

The Scope Management of the Satellite Communicate Network of Water Resources in China

【作者】 祝明

【导师】 吕廷杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 项目管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 全国水利卫星通信网已建成10多年,卫星转发器资源寿命即将到期,卫星主站系统设备老化,故障频发,功能也无法满足“两小(中小河流、中小水库)”通信预警、山洪和台风灾害通信预警、应急抢险机动通信等水利新业务的需求,急需改造。但目前全国水利卫星通信网网络规模较大,系统十分复杂,拥有卫星转发器资源、多套卫星主站系统和582个卫星小站。此次改造,卫星转发器需要更换;卫星主站既要保留现有业务,又要建设新系统满足新业务需求,涉及应用系统和接口设备众多,具有很多难以预见的接口设备建设和系统联调工作;卫星小站数量众多,分布面广点稀,大多地处偏远,情况复杂,投资来源不同,需求难以把握。因此,水利卫星通信网改造项目范围难以界定,而且项目实施过程中范围容易发生变更,项目范围管理困难。本论文通过信函调研、实地勘察和专家用户座谈咨询等方法,深入调研水利卫星通信网现状,收集项目改造需求,并进行深入分析,定义了项目范围,并采用自上而下的分析方法,制定了水利卫星通信网改造项目的工作分解结构,明确界定了项目范围。为了控制好项目范围,详细分析了导致项目范围变更的可能潜在因素,并针对这些因素制定了控制项目范围变化的方法,包括深入调研、加强沟通、建立变更批准制度、预留充足的项目预备费等。在此基础上,还专门制定了水利卫星通信网改造项目范围变更控制的规范操作流程,从而科学的、规范的、更好的管理变更,控制变更。本论文研究水利卫星通信网改造项目的项目范围管理,对于确保全国水利卫星通信网改造项目的顺利完成,达到预期的建设目标,对促进水利卫星通信网的长远发展,为水利事业提供可靠的通信保障,都具有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The national water conservancy satellite communications network has built more than 10 years, satellite transponders resources life is about to expire, satellite master station system equipment aging, fault frequency, the function also cannot satisfy medium and small rivers, small and medium-sized reservoir communication warning, floods and typhoon disaster communications warning and emergency rescue mobile communications, and other water conservancy of new business needs, it is urgent to reform. But now the country’s water conservancy satellite communication network with larger scale, the system is very complex, with satellite transponders resources, multiple sets of satellite master station system and 582 satellite station. This transformation, satellite transponders need to change; Satellite master station should not only retain existing business, and to build a new system to satisfy new business requirements, involving application and system interface device is numerous, has many difficult to foresee the interface device construction and system alignment work; Satellite station numerous, FenBuMian wide a point sparse, most remote, complicated cases, the investment from diverse sources, demand is hard to control. Therefore, the water conservancy satellite communications network reconstruction project scope is difficult to define, and project implementation process easily changed, the scope of the project scope management difficulties.This paper, by letter investigation, field investigation and expert users discussion consulting method, in-depth research status quo, collecting water conservancy satellite communications network project reform demand, and in-depth analysis, defines the project scope, and by using the top-down analysis method, formulated the water conservancy satellite communications network transformation project of a work breakdown structure, and define the project scope. In order to control the project scope, and analyzed the cause of the project scope changes may be potential factors, and in the light of these factors formulated the control project scope changes methods, including in-depth research, strengthen communication, establish change approved system, obligate sufficient project reserve, etc. On this basis, but also specifically formulated for water conservancy satellite communications network reconstruction project scope changes control standard operation procedure, it can be scientific, standardized, better change management control changes.The thesis research achievements, to ensure that the national satellite communicate network of water resources transformation project of complete smoothly, to achieve the anticipated target, to promote the construction of water resources satellite communicate network, for the long-term development of water resources undertakings provide reliable communication support, have very important sense.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【下载频次】88

