

【作者】 张晓燕

【导师】 张奎明;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “教师教育大学化”理念已得到世界范围的认可,是不可逆转的历史潮流,世界上许多发达国家如美国、英国等早已完成这一进程。我国在二十世纪九十年代也步入大学化阶段,国内学者也对这一课题做了许多研究。但这些研究多集中在与国外发达国家的比较研究和我国综合性大学内教师教育专业建设等方面,全面论述我国教师教育大学化发展进程、存在问题并加以化解的文章是比较少的。本文就在分析我国教师教育大学化现状的基础上,针对我国特有的国情,对如何实现中国现有教师教育体制向大学化的教师教育体制圆满过渡进行初步的探讨。本研究的主干部分遵循“历史审视-经验借鉴-现实观照-展望未来”的总体思路,重点在于分析我国教师教育大学化的现状并针对其中存在的问题提出相应改革措施。文章第一部分回顾我国教师教育大学化的发展历程,意在厘清我国教师教育与大学的关系。美国是世界上最早完成教师教育大学化的国家之一,它在建立教师教育质量保障机制等方面都有许多先进经验值得借鉴,分析美国的经验可以帮助我国更加科学高效的实施教师教育大学化战略。我国在教师教育大学化的过程中存在的主要问题有:一是教师教育大学化过程中教育资源没有得到改善,表现在优质教育资源参与教师教育的积极性不大、原有优质教师教育资源在大学化过程中流失严重、合并后的地方师范院校教师教育资源不增反减;是综合性大学参与教师教育存在质量隐患,具体表现在认识不足,重视程度不够、经验不足,学科基础不强、生源不足;三是教师教育“边缘化”倾向严重;四是偏重教育科研、轻视教师培养;五是教师资格证书制度不完善。对此文章第四部分提出相应对策,包括:加强政府的引导和政策支持,引进和稳定优质教育资源;加大教育投入和监督,保证地方院校教师教育质量;加强教师教育学院建设,提升教师教育质量;加强教师教育学院建设,提升教师教育质量;实现教师资格制度与教师聘任制度的全方位对接;借鉴经验,构建适合我国的教师教育质量保障机制。

【Abstract】 The Philosophy of "universitising of teacher education" has been Recognized in the world, which can’t been irrversibled. Marry countries in the world like England and American have finished this process. Our country starts the process in last century of Nineties. Some scholars did a lot of research also. But the research usually focus on other countries. In this paper the universitising of teacher education analyses based on the present situation of peculiar, aiming at China. as to how to realize China education system present teachers to the colleging of teacher education system perfection transition are preliminarily discussed.This study of trunk follow the "historical examine-experience learning-the reality of the witness-looking to the future", the key is the overall thought of universitising of teacher education analyzed the status quo and in view of existent problems put forward corresponding reform measures. The first part of reviewing the universitising of teacher education development course of education and teachers in our country to clarify the relationship between university. The United States is the world the earliest completion teacher education university of one of the state in education, it establishes the teacher quality guarantee mechanism etc have many advanced experience is worth using for reference, analyzing American experience can help China more scientific and effective implementation of teachers education colleging strategy Our teacher education in the colleging of the main problems existing in the process:One is the teacher education university education resources in the process, not improved in quality education resources performance in the enthusiasm of education is teacher education resource the original high-quality teachers in university electrolyzing process of erosion, normal colleges combined place does not increase the education resources teachers subtraction; 2 it is comprehensive university education existence in teachers, the specific performance quality hidden trouble in understanding inadequacy, enough attention, lack of experience, the base of the discipline is not strong, the students’ shortage; Three teachers education "marginal" tendency is serious; Emphasis on education scientific research, four is depreciate teacher training; 5 is the teacher certification system is imperfect. This article the fourth part puts forward appropriate countermeasures, including:strengthening the government guidance and policy support, introduction and stable quality education resources Increase the education input and supervision, ensuring that education quality; local college teachers Strengthen the construction of teachers education college education quality, improving teachers; Strengthen the construction of teachers education college education quality, improving teachers; Realizing teacher certification system and teachers’ employment system of all-round docking; Experience in China, to construct the teacher education quality guarantee system.


