

【作者】 李彬晓

【导师】 杨昭宁;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 时间距离(Temporal distance)是指人们主观感知到的从事件发生到现在时间长短,它不同于平常所说的客观时间距离。在以往的研究中,知觉到的时间距离和客观时间距离往往是混淆的。虽然客观时间距离和主观感知到的时间距离是有联系的,但如果将二者等同的话,就不能确定时间距离是否会影响人们的思维、感觉和行为。最近的研究发现时间距离具有独立性,但这些研究多是直接操作时间距离为自变量,而很少探究影响时间距离的因素。本文着重探讨情绪强度对时间距离的影响。本研究假设情绪强度能够缩短人们知觉到的时间距离,情感强度越强,人们知觉的时间距离越短。研究一针对尴尬情绪事件,采取单因素(描述类型:中性描述vs情感型描述)完全随机实验设计,要求被试在情绪唤醒的同时,知觉与尴尬事件的时间距离;研究二使用过去和将来事件,采取2(描述类型:中性描述vs情感性描述)×2(事件发生时态:过去vs未来)的被试间实验设计,要求被试在情绪唤醒状态下知觉时间距离。实验采用SPSS 19.0统计软件包录入和分析处理数据。结果表明:(1)对于尴尬情境,人们的情绪唤醒水平越高,情绪强度越大,则知觉的时间距离越短。(2)对于过去和未来的考试或竞争情境,无论是过去发生的事件还是未来将要发生的事件,人们投入的感情越强烈,情绪强度越大,就越容易缩短人们知觉该事件的时间距离。(3)虽然知觉流畅性与时间距离有关,但是情感强度对时间距离的影响并不归因于它。

【Abstract】 Temporal distance refers to the perceived length of time, which is different from objective temporal distance. In previous researches, perceived temporal distance and objective distance are mixed. Although both are associated with each other, operationalizing psychological distance as objective distance makes it impossible to ascertain whether temporal distance influences people’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior independent of objective distance. Recent studies show that temporal distance is independent on objective distance. But these researches explore temporal distance directly, and few focus on aspects of influencing temporal distance. The theme mainly explores that emotional intensity impacts on temporal distance.The hypothesis of the paper is that emotional intensity reduces perceived psychological distance. The stronger the emotional intensity, the closer the temporal distance. Study 1 adopted a single factor random experimental design, which focus on an event of embarrassing moments. Participants were asked to perceive temporal distance of the embarrassing events when they were awakened. In Study 2, a past or future test was used with 2(emotionality:emotional description vs neutral description)×2(tense:past vs future) between-subjects design to investigate perceived temporal distance. Data were recorded and analysed by SPSS 19.0. The results were concluded as follows:(1) For embarrassing events, the higher the level of person’s emotional arousal, the stronger the emotional intensity, and the shorter the temporal distance.(2) For a past or future test, people used much more feelings, the greater the emotional intensity, which reduced the perceived temporal distance.(3) Although perceptual fluency was associated with perceived psychological distance, the effect of manipulated emotionality on psychological temporal distance was not attributable to fluency.


