

Using the Data Mining Method to Analysis the Diagnositic and Therapeutic Rules of TCM for Female Sterility

【作者】 刘红霞

【导师】 易法银;

【作者基本信息】 湖南中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:本课题以中医治疗女性不孕症的方剂数据为研究样本,采用数据挖掘方法对其方(药)、证(症)间的数据进行分析,研究探析中医治疗女性不孕症的规律。研究方法:通过查阅相关文献收集到中医治疗女性不孕症的方剂925首,利用Access2003构建女性不孕症方剂库(包括方剂表、药物表、症状表、药物加减表)。利用“中药复方分析系统”,选用频数统计、频繁集、关联规则、二维布尔关联、聚类分析等数据挖掘方法,展开对女性不孕症证候规律、用药规律、药-症关联、方-证对应等试验与分析。研究结果:通过对76种主要症状统计,总计出现4840频次,占到症状频次的95%,月经过少、经血夹块、经期后错、经色紫黯、乳房胀痛、腰膝无力、白带、善怒等为该病症的主要症状,症状组合统计分析与之吻合,这与该病症的血瘀、肾虚、肝郁、痰湿等主要病机相符。不孕症类方中使用中药有342味,共使用9548频次,通过对28种主要药物统计,总计出现5370频次,当归、白芍药、川芎、熟地、菟丝子、赤芍药、柴胡、淫羊藿、白术、茯苓、枸杞子等为核心药物,主要包含养血、活血、补肾、疏肝、健脾等几类药,药对药组、药物关联统计分析与之相符,与女性不孕症的虚、瘀、郁、湿等为基本病理因素相对应。同时,通过药-症关联、方-证对应、药物聚类分析,也与上述结果基本一致。研究结论:本病症临床上重视中医传统四诊合参辨证,高度重视月经色、质望诊和月经周期、经期、经量的问诊,临床上也要重视带下症状以及与本病症相关的腹部、腰部、乳房等部位证候和舌脉征象采集。临床用药要针对“肾虚、血瘀、肝郁、痰湿”等基本病机,主要选用补肾、养血、活血、疏肝、补气、健脾、祛湿等功效药物,应据临床病机偏重兼顾之,尤其应注意加强调理气血、肝肾同治、脾肾并治,也重视对冲任二脉不通加具有通络之功的对症药物,根据不孕症的不同原发病也需加相应对病对症药物。

【Abstract】 Objectives:Based on research samples of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) prescriptions to treat female sterility, this paper adopts data excavation method to analyze relative prescriptions, drugs and symptoms, and aims to explore TCM diagnostic and therapeutic rules in female sterility.Methods:After consulting related literatures, this paper has collected 925 TCM prescriptions to treat female sterility. Then, these prescriptions have been used by Access2003 database to build up a prescription library, which consists of prescription table, drug table, symptom table, drug addition and subtraction table. Based on analysis system for TCM, this paper uses frequency statistics, frequency sets, association rules, two dimension Boolean association rules, cluster analysis and some other Data Mining to carry out tests and analysis about female sterility distribution of symptoms, regulations of medicine usage, medicine-sickness connection and prescription-sign relevance.Results:This paper has made a statistics on 76 main symptoms,4840 frequency has appeared in total, which account for 95% in all symptoms. Scanty periods, blood clot, menstrual disorder, dark purple color, breast pain, waist-leg weakness, vaginal discharge, irritability and so on are the main symptoms of female sterility, which confirm to statistical analysis of symptoms and blood stasis, deficiency of the kidney, stagnation of liver-QI, phlegmatic hygrosis and some other pathogenesis. The prescriptions to treat female sterility of 342 medicinal herbs, which are used 9548 frequency in total. Though the statistics of 28 main species medicinal herbs,5370 frequency has used in total. Chinese angelica, radix paeoniae alba, chuanxiong, rehmannia, dodder, radix paeoniae rubra, bupleurum, epimedium, atractylodes, poria cocos and medlar are key medicinal herbs, which have the effect of nourishing the blood, invigorating the circulation of blood, tonifying kidney, sootheing the liver, tonifying spleen. The above results are correspond to drug related statistical analysis and the pathological factors of female sterility, such as, weak, stagnant, gloomy, humid. Meanwhile, the medicine sickness connection, prescription-sign relevance and medicine cluster analysis also prove the above results.Conclusions:To treat female sterility, the four diagnostic methods of TCM (observation; auscultation and olfaction; interrogation; pulse feeling and palpation) should be valued, including menstrual color, menstrual quality, menstrual cycle, menstrual period, the amount of menstrual. Clinically, vaginal discharge symptoms, and the symptoms of abdomen, waist, breast and some other position related to female sterility should be heeded. For deficiency of the kidney, blood stasis, stagnation of liver-QI, phlegmatic hygrosis and some other pathogenesis of female sterility, the Clinical medicine we used should have the effect of tonifying kidney nourishing the blood, invigorating the circulation of blood, sootheing the liver, tonifying Qi, tonifying spleen and clearing damp. Clinically, Qi and blood, liver and kidney, spleen and kindney should be treated at the same time. For the obstruction of Chong and Ren pulse, the corresponding drugs should be used. In addition, according to the different primary affection of female sterility, the corresponding symptomatic drugs should be used. Nourishing the blood, invigorating the circulation of blood, tonifying kidney, sootheing the liver, tonifying spleen.


