程周期、协调难度、效果优劣等方面对比了现网优化策略、传统光纤专网优化方式、车载放大器方案、“虚专网”分场景优化策略四种高速铁路GSM网络提升方案,认为车载放大器方案与“虚专网”分场景优化策略是现阶段最适合高速铁路GSM语音业务质量提升的。第三、针对于高速铁路网络容量与网络覆盖问题,提出了以普通列车的载客量规划网络容量,以高速列车的穿透损耗规划网络覆盖。通过计算总结出不同车速、不同场景下车外最低临界电平值。第四、通过研究高速铁覆盖基站的特点,总结出一套适用于高铁覆盖基站的参数设置方案,包括空闲模式参数、专用模式参数、切换模式参数等,通过参数优化大幅度提升了GSM语音业务质量。

【Abstract】 From April 18,2007, the sixth "speed boost" of Chinese railway and the new train diagram were put into effect. The trains with the existing lines like Beijing-Harbin, Beijing-Shanghai and Beijing-Guangzhou, etc were speeded up at 250 km per hour speed. High Speed Railway such as Beijing-Tianjin and Wuhan-Guangzhou lines up to 350 kilometers per hour. It covers 17 provinces and it is about 6,700 kilometers long. High Speed Railway links Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other large cities and also is gradually becoming the first choice for people’s traveling.Due to CRH train’s good sealing, greater loss of penetration, fast speed etc, the communication quality decreased obviously, call drop and no-service condition often occurs. What’s more, with different landscape like the plains, mountains, hills, tunnels, bridges and different kinds of living area like cities, towns and countryside, the wireless environment is extremely complex and is changing rapidly. It also causes the customer perception of poor.The specific settlement including:First, the thesis puts forward the concept "Virtual Special Network" for the first time. It refers to the strategy of network optimization by different scene. High-speed railway scene can be divided into:urban, county, rural areas. In the cities, we use special network for coverage because of their complex wireless environment, while in the counties and rural areas the network optimization just based on the use of existing network. By making Xingtai section of Beijing-Guangzhou line as an attempt, we compared the three kinds of network optimization means of Hua Wei Company including:RRU special network optimization, the GRU special network optimization and the existing network optimization. Also make Baoding town and its rural areas’section of Beijing-Guangzhou line as an attempt to verify if the existing network optimization means is feasible. Second, make a research about the feasibility for using the car amplifiers on high-speed, including its advantages, system structure, the source receive mode, antenna requirements, propagation modeling analysis and electromagnetic interference analysis. The research provides a new way of thinking how to work out the problem of high-speed rail network coverage. This article also makes the construction of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway network as the example. From the construction investment, project cycle, coordinating difficulty and contrast effects, it compared the advantages and disadvantages among the four kinds of GSM network upgrade program (the existing network optimization, RRU special network optimization, GRU special network optimization, the existing network optimization, the car amplifiers program and "Virtual Special Network " strategy.) At last, we think that the car amplifiers program and "Virtual Special Network " strategy are the most suitable for improving the quality of voice service of high-speed rail GSM network at present. Third, for high-speed rail network capacity and coverage issues, we raised to make a network capacity plan according to the capacity of an ordinary train, and make the high-speed train network coverage through loss of penetration. Summarized by calculating the different speed with different scenarios to get off outside the minimum critical level value. Fourth, by studying the characteristics of high-speed rail base stations’coverage, we summed up a set of parameter settings program for the base stations’coverage of high-speed rail, including idle mode parameters, specific model parameters, switch mode parameters. And GSM voice service quality was enhanced greatly by the parameter optimization.

  • 【分类号】TN929.532
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】70

