

On the Effect on the Third Person of Floating Charge in China "Property Law"

【作者】 朱星星

【导师】 刘智慧;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国2007年《物权法》规定的浮动抵押制度引起了广泛关注,在学术上因其是来自英美法系的一种特殊抵押权,在实践上则因其被投注了解决市场融资困难这一现实问题的期待目光。笔者发现,《物权法》虽然确立这一新的物权类型,但相关条文较为简单,不足以支撑该制度的实践运用。观察这种新担保方式在经济生活中的运行状况,发现其确然未能充分发挥人们所期待的制度功效。这主要是因为现有法律尚未明确浮动抵押权与其他权利之间的效力关系,使得贷款人忧虑其担保利益的风险而望之却步。因此,本文将研究方向定为浮动抵押权对第三人的效力问题。除引言、结论外,本文内容分为三章。第一章主要阐述与浮动抵押权对第三人的效力问题相关的基本理论。抵押权一般效力的内容表现为对抵押人的效力和对第三人的效力两方面。其中,对第三人主要是物权请求权的效力、追及效力和优先受偿效力。将浮动抵押权与传统抵押权做比较,本部分归纳出其对第三人效力问题的特殊性的主要表现,包括效力范围的广泛性、公示效力的特殊性和效力强度的转变性三个方面。第二章具体探析浮动抵押权的设立公示对第三人效力的范围,明确与浮动抵押权可能发生权利冲突的主体。我国对浮动抵押权的公示采取登记对抗主义模式,浮动抵押权在抵押合同生效时设立,未经登记不得对抗善意第三人。这一部分分析了“第三人”所指的范围,包括对抵押财产享有物权的人以及一般债权人,接着通过分析浮动抵押登记制度的利益衡量和风险分配的优劣,得出对“善意”的解释应当客观化的结论。另外,对浮动抵押制度中“正常经营活动中的买受人”的保护规则,本章探讨了“买受人”的所指范围、“正常经营活动”的判断条件、买受人主观状态,这三个确定浮动抵押权设立公示可以对抗的第三人范围的重要因素。第三章主要解决浮动抵押权在结晶和实现时,如何处理抵押物上并存的权利之间的优先顺位问题。首先分析在浮动抵押权休眠期间成立的各种权利的优先顺位:当浮动抵押权与固定担保物权并存时,应当坚持后者优先受偿的原则;当两个以上的浮动抵押权并存时,应依据是否登记及登记的先后来决定优先受偿次序;破产程序中的浮动抵押权还涉及到与特殊债权之间的优先顺位,需结合破产法相关规定进行认定;另外,抵押合同中的限制性条款对第三人的效力也会影响到优先顺位的确定。其次,本部分还讨论在浮动抵押权结晶后,抵押人再处分抵押物时受让人的权利实现问题,进而归纳出浮动抵押结晶公示程序在我国的必要性。

【Abstract】 The floating charge of China "Property Law" (2007) has attracted wide attention. However, I found the relevant provisions in "Property Law" is too simple to support the practical application of the floating charge system. Observing operation situation of this new kind of security in the economic life, we found that it dose not play it’s important part as expected. This is mainly because the existing law hasn’t expressly stipulate the effect of floating charge on third part, making the banks worried about the risk of their security interests. Therefore, this article will research effect of floating charge on the third person. On the one hand, make reasonable explanation of the existing legal norms and on the other hand, put forward a sound proposal for improvement of the floating mortgage legislation.The first chapter describes the basic theories that are well relavent to the effect of the floating charge on the third person. The general effect of the mortgage contains both effect on the mortgagor and the effect on the third person. Compared with the traditional mortgage, effect on the third of the floating charge is special in sevaral aspects.Chapter2 mainly explores the scope of the third persons that are effected by the establishing registration of floating charge. Floating charge is set up when the mortgage contract comes into effect , but shall not be against a bona fide third party without registration. I explain the he range of "third person" within the meaning. Then I find out that the word "goodwill" here should be interpreted with the objective of the view. In addition,this chaper discusses details of the special rule of " buyer in the ordinarlly course of business ".Chapter 3 mainly explores effect of the floating charge on third parties in crystallization. The key issue is how to deal with priority of different kinds of rights in coexistence. Several rules are set up in this part. Lately , this section also discusses the necessity of publicity process of crystallization.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【下载频次】270

