

【作者】 许晓倩

【导师】 刘徐州;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法学理论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 1985年,我国开展了全面的普法宣传工作,司法部、中宣部明确要求“……广播、电视……等部门都应当把加强法制宣传教育、普及法律常识作为经常的重要任务”。为响应政策,北京人民广播电台于上世纪90年代创办《法制天地》。经过十多年的发展,《法制天地》成绩斐然,但在新媒体冲击下,其传播效果会有什么变化,怎样取得更好的传播效果,如何在激烈的竞争中获得生存空间……本文包含绪论在内共分为五个部分,其中二至四章是本论文的主体部分。在绪论中,笔者着重介绍了本文的选题背景、研究意义、研究方法、论文的创新及不足之处。新媒体的冲击、受众的日益细分等是本文的选题背景。第一章,本人对相关研究进行系统分类。近几年,实务界对广播法制节目的发展提出诸多思考,如广播法制节目如何采制、如何准确无误的使用法律、如何体现应有的人文关怀、如何做好广播法制节目以及广播法制节目法制存在的问题等。笔者对上述前辈的思考进行消化、吸收,以期能够“再创新”,能在广播法制节目研究这一领域走得更远些。在第二章中,笔者重点阐述《法制天地》的生存环境、发展状况以及传播特征。《法制天地》走过的十年,是中国政治、经济、文化领域发生翻天覆地变化的十年,是传媒环境剧烈变化的十年。可以说,当前中国政治、社会、法律等诸方面的“宏观”需求决定了广播法制节目成长与发展。有了生存的土壤,播下了希望的种子,就需要施肥、浇水、灌溉,这种节目才可以更好地“成长”。所谓的施肥、浇水、灌溉也就是其传播特征。《法制天地》的传播符号包括广播语言、广播音响、广播音乐。在不同的版块下,侧重的传播符号又有所不同。在第三章中,笔者重点讨论《法制天地》目前的传播效果以及新媒体的出现对广播法制节目的影响,并探讨相关原因。研究传播效果首先需要界定评价标准。在本文中,笔者采取“受众本位”的观点。为获得听众的相关资料,笔者采取问卷调查方式,对听众的收听习惯、收听内容、关注法制案件的侧重点以及对广播的期许方面等进行了调查。通过调查,笔者发现在《法制天地》传播的过程中,传者的出发点与受者的需求存在着一定的差距。在第四章中,笔者着重从传播主体、传播技巧、传播对象等几个方面入手,对广播法制节目的发展提出自己浅显的建议。笔者认为,广播法制节目对传播主体提出了更高的要求,不仅技术过硬,而且法律知识也得过硬。在完善法制节目的过程中,法律顾问的作用是不可或缺的。另一方面,传播技巧有待进一步提高,需要进一步发挥广播的快捷性优势。而传播对象的细分,无疑能更好地满足受众的需求,提供他们需要的产品。

【Abstract】 Publicity campaigns to promote legal knowledge of the population have been launched since 1985. At that time, Ministry of Justice and Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee set a policy that“…broadcastings and TVs…should take the publicity for the laws as its own main task”. So Beijing Broadcasting set up a legal program in 1990s-the legal world. This legal program has a brilliant history and created a handsome profit for Beijing Broadcasting. However, with the growth of web and 3G, its future is blunt. So how to grow well and get a better effect is a very important issue.In this paper, there has five chapters. Chapter 3 and 4 are more important than others.In the beginning, the setting, the meaning, the methods are introduced briefly. You can also find some creations and drawbacks of the paper. And maybe the drawbacks will be improved in the future.In chapter 1, the related theories are sorted out. In the last few years, many scholars thought deeply about how to develop broadcasting legal program from all aspects. For example, how to produce a legal program, how to use the law correctly, how to get a good effect, and what drawbacks there are, and so on. Though analyzing these, the paper has a strong base.Chapter 2 focuses on the atmosphere the legal program lives in, the status it has and its features. From the day when The Legal World was established, it was a decade. During this period, there was a notable change in our political, economic, cultural fields and so it is in the News. For example, social conflicts appear fiercely. Owing to the awareness of rights, more and more cases are sued in courts. But it is a fact that people lack of legal knowledge so that they cannot protect themselves well and all of these set an obstacle in the way to a legal society. What the author just said give reasons of the growth. Now the author wants to explain this question from micro aspect. Audiences are the key factors. When you seize the audiences’attention as long as possible, you win. So you should take measures to highlight the features of broadcasting.Then the author discussed the effects it has and threats web sets. As pointed, audiences are the core, so we send out questionnaires. The results of the questionnaires give us some clues how to improve the program better.At last, the author gives her own suggestions.

【关键词】 广播法制节目传播效果
【Key words】 BroadcastingLegal programCommunication effects
  • 【分类号】G222
  • 【下载频次】263

