

The Idea and Distinguishing Features on Management of Bank of Juxingcheng (1937-1945)

【作者】 黄艳

【导师】 刘志英;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 重庆市扼守长江与嘉陵江的汇合处,交通便利,是长江沿岸的重要商埠之一,是整个四川商务交流的中枢,抗战后,重庆市更是成为了后方各省的要冲和金融中心。重庆银行在后方银行中占据着非常重要的位置,要研究抗战时期后方的银行,首先就要研究重庆的银行。有关抗战时期以重庆为中心的大后方金融研究,目前学术界尚薄弱。本文选择以重庆商业银行之一的聚兴诚银行为探讨对象,通过对重庆市档案馆馆藏聚兴诚银行档案和重庆银行公会档案及期刊、报纸等原始资料的搜集和整理,对聚兴诚银行的经营理念和特色进行拙论,以期能够对该领域有所贡献。聚兴诚银行是川帮银行之首,实力雄厚,影响深远,是商业银行的突出代表。聚兴诚银行本身的发展与抗日战争时期大后方金融的发展息息相关,为大后方经济的发展做出了贡献,同时也在金融界产生了巨大影响,成为了战时最具影响力的商业银行之一。理念上,聚兴诚银行以“不结交官僚,不卷入政治”为经商信条,以“恒信贞勤”为职志,以“便利人群,服务社会”为口号、诚信经商;杨粲三制定的人员管理制度和其任人唯贤的用人思想对聚兴诚银行的发展起到了重要作用,也为金融业培养了大量的人才。实践上,聚兴诚银行不断地寻找适合自身实际发展的途径与方法,将其理论付诸于实践,进行了组织形式变革和业务变革,突出了聚兴诚银行的特色,在诸多后方银行中独树一帜。抗战爆发后,原本欣欣向荣的景象被打破,战时经济十分动荡。聚兴诚银行在发展过程中经受了颇多的困难,迫使其不得不进行变革,以适应社会形势的变化。这一时期的变革主要有:(1)组织形式由股份两合公司改组为股份有限公司,引起了组织机构和资本的变革;(2)业务在重心、区域和范围上的变革。变革的原因主要在于:政治上,受到国民政府金融管制政策的限制和约束;经济上,受到大后方物价飞涨的影响,以及大批工业内迁所带来的大后方经济飞速发展之推动;此外,杨氏家族内部错综复杂、持续时间较长的家族矛盾也影响了聚兴诚银行业务的变革的方向和规模。在如此复杂的环境中,聚兴诚银行仍在其经营理念的指导下不断前进,成为西南地区最有影响力的商业银行之一,构成了西南金融网建设中重要的一部分,促进了西南经济的发展。因此,研究聚兴诚银行的经营理念和特色对于研究大后方金融,具有非常重要的地位。通过对聚兴诚银行经营理念和战前、战时业务特色的研究,可以得出如下启示:(1)银行的发展需要一套明确的、始终如一的、符合实际的经营理念,贯彻管理思想和经营观念,规范行为,以达到经营目标。(2)经济与金融唇齿相依,一旦金融出现困难,金融与经济相互协调必需国家适时适当的宏观调控和引导,特别是中央银行体系和监管制度的健全,正确处理金融、经济、国家宏观调控的关系。(3)在银行发展的过程中不容忽视同业公会对政府监管的补充作用。

【Abstract】 The city of Chongqing, which locates at the interjuction of Yangtze River and Jialing River, is one of the most important trading port in Yangtze River coastal area. It was thought to be the centrum of business communication in the whole Sichuan area at the same time; which, developed to be a strategic location and financial center for other provinces during Anti-Japanese War. As Bank of Chongqing played an important role at the rear in that period, it is of great significance to make a deep research on Bank of Chongqing firstly. There is still something frail exists in such kind of study on financial, so the thesis have expected that make a little measure of contribution on this aspect, with choosing one of the commercial banks in Chongqing which inherited from Bank of Juxingcheng as subject, arranging all kinds of materials about the files of which collecting from Chongqing Archives as well as sourcebooks, such as papers printed at that time, periodicals, ect., and finally make a brief discussion about the idea and distinguishing features on managing of bank of Juxingcheng.Bank of Juxingcheng, which was the top of bands of banks in Sichuan Province because of its great economic strength, and deep and long lasting influence as well. There was a very closely relationship between the development of Bank of Juxingcheng and the finance in the rear at the special period. At the same time, the bank drew a great deal of contribution for the economy, making a huge effects in the financial field and finally became one of the most effective commercial banks in those days. Academically, Bank of Juxingcheng did its commerce under the faith of "never consort with bureaucrat", under the principle of "good and eternal faith", and took "serving the whole society" as the slogan, engaging in business activities honestly. Besides, Yang Cansan’s management and employment systems played a very impottant part on the development of the venture, which cultivated so many talented people. To put into the practise, the bank seek a way and method fits for itself for along time which, giving prominence to its own features and finally achieved a great change on the profession. All of the above made the bank developed its own characristics.When Anti-Japanese War broke out, the economy was seriously damaged and became more and more turbulanced. There were numerous difficulties confronted with Bank of Juxingcheng during its development and it had to reform itself in every aspect so as to adapt itself to the changeable situation. The reform in this period mainly has two aspects.Firstly,the organization form changes into limited companies by the combined company shares. Secondly,business has changes in focus and areas and range. There would be many reasons for reforms:firstly, Kuomintang Government controled and restricted the financial policy; secondly, it was affected by inflation at the rear, and also stimulated by. the rapid development of economy at the rear with the arrival of industries. During the reform, the complex relationship and long-term controdiction amongst family members had a negtive impact on the direction and scale of reforms. In spite of these, Bank of Juxingcheng was still one of the most influential commercial banks in Southwestern China and stepped up under its guidance, and ultimately constitutedits part in fiancial links, pushing the economy growing in this area. Therefore, the reaserch about the idea and distinguishing features on managing of bank of Juxingcheng has an undoubt status in financial academia.Through the study on the management concepts and featured business during pre-war and during-war periods of Bank of Juxingcheng, we can get the following conclusions. Firstly, the development of Banks needs a clear, consistent and realistic business philosophy; besides, Management ideas and business concepts needs to be carried on so as to achieve Business objectives. Secondly, economy and finance is closely connected so that our nation must have a timely and approprite adjustment and guidence so as to balance finance and economy, especially perfect the central banking system and a sound regulatory systemn in this process, and treat the relationship among finance, economy and National macro-cotrol correctly. Thirdly, the complementary supervision of association shouldn’t be neglected during the development of banks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】F832.9;K265
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】128
  • 攻读期成果

