

On the Principle of Human Common Interests in Private International Law

【作者】 宋文婧

【导师】 王利民;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际私法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人类共同利益有着历史悠久的理论渊源,从古至今一直受到法学学者的关注。当今世界,国际社会所面对的共同的、重大的危机性问题,如和平问题、人权问题、环境问题等,更使得人类共同利益凸显出来。而伴随着国际交往的加深尤其是经济全球化的发展,人类共同利益也不断扩展。国际和平事业和人类社会持续的发展要求国家、民族乃至个人实施各项活动不应损害人类共同利益。作为调整国际民商事法律关系的国际私法,有必要构建一个和谐、公平的国际民商事秩序来更好地去追求人类的共同利益。在国际私法的发展与改革中,以及在国际私法有关人类生存、发展的重要领域中,人类共同利益原则都得以展现并发挥着积极重要的作用。我国相应地为维护人类共同利益作出了巨大努力,但同时也存在一定的不足。在国际私法立法、司法实践中实现好人类共同利益原则,对于我国国际私法制度的完善、为人类的共同和谐发展作出贡献具有应然性和必然性。本文分为四部分,将理论、具体制度以及案例相结合来论述国际私法中的人类共同利益原则。第一部分从法理的角度阐述了人类共同利益的含义、人类共同利益原则的内涵以及国际私法中人类共同利益产生的原因;第二部分通过对历史及当代法学学者的学说进行分析论述了国际私法中人类共同利益原则的理论基础;第三部分介绍了国际私法的发展与变革中所体现出人类共同利益原则的思想,以及在与人类共同利益息息相关的人权领域、知识产权领域、环境保护领域有关国际私法方面的人类共同利益原则的应用;第四部分结合了我国的实际情况,肯定我国国际私法在实现人类共同利益原则所作出的努力,同时也指出了立法司法方面存在的缺陷,并提出实现人类共同利益原则的构想。

【Abstract】 The theory of human common interests has a long history of theoretic origin, always catches the attention from the legal scholors. Nowadays, the international society faces common and major issues, such as the crisis of peace, human rights and environmental issues, meanwhile, it takes that the human common interests are increasing obvious in every areas. Besides, with the deepening of international communication, especially the development of economic globalization, human common interests continue to expanding the meaning. Because of the requirements of the International peace career and the continued development of human society, the goverment and even personal should not harm the human public interests when they implement various activities. Private international law, which is the law that adjust the internatioanl legal relations of the civil and commercial, should construct a hamonious and fair international civil and commercial order to pursue the common interests of human. In the development and reform of the private international law, and the important fields which is close to the homan suvial and development, the principle of human common interests plays the important roles. The courntry make great efforts for the safeguarding human common intreats accordingly, but it also exist some disadvantages in private international law. In order to perfect the private international law and protect the human common interests, the courntry must obey the principle of the human common interests in the legislation and judical.This paper is divided into four parts, that will discuss the human common interests pricple of private international law with the thery, legal system and case.The first part expounds the meaning of common interests, the connotation of human public interests and the causes of human public interest in the private international law. The second part analyzes the basic theory of the human common interests principle in the private international law through historical and contemporary legal scholars’doctrine. The third part introduces that the development and reform of private international law appear the human common interests principle, and the human common interests principle in human rights field, intellectual property right field and environmental protection field that is closely linked with the human common interest. The fourth part combines with the actual situation in our country, it will realize the efforts for carry out the human common interests principle, and also point out the defects of legislation and judiciature. Meanwhile, it gives some corresponding Suggestions.

  • 【分类号】D997
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】156

