

【作者】 张赫

【导师】 马燕;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 优势矿产资源是指在一国或地区主权范围内,具备较大储量和较高品质的资源禀赋优势、产量和出口量占世界总产量和贸易量的较大比重、国际市场对其存在较高依存度的具有战略意义的矿产资源。不同于战略矿产和急缺矿产,对优势矿产资源的界定主要是从经济利益角度进行,并且更多的是从一国的资源禀赋比较优势以及该种矿产在国际贸易中所处的地位角度上着眼,而无论是战略矿产还是急缺矿产都是站在国家安全的角度上讨论的,只是程度不同而已。有鉴于优势矿产资源对国民经济的重要战略意义,有必要对其进行专门的立法保障。公认的我国优势矿产资源包括钨、锡、锑、钼和稀土。长期以来,我国优势矿产资源开发利用缺乏全国统一的规划指导,行业准入门槛过低,产业结构不合理,滥采乱挖、资源浪费现象严重,开采技术落后,矿产品定价机制不合理,禀赋优势很难转化为经济优势。我国当前的优势矿产资源法律规制体系主要以现行《矿产资源法》为主体,配套以大量的部门规章。现行《矿产资源法》于上世纪80年代制定,90年代修改,在当时计划经济体制还处于主导地位的背景下,有许多法律条文具有明显的局限性,已经不再适应我国发展社会主义市场经济的需要,亟需对其进行修改与完善。我国矿政管理主体较多,各部门都依据本部门的情况分别制定了不同的管理优势矿业秩序的部门规章,导致法出多门,难以协调,责权利划分不够清晰,部门权力重叠、冲突现象较为严重,矿业行政管理效率低下,难以达到法律规范制定的目的。同时,部门规章的效力层级较低,虽然其中一部分法律规范比较适应我国当前的管理需要,但由于上位法的滞后,导致了现实中法律适用上的不协调,效果不彰。因此,为完善我国优势矿产资源法律规制体系,需要对现行《矿产资源法》进行修改,明确优势矿产资源的战略地位,确立矿产资源可持续利用的原则并完善矿产资源有偿使用制度。同时,要制定效力层级较高的统一的《优势矿产资源保护条例》,宣示立法的目的与任务,确立保护和合理利用优势矿产资源的相关法律原则,建立科学合理的管理体制和具体的法律制度。最后,通过制定其他相关的配套法律文件,在科学发展观、可持续发展理念的指引下,建立具有中国特色的社会主义和谐矿业秩序。

【Abstract】 Leading mineral resources are strategically significant resources in one state or regional sovereignty, they provide larger reserves and higher quality, the amount of production and export of them account for a large proportion of the world’s volume, There is a higher degree of dependence of them in international market. Different from the strategic mineral and dire lack mineral, the definition of leading mineral resources is mainly from the economic point, it is much from a country’s comparative advantage in resource endowment and the kinds of minerals in the international trade perspective focus on the status, Whether it be strategic mineral or lack minerals are struggling to find a point of standing on national security discussion, Only a difference in degree. In view of the strategic importance of leading mineral resources in the national economy, it is need special legislation to protect it.It is recognized that china’s leading mineral resources are including tungsten, tin, antimony, molybdenum and rare earth. For a long time, the exploitation and usage of mineral resources lack of national unified planning guidance, the professional access threshold is too low, industrial structure is irrational, Indiscrimination and waste of resources are serious, mining technology fells behind, mineral products pricing mechanism is irrational, endowment advantage turns to economy advantage hardly. The current regulatory law system of leading mineral resources in china is mainly to present <Mineral Resources Law> as the main files, and there are a large amount of departmental rules and regulations as the supporting part, Current "Mineral Resources Law " is made in the 80s of last century and modified in 90s, the planned economic system was still on in the context of dominant position, There are many obvious limitations of the law, it was no longer meet the needs of socialist market economy, it is need to be modified and improved, the administration and management bodies of the main ore are to many, All departments were based on the situation of the sector to develop a different management advantages of departmental rules mining order, lead to a large number of legal documents distributed, Meanwhile, the lower level of the effectiveness of departmental rules and regulations, although some laws and regulations more compatible with our current management needs, but because of the lag upper law, resulting in application of law on the real lack of coordination, ineffective.Therefore, to improve the legal regulation of dominant system of mineral resources, it is need to modify the existing "Mineral Resources Law ", it is need to draw up a unified <leading mineral resources protection ordinance> which has a higher effect. And according to make other relevant supporting law files, under the guidance of scientific concept of development and idea of sustainable development, to establish a socialist harmonious mining order with Chinese characteristics.

  • 【分类号】D922.66;F426.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】266

