

【作者】 朴珉贞

【导师】 白彦萍;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医外科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 针灸作为一种传统的中医疗法,在治疗银屑病上有显著的临床疗效。本研究观察了电针治疗银屑病模型的病理改变,探讨了针灸对银屑病的治疗机理,为针灸治疗银屑病的推广运用提供了理论依据。文献综述分针灸治疗银屑病临床研究进展和银屑病的中医动物模型研究进展两部分。针灸治疗银屑病临床研究进展概况,主要归纳了针灸治疗工具的选择及穴位的选择:综述了中医动物模型研究的模型的类型、实验方法、药物及作用机理,并在此基础上进行评述和总结。实验目的:通过应用电针对银屑病豚鼠模型的实验研究,证实该法的有效性;并从病理学探讨该法的治疗机理,评价其治疗银屑病的疗效,为针灸治疗本病提供了理论基础。实验方法:选择豚鼠作为实验动物,将豚鼠随机分成3组:空白对照组、造模后观察组、造模后电针治疗组。造模后观察组及造模后电针治疗组豚鼠给予5%普萘洛尔搽剂外涂耳部皮肤,使局部产生银屑病样改变,制造银屑病豚鼠模型。其中,造模后电针治疗组给予电针治疗。空白对照组和造模后观察组不予任何治疗,观察局部皮损及病理变化,并相互对比。实验结果:肉眼观察豚鼠双耳皮损形态,治疗前,给予5%普萘洛尔搽剂外涂耳部皮肤的两组豚鼠,局部皮肤产生明显的银屑病样改变。空白对照组豚鼠耳部皮肤表现为光滑菲薄,颜色淡粉红,毛发浓密有光泽,紧贴皮肤;造模后观察组豚鼠耳部皮肤表现为毛发部分脱落无毛根,部分豚鼠耳背局部皮肤色红、可见暗红斑,肥厚,上覆银白色鳞屑,毛细血管扩张明显,与空白对照组相比有明显差异;电针治疗组豚鼠耳部皮肤表现为双侧耳廓皮肤基本恢复正常,而空白对照组豚鼠双侧耳廓皮损变化不明显。光镜下观察,空白对照组豚鼠耳部皮肤的组织学观察可见菲薄的角质层,颗粒层约1~3层,棘层细胞约3-5层,呈多角形,基底层为单层柱状细胞,表皮突平坦,真皮浅层稀疏散在的淋巴细胞浸润,毛细血管扩张不明显;造模后观察组镜下可见广泛角化过度及角化不全,其中可看到Munro微脓疡,颗粒层变薄或消失,棘层明显肥厚,表皮突呈波浪状起伏,真皮浅层及乳头部毛细血管扩张、充血,血管周围可见单一核及形核细胞浸润;电针治疗组镜下轻度角化不全,棘层变薄,表皮突明显变平近于消失,真皮少量毛细血管扩张,单一核及多形核细胞浸润现象减少,未见Munro微脓疡。造模两组的皮及组织病理表现符合银屑病组织病理表现,且组织学Baker评分和炎症细胞浸润评分与空白相比明显升高,统计学上有显著性差异(P<0.01),证明银屑病的豚鼠模型建立成功。而电治疗组组织学Baker评分和炎症细胞浸润评分与造模后观察组相比明显降低,统计学上有显性差异(P<0.01),且实验豚鼠各主要脏器未发现组织病理学改变。结论:银屑病豚鼠模型造模成功,电针可改善豚鼠耳部银屑病样皮损症状及其病理特征安全有效。

【Abstract】 Being a traditional Chinese medicine treatment, acupuncture has a remarkable effect on psoriasis. Our study is to observe the pathological change of electroacupuncture on psoriasis model, exploring the therapeutic mechanism of acupuncture for psoriasis, and to supply evidence for the expanding application of electroacupuncture therapy in treating psoriasis. This thesis contains literature review and experimental research.Literature Review is divided into the clinical research progress of acupuncture treatment and the Animal Models of psoriasis. With regards to the overview of clinical study on acupuncture treatment of psoriasis, this paper summaries the selection methods of acupuncture point and treatment equipment. Besides, this article illustrates the common types of Animal models, experimental methods, pharmacological & pharmacokinetic and efficacy characteristics.Purpose:The aims of the paper are to study the influence of electro-acupuncture (EA) on the guinea pig model with psoriasis. We examined the treatment of psoriasis by using EA, evaluated its efficacy and explored the mechanism. Additionally, we compared the differences between symptoms before and after acupuncture treatment, and between groups to better understand its mechanisms. Methods:30 guinea pigs were randomly and evenly divided into 3 groups:the control group, the observation group and the EA treatment group. The observation group and the EA treatment group were given 5% Propranolol liniment on ear skin to generate psoriasis-like changes as guinea pig models of psoriasis, while no intervention was conducted in control group. EA treatment group received EA treatment, while the control group and the observation group didn’t receive any treatment. Then local skin lesions and pathological changes were observed and were compared among groups.Results:Before treatment, the control group showed smooth and meager, pale pink, hair thick and shiny, close to the skin, while the two groups which were given 5% propranolol liniment appeared significant and psoriasis-like changes on ears. After treatment, the observation group performed as parts of losing hair or no hair roots, as well as some parts of the ear skin were red, were observed visible dark erythema, hypertrophy, overlying silver-white scales, and telangiectasia compared to the control group; EA treatment group showed bilateral auricular skin returned to normal, while those in control group did not improve. The ear skin changes in control group can be seen by using microscopy, such as meager stratum corneum, about 1 to 3 granular layers,3-5 layers of polygonal acanthae cells, simple column basal cells, epidermal suddens flat, sparse scattered superficial dermal infiltration of lymphocytes, and unobvious telangiectasia, etc; in observation group, hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis as well as Munro micro-abscesses were found, granular layer became thinner or disappeared, hypertrophic acanthosis fluctuated, and capilliaries in superficial layer and papilla expanded and congested; in EA treatment group, slight parakeratosis was observed, spinous laye became thinner, the epidermis flatted or almost disappeared, a small amount of dermal capilliarie expanded, mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cell infiltrated less around vessels, and Muni micro-abscesses have not been found yet. The pathological appearances of skin lesions on guinea pig were in accordance with the histopathology performance of psoriasis in observation group and the E treatment group. Furthermore, histological Baker score and inflammatory cell infiltration scol increased significantly compared to those in the control group (P<0.01), which demonstrated tr guinea pig model can be used in studying psoriasis. On the contrary, Baker score and inflammatoi cell infiltration score of the EA treatment group was significantly lower than the observation group(( <0.01). Additionally, histo-pathological changes were not found in major organs of guinea pigs.Conclusion:The guinea pig model can be used to generate psoriasis-like skin changes, and also EA recognized as a safe and effective treatment to improve ear skin lesions and pathological changes c the guinea pig with psoriasis.

【关键词】 银屑病动物实验针刺电针
【Key words】 PsoriasisAcupunctureAnimal experimentsElectroacupuncture

