

Study on the Information Security of China in New Century

【作者】 谭耀远

【导师】 史春林;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息革命的爆发和科学技术的发展,特别是信息网络技术广泛应用于社会经济生活的各个领域,人们对信息安全的认识得到了进一步的深化和扩展。在信息全球化的今天,信息安全作为非传统安全已经成为国家安全的一个重要因素,将直接影响到国家的经济安全、政治安全、军事安全、社会安全、文化安全等。党的十六届四中全会首次把信息安全提升到与政治安全、国防安全、经济安全同等重要的全局性战略地位。在新世纪综合国力竞争异常激烈,国际局势瞬息万变的形势下,围绕着信息安全保障、信息资源争夺等一系列信息安全问题,已成为国家安全领域中的重大课题。本文试图通过对我国信息安全现状的分析,以全面的视角探求保障我国信息安全的对策。第一章主要说明了本文选题的意义,该领域的研究现状,以及研究方法和创新之处。第二章以信息安全的产生和发展为切入点,详细介绍了信息安全的内涵、特点,并结合我国具体国情阐明了信息安全的重要地位。第三章通过总结近年来我国在信息安全方面的成就,深入挖掘当前中国信息安全存在的主要问题并分析我国信息安全问题产生的原因,全面阐述了当前我国信息安全的现状。第四章基于我国信息安全的现状探讨保障我国信息安全的对策。主要包括提高全民安全意识,树立综合安全观。根据我国基本国情加大中国信息安全保障的投入,完善信息安全管理机制和法律机制,借鉴国外信息安全保障的有益经验,加强国际交流与合作。

【Abstract】 With the outbreak of information revolution and the rapid development of science and technology, especially the extensive application of information network technology in the socio-economic life in various fields, the awareness of national security has been further deepened and expanded. In the information globalization today, information security has become an important factor in national security information security has become an important factor in national security, will directly affect national economic security, political security, military security, social security, cultural security and so on. The Sixteenth Party Central Committee upgrade the information security to overall strategic position as important as the political security, national security, and economic security in the first time. The competition of comprehensive national strength in today is highly, the international situation rapidly changing. Around the protection of information security, competition of information resources and so on a series of information security issues, become a major issue in the security field.This article attempts to analysis the status quo of the question in China’s information security to explore the measures of protection information security in China by a comprehensive perspective. The first chapter explains the significance of this topic, the research status in the field, and research methods and innovation. The second chapter use the emergence and development of information security as the starting point, detailing introduce the content and features of the information security, combining of specific national conditions in China clarify the importance status of information. The third chapter summarizes our recent achievements in information security, in-depth dig the current major problems in information security in China and analysis the causes of the problem of information security, in-depth analysis the current status of information security. The fourth Chapter base on the status of our information security protection of information security countermeasures. Including improved national security awareness, and establish comprehensive security concept. According to China’s basic national conditions of China to increase investment in information security, and improve information security management mechanism and legal system, drawing on the useful foreign experience in information security, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation.

【关键词】 新世纪中国信息安全保障
【Key words】 New centuryChinaInformation securitySecurity

