

Study on the Development of Express Industry in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 刘集思

【导师】 贾怀京;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,快递业作为一种新兴产业,备受人们关注。近年来,随着我国经济特别是电子商务的发展,我国快递业呈现迅猛发展态势,各种类型的快递业相继登场,在我国这块巨大的快递市场“蛋糕”上竞相发展。目前,我国快递业市场国有、民营、外资“三足鼎立”的多元化市场竞争格局已经确定,呈现竞相发展态势。快递业的归属问题也一直在业界争论不定。2009年4月24日新修订的《中华人民共和国邮政法》的颁布,从国家法律层面给快递业归属于邮政业范畴作了权威定论。那么随着新修订《邮政法》的深入实施,快递业面临的法律、政策、市场环境将发生深刻变化。在这样的新形势下,内蒙古快递业的现状如何,面临怎样的机遇和挑战,作为邮政管理部门如何通过政策制定和规范引导创造更好的发展环境,快递企业自身如何提高竞争力,使内蒙古快递业做大做强,这是值得深入思考的一个问题。本文本着提出问题—分析问题—解决问题的思路,采用实证分析、比较分析和SWOT分析方法,从快递业概念、我国快递业现状、特点以及影响快递业发展的内外部因素着手,重点以内蒙古快递业的现状、取得的成绩和存在的不足为依据,分析了影响内蒙古快递业发展的内外部因素,从政府管理部门的角度对促进内蒙古快递业发展的政策措施作以探讨。本文可能的创新点主要有:一是客观分析了影响快递业发展的内外部因素;二是通过比较分析了内蒙古快递业现状、取得的成绩和存在的不足以及影响内蒙古快递业发展的因素;三是分别对内蒙古不同资本类型的快递企业进行了SWOT分析;四是研究提出了内蒙古快递业发展的政策措施。本文的不足之处在于:一是对数据掌握不够全面。由于快递统计工作的局限性,本文所采用数据均由作者整理而成,数据不够全面,影响对事物的分析;二是由于对全国和内蒙古快递业发展态势和发展政策掌握不够,从宏观层面提出解决办法比较多,微观方面比较少,应进一步加强调查研究工作,充实基础数据材料,使论文更全面。

【Abstract】 As a newly-emerging industry, the express service has always been the focus of people’s concern all this time. In recent years, express industry in China is experiencing a trend of mushrooming with the development of national economy, especially the flourishing of electronic commerce. As a result, a variety of express services have entered the market in succession, which are competing for their respective development sharing the Chinese market, a giant cake for express industry. Presently, a kind of diversified market competition among the state-owned services, private ones and foreign-invested ones has been established, which stand like the three legs of a tripod. And a tendency of competitive development is becoming clear for all participants. But unfortunately, ascription of the express industry has not been determined within the industry itself and no conclusion concerning the problem has been reached yet. With the issuance of the newly amended Postal Law of the People’s Republic of China on April 24 of 2009, an authoritative resolution prescribed in the law was made, which states that the express industry is a part of postal industry. Following the further enforcement of the new Postal Law, the laws, policies, market environment, which the express industry is encountered with, are undergoing profound changes. Under such new circumstances, a lot of questions deserve thorough consideration such as what is the present express industry in Inner Mongolia is like, what challenges and opportunities are ahead, how could the postal administrative authorities create better competitive environment by establishing policies, specifying and guiding and how should the express enterprises boost their own competitiveness to strengthen and expand the express industry in Inner Mongolia. The paper is arranged in the pattern of problem—analysis—solution. It begins with the definition of express industry, the present situations and characteristics of our national express industry and the interior and exterior elements influencing the development of express industry in Inner Mongolia. Employing the methods of empirical analysis, comparative analysis and SWOT analysis, the paper analyzes the exterior factors which affect the development of express industry in Inner Mongolia according to the current conditions of express industry in Inner Mongolia, achievements gained and the existing limitations, on which this paper lays emphasis. And it further discusses the possible measures and policies to be made from the standpoint of the governmental administrative department. The creative points of this paper may include the following points:first, the exterior and interior factor affecting the development of express industry in Inner Mongolia is analyzed objectively; second, the current conditions of express industry in Inner Mongolia, achievement gained, existing limitations and the factors affecting the development of express industry in Inner Mongolia are analyzed in comparison; third, the express enterprises of different capital types in Inner Mongolia are respectively undergoing SWOT analysis; fourth, policies and measures for developing the express industry in Inner Mongolia are put forward. And the limitations of this paper are described as the following:first, the writer’s knowledge of data could be more all-round. Due to the limitation of statistical operation for express industry, the statistics in this paper are all gathered by the writer. With less all-round statistics, analysis is adversely affected; second, owing to an inadequate knowledge of the developing trends and policies of national express industry and the express industry in Inner Mongolia, more solutions on the macro level are provided than those on the micro level. Further strengthening of research work is needed to enrich elementary data so that the paper would be all-round.

  • 【分类号】F259.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】587

