

A Study on the Present Situation of English Teachers’ Reflective Teaching in Rural Middle Schools

【作者】 王光云

【导师】 宋维华;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年来,反思性教学成为国内外教育界研究的热点问题之一,也是当前我国进行的教育改革实践中具有理论价值和实践意思的重要的课题。我国目前正在进行新一轮的基础教育课程改革,教师专业素质的发展受到巨大的挑战,尤其是当前我国社会经济正在发生深刻的变化,国际间的合作和竞争日趋激烈,时代的变化要求新的时代精神和教育理念,所以英语教师只有不断的提高自身的素质才能在新的教育改革时间中提升自身的专业化素质。长期以来,农村地区的英语教学状况不令人满意。目前我国的农村中学英语教师队伍整体上存在着学历层次偏低,年龄分布不均,学科结构失衡等多方面的结构性问题。作为英语基础教育课程改革的重要组成部分,英语学科的教学历来是农村教学的一个薄弱的环节。由于农村英语教师处于一种相对封闭的文化环境当中,其教师的专业化发展显得有尤为重要,教学反思又是目前促进英语教师专业发展的有力的措施,因此研究农村中学英语教师的反思性教学现状显得尤为的迫切。本研究建立在对国内外相关文献阅读分析的基础上,结合研究者在日照市某县十多年的生活经历,对该县区域内经济发展水平不同的七处乡镇的一百六十位老师的反思性教学现状做了调查和访谈,本研究旨在解决三个方面的问题:目前该县农村中学英语教师的反思教学现状是怎么样的呢?影响该县农村中学英语教师反思教学的因素有哪些呢?该采取怎么样的措施去解决呢?本文共分为七章。第一章介绍了论文研究提出的时代背景,价值和研究的意义。第二章综述了国内外的研究现状及其理论基础,包括反思性教学的定义、结构、内容等,以及国内外对反思性教学及英语教师反思性教学的研究。第三章主要介绍了研究的对象和研究方法的选取,主要采用文献研究法,调查问卷及访谈法对该县区域内经济发展水平不同的乡镇英语教师进行调查访谈,从而发现目前农村中学英语教师反思性教学存在的主要的问题。第四章主要是对调查结果的分析,主要对教师队伍基本情况,反思性教学现状及影响反思性教学的因素方面进行了分析。第五章主要对农村中学英语教师反思性教学现状的成因分析。第六章主要针对此现状尝试提出了一些对策及建议,包括加大投入的力度,加强学校的文化建设,突出职后教育和培训的针对性等,以此来促进农村英语教师的专业发展。最后一章对论文进行了总结。

【Abstract】 In the last few years, the reflective teaching has become an important topic which has the theoretical value and the realistic meaning in our country’s current educational reform practice; it has also become one of the heated educational topics at home and abroad. At present, our country is carrying on the new round elementary education curriculum reform, so teacher’s professional quality development meets the huge challenge, especially at present, our country’s social economy is having the deep transformation, and international cooperation and competition is becoming intense day by day. So the change of the times requests the new spirits and the new educational concepts, therefore, only if the English teachers have their own quality of unceasing enhancement can they promote their specialized quality in the new educational reform.Since long ago, English teaching condition is not satisfying in the rural areas. At present, there are many constitutive problems in our country rural middle schools, such as teachers’low certificate, the unequal distribution of age, unbalanced education structure and so on. As an important component of English elementary education, English teaching has been a backward link in rural middle schools. As rural English teacher is in one kind of relative backward cultural environment, so teacher’s professional development plays an important role in his teaching. The reflective teaching is also the powerful measure to promote English teacher’s career development, therefore, it is very important to study English teacher’s current reflective teaching situation in the rural middle schools.This thesis is based on the foundation of literature analysis at home and abroad, and the author unifies his more than ten years’life experience in Rizhao city to carry on this research. Moreover, the author makes the questionnaire and interview about 160 teachers’current reflective teaching situation in seven different economic development towns. This thesis focuses on the three main questions:(1) How is the current situation of English teacher’s reflective teaching in this county town? (2) What causes to English teachers’reflective teaching? (3) How to solve the problems?This article consists of seven chapters. The first chapter mainly refers to background, value and significance of the study. The second chapter refers to the reflective teaching research at home and abroad and the theoretical basis, it mainly includes the definition of reflective teaching, the structure of reflective teaching, and the contents of reflective teaching and so on. The third chapter is about the research subjects and methods; the author mainly uses the literature methodology, the questionnaire and the interview to carry on the investigation about English teachers of different economic development level in this county town, thus discovering the current main problems of English teacher’s reflective teaching in these rural middle schools. The fourth chapter is mainly about the data analysis, the author mainly carries on the analysis of teachers’basic situation, the current reflective teaching situation and the influential factors and so on. The fifth chapter is mainly about the major findings on English teacher’s current reflective teaching situation in these rural middle schools. The sixth chapter is mainly aimed at proposing some feasible strategies to this rural middle schools, such as, enlarging the educational expenditure investment, strengthening school cultural reconstruction, carrying out different forms of continuing education, in order to promote rural middle schools English teachers’career development.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】377

