

Studies on the Fermentation Process of Bacteria Type DouChi by Two Kinds of Microbes

【作者】 袁小娟

【导师】 刘雄;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 食品科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以大豆为原料,利用毛霉721-3和纳豆菌双菌组合发酵生产细菌型豆豉。通过化学分析、感官评价、仪器分析技术等手段对发酵过程中影响两种微生物的各种因素分别进行了探索研究,并通过正交实验初步确定了最佳发酵工艺。其研究的主要结论如下:1、毛霉721-3分泌的酶系中蛋白酶和纤维素酶较多,其中蛋白酶主要为中性蛋白酶;其制种曲的最佳工艺为:调整种曲培养基pH至7,在25℃恒温培养72小时,即可制得酶活较高,孢子较多的优质种曲;2、单一毛霉最佳的制曲工艺为:大豆浸泡至含水量45%左右;在0.1MPa下高压蒸汽蒸煮30min,冷却后接种3%湿豆重的优良种曲,25℃恒温培养48h,期间喷洒pH7的溶液以维持培养期间的相对湿度,即可得到蛋白酶活力较高的豉曲。4、纳豆生产的最佳工艺条件为:水与大豆的比例为1:3,20℃浸泡10h,虑干后0.1MPa下高压蒸汽蒸煮30min;接种3%种龄为20h的种子液; 30℃下恒温发酵24h;发酵过程添加糯米粉8%、NaCll%和蔗糖4%有利于纳豆菌的生长,并且最终产品风味更佳;纳豆的保质期为4℃下15d。5、在单菌发酵实验的基础上,将毛霉和纳豆菌进行复合生产大豆发酵细菌型豆豉。实验发现双菌发酵的最佳工艺为:毛霉和纳豆菌分别制种曲后以1:1的比例同时接种制作豆豉曲,接种量各为蒸煮后湿豆重的3%,豉曲pH调为7,加入糯米粉8%、NaCl1%和蔗糖4%,30℃下发酵18h,4℃后熟24h即可得纳豆激酶活力较强,氨基态含量高,但没有氨臭味的豆制品。6、双菌发酵的工艺流程为毛霉和纳豆菌菌种→种曲↓大豆→筛选→浸泡→沥干→蒸煮→冷却→接种→发酵→后熟↑糯米粉、NaCl、蔗糖

【Abstract】 This paper is about fermenting bean products by Dixenie consisting of Mucor 721-3 and Bacillus natto, as well as soybeans as the raw material. The separate exploration and research on all the factors of the effect of both microorganisms by means of chemical analysis, sense evaluation and instrumental analysis and the Orthogonal experiment basically confirmed the best ferment technology. The main conclusions of the research are as follow:1. The protease and cellulase in enzyme that is secreted by Mucor 721-3 are much more, and protease is mainly neutral protease. The best technology of production of hybrid seeds is, adjusting the hybrid seeds pH to 7, cultivating them for 72 hours in constant temperature of 25℃, and we can get hybrid seeds that contains more active enzyme and more spore.2. The optimum technology of production of hybrid seeds by single Mucor is soaking the soybeans to the moisture content of about 45%, stewing them for 30 minutes under the high pressure steam of O.1MPa, inoculating the good hybrid seeds of 3% of wet soybeans after cooling, and then cultivating them for 48 hours in constant temperature of 25℃, and meanwhile sprinkling the solution of pH in order to keep the relative humidity during this period, and then we can get the fermented soya beans with more active protease.3. The optimum technological conditions of production of natto are, the proportion of water and soybean is 1 to 3; soaking the soybeans for 10 hours in constant temperature of 20℃, stewing them for 30 minutes under the high pressure steam of 0.1MPa after filtering, inoculating 3% of seed liquor aged 20 hours; then fermenting them for 24 hours in constant temperature of 30℃, during which 8% of glutinous rice flour,1% of NaCl and 4% of cane sugar must be added in order to be good for the growth of the Bacillus natto and make the production taste better. The quality guarantee period of natto is 14 days in the temperature of 4℃. 4. Ferment by complex production of Mucor and Bacillus natto based on the experiment of Zymomonas mobilis. According to the experiment, the optimum technology of Double bacteria fermentation is, inoculating and producing the hybrid seeds after producing the hybrid seeds with Mucor and Bacillus natto separately, and the amount of the inoculation is 3% of wet soybeans after stewing, the pH of hybrid seeds is 7, adding 8% of glutinous rice flour,1% of NaCl and 4% of cane sugar and fermenting 18 hours in the temperature of 30℃, after-ripening for 24 hours in the temperature of 4℃, and we can get soybean product with more active natto kinase and richer nutrition5. The process of the technique of Double bacteria fermentation is as follow:Mucor and Bacillus natto slope strain→mouldstarter↓Soybean→sifting→soaking→Draining→stewing→cooling→inoculating→fermenting→after-ripeni ng↑glutinous rice flour, NaCl, cane sugar

【关键词】 大豆毛霉纳豆菌发酵工艺
【Key words】 soybeanMucorBacillus nattotechnology of fermenting
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

