

【作者】 卡里内(Karine Pablos Calligaris)

【导师】 贾德贤;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 临床中药学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在传统医学发展的历史长河中,一些如波斯,阿拉伯和中国的医学扮演了十分重要的角色。在九、十世纪间,中国和这些中东国家对医学知识的交流尤其频繁,其中也包括来自欧洲一些国家的相关知识,使得亚洲大陆两端地区的治疗技术更为丰富,而就因为如此,在当时的葡萄牙药店里,我们能找到来自中国的药物,并在十八世纪葡萄牙的许多医学资料中也能查到一系列关于很多来自于东方动植物药品的记载。葡萄牙耶稣会士在澳门的圣保禄学院对这些药物进行了亲身的试验和使用,因此他们对这些药物的宣传和引进起着至关重要的作用。鉴于这些历史事件,我们尝试通过研究葡萄牙人和中国人对石蚕的认识,分析中国和葡萄牙两国之间在医学上的相互影响,进而产生了一种新的混合医学的过程。本论文共为五章第一章中葡医学交流状况:中葡医学用药交流的历史介绍、十六世纪澳门医疗状况、澳门圣保禄学院的秘方、澳门耶稣会士秘方中中西医并用情况、澳门耶稣会士秘方对葡萄牙药学著作的影响。第二章历史上石蚕的应用状况:古代葡萄牙文献中石蚕用于发烧的状况、石蚕在葡萄牙主要药学著作中的记载、石蚕在中国主要药学著作中的记载、对石蚕品种的认识和讨论。第三章石蚕在世界其他各国的现代研究状况:英文文献对于Teucrium和Stachys的认识。第四章石蚕在中国的现代应用和研究状况:中文文献对于Teucrium和Stachys的认识。第五章讨论和总结:(1)中葡古代书籍对石蚕的认识:从古今中葡医学书籍中对石蚕认识状况的分析,我们可推断中国和葡萄牙两国在用药上的间接相互影响。这种间接影响主要由阿拉伯人于五、六世纪前后与东、西方同时进行贸易及文化交流时开始。阿拉伯人和世界各地交往联系之中的成果之一,就是他们对许多国家的医学及植物的应用所产生的影响,如葡萄牙医学和中国医学对石蚕的认识。通过研究石蚕的古今记载我们能确认中医和葡萄牙医学之间的这种间接相互影响。(2)世界各国关于石蚕化学成分、毒性成分、临床应用及药理作用的研究:从研究结果我们可以证实知道,石蚕不管归类于Teucrium还是Stachys,这两种药物都具有类似化学成分及重要的临床价值,可用于治疗一系列常见疾病,如癌症和各种炎症、糖尿病等。希望这篇论文可以重新引起中国科研人员对石蚕进一步的重视,并能够挖掘出对于其他疾病可能具有的治疗功效,从而对中国现代医学作出贡献。

【Abstract】 All throughout the worldwide development history of traditional healing practices, the persian, arab, greek and chinese medicines played a fundamental and important role in the use of medicinal plants. The highlights of such outgrow were mainly intensified starting from the 9th and 10th centuries AD. While an exchange of medical knowledge started to exist between China and several Arab speaking countries even before, part of such expertise had also undoubtedly been inherited from the mediterranean world, thus this east-west interchange enabled the art of healing on both extremes of the asian continent to become ever richer. Thus, it’s difficult even when nowadays one tries to analyze different chinese remedies the portuguese used in medicine (16/17/18th century), since Europe (specially the southwest) had also received an earlier arab influence as well as China, thus also determining both east and west medical practices. Still, several portuguese herbal classical written works of the 18th century list such an immensity of medicinal plants of asian origin. In the process of introduction and exchange of western medical knowledge in China, one must not however discard the crucial role the portuguese Jesuits had in promoting and introducing new experimental ways as herbs were tested and utilized in their own colleges, infermeries and apothecaries, specially after the arrival of the Jesuit order to Macao and consequent construction of the Saint Paul’s college (first western university in Asia). Under such historical base and through the analysis of one medicinal plant:Teucrium sp(石蚕),across this study, we purpose to trace back the mutual influence in the area of medical sciences either in China and Portugal, using this herb has a reference for the appearance of a mixed or integrated kind of medicine.This thesis is composed of 5 chapters:Chapter 1. Researching the mutual influence in traditional medicines, in Portugal and China:Historical introduction, Interchange process between western and chinese medicines started in 16th century Macao; Secret herbal formulas of the Jesuits from the St. Paul’s College in Macao; The use of herbal medicines of oriental and western origin used by the jesuits; The influence this mixed medicine created by the Jesuits in Macao had in the portuguese pharmacopeas.Chapter 2. Historical background of the medicinal herb Teucrium(石蚕)Teucrium(石蚕)in the treatment of fever according with the Portuguese references; Research on Teucrium(石蚕)in the portuguese herbal medicine classical written works; Study of Teucrium(石蚕)in chinese herbal medicine classical written works; The classification and use of Teucrium(石蚕)according to contemporary chinese bibliography.Chapter 3. West clinical usage of Teucrium(石蚕)Research study on international english written articles referring Teucrium and Stachys.Chapter 4. Chinese clinical usage of Teucrium(石蚕)Research study on chinese published articles referring Teucrium(石蚕).Chapter 5. Discussion and Conclusion:Conclusion over the discussion on the classical portuguese and chinese botanical-medical knowledge over the plant, Teucrium(石蚕)Analyzing the portuguese and chinese herbal classical data, we conclude the expertise both of these medical systems hold about the plant(石蚕)may reflect that a mutual influence existed in the area of herbal medicine between China and the west, manly through an earlier interchange with arab speaking countries (during the 9th and 10th centuries A.D.), and such influence is predominately seen as result of the clinical usage of the plant.Discussion and conclusion over the contemporary scientific knowledge China and the rest of the world have concerning Teucrium sp. and Stachys sp. From the analysis of several published articles covering studies on both these medicinal plants, we come to the conclusion that regardless石蚕is classified as Teucrium sp. or Stachys sp., both hold essentially the same chemical constituents and have an extensive clinical value when dealing with a whole range of diseases considered difficult to treat such as cancer, diabetes, rheumatism, etc. Unfortunately, such species of medicinal plants among the chinese scientific community, the researchs for both Teucrium sp. and Stachys sp. has yet to flourish.We hope this research will serve to incentive the chinese scientists and doctors to recognize the clinical and scientific value of石蚕so it may become an important bibliographic key reference on the contemporary herbal knowledge, thus contributing to improve the therapeutical efficacy when dealing with various diseases forthcoming an advancement of chinese medicine.

【关键词】 石蚕TeucriumStachys耶稣会士中葡医学
【Key words】 Jesuitsshicanportuguese and chinese medicineStachysTeucrium
  • 【分类号】R282
  • 【下载频次】54

