

Chongqing City, the Football Public Security System and the Countermeasures

【作者】 李懋

【导师】 秦志辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人民警察是一种特殊的职业,公安机关的性质、特点和肩负的职责、任务,对警察的身体健康水平和体能素质也就提出了特殊的要求。因此健康的身体,良好的体能素质是人民警察完成其保国安民任务、体现大无畏精神力量的保证。为此,从公安工作和警察队伍建设的实际需要出发,我国各级公安系统都在大胆探索、开拓创新地广泛开展一系列体育活动,并且举办了各项体育赛事,把体育和警务实战有机结合起来。而足球运动在公安群体中发展得比较普及,这一现状在重庆公安系统内又体现得尤为明显,毕竟足球运动既是全面健身和强健体魄的良好手段,又能使人民警察的心理素质与意志品质得到良好发展,从而使足球运动与警察职业素质的发展紧密地结合起来,不仅极大地丰富了警营文化生活,更有利于警察执法能力的提高。足球作为重庆公安警营文化的一个载体,推动了警营文化建设向纵深发展,增进了民警之间的团结和友谊,强化了民警的身体素质,挖掘出公安体育文化内涵,增强了重庆公安系统的凝聚力、向心力和战斗力,更向重庆社会各界展示出重庆公安民警充满朝气、顽强拼搏和奋发向上的时代风采和文明形象。与此同时,为了彰显重庆公安队伍的风采,激发民警对竞技运动的热情,重庆公安局还组建了一支足球队,并在各级足球赛事中取得了不错的战绩,不仅从各方面增强了重庆公安局的知名度,还鼓舞了士气,带动了各项工作上台阶、上水平。于是如何进一步提高足球运动在重庆公安警体工作中的作用,如何做好足球运动与警体工作的有机结合,如何通过足球这一平台,来倾力打造重庆公安警体精品项目,则是我们为之深思的问题。本研究主要运用了文献资料法、逻辑分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法以及数理统计法,以重庆市公安局即:市局足球队、区县局足球队、直属单位足球队、市运会、公安系统足球联赛等作为研究对象,对重庆公安民警、重庆公安足球队的工作、训练、竞赛等;教练员的基本构成现状、训练管理模式等;各区县局的场地设施、经费来源情况等进行调查研究。在此基础上提出相应的发展对策和建议,希望以优势体育项目带动其他项目的发展,打造一批警体特色项目和精品,从而使广大重庆公安干警既练体能、又练技能,并从重庆公安工作和队伍建设的需要出发,大胆探索、开拓创新,把体育和警务实战有机结合,以促进重庆警体建设全面的发展。研究结果表明:(1)重庆警局领导重视和大力支持足球运动在基层警局的广泛普及,充分挖掘高水平足球队的可持续发展与提高,已经把警体工作作为一项战略性任务抓好、抓实、抓到位,并在不断地规范和完善训练管理、组织形式、考核评价和基础保障,推进了警体工作及足球运动在重庆警局的长远发展;(2)大多数男民警都喜爱和积极参加足球运动实践,已自觉地把足球运动作为提高自身素质、完善自我的良好机会,并能正确认识警察工作与足球锻炼的相互促进关系,这对全面提高民警的身体素质和警务技能有着十分重要的意义;(3)重庆公安高水平足球队的良好模式对整个警营足球运动乃至警体工作的发展起到了推波助澜的作用。但在实际的操作中,由于广大公安干警对警营中的体育文化理解得不够透彻,再加上原来对足球运动接触较少,更多的是凭借一种热情与喜爱,这就使得目前普及的重庆公安足球与重庆公安警体工作存在一定程度的脱节。这也是制约重庆市公安局足球运动向前迈步的关键因素,同时也是阻碍重庆公安警体工作的“短板”因素。因此在下一步工作中为了紧紧围绕警体工作的建设,笔者认为要从科学研究警体、打造警体精品、完善区域平衡、加强警体骨干、主动应对赛事、加强警体衔接等几方面继续深化,充分优化警体资源架构,促进警体资源良性循环。本论文分为四大部分:第一部分为本研究的目的与意义,并陈述了选题的原因。第二部分为研究现状。这一部分主要针对重庆公安系统足球运动的普及、训练、竞赛与管理现状及重庆公安高水平足球队训练、竞赛进行了综述,包括(1)重视、认知与喜爱程度;(2)场地、器材及经费情况;(3)各区县局训练、竞赛及管理情况;(4)高水平足球队的基本构成现状;(5)高水平足球队建队形式、集训方式现状;(6)高水平足球队训练、竞赛现状。第三部分为讨论分析。本部分对第二部分的调查情况进行了分析讨论和研究。第四部分为重庆市公安系统足球运动发展的对策及建议。

【Abstract】 Public Security Police is a special profession, the public security organs of the nature, characteristics and responsibilities, tasks, the level of the police and the physical quality of health also made a special request. Therefore, health, good physical quality of the public security police to complete their task to defend the country Min, reflecting the strength of the guarantee fearless. To this end, the police force from the construction of public security work and the actual needs, China’s public security system at all levels are in bold exploration, pioneering and innovative range of sports activities are widely carried out, and held various sporting events, sports and police to combat organic together. The sport developed in the public security groups more widely, the status of the public security system in Chongqing has been particularly evident and shows that, after all, football is both a comprehensive fitness and a good means of physical fitness, and psychological quality of the public security police can and will the quality of to develop well, so that professional quality of football development with the police closely integrated, not only greatly enriched the cultural life of being a police officer, is more conducive to police enforcement capabilities.Chongqing Public Security police camps football culture as a vehicle for promoting a culture to develop in depth police camps, to enhance the solidarity and friendship between the police, strengthening the police’s physical fitness, and tap out the Police sports culture, enhance public security system in Chongqing cohesion, solidarity and combat effectiveness, but also to show the community Chongqing, Chongqing, police officers and energetic, hard work and make progress in the era of style and civilized image. At the same time, in order to highlight the elegance of Chongqing Public Security force to stimulate the enthusiasm of police for sport, Chongqing Public Security Bureau has also set up a football team and football matches at all levels have made a good record, not only enhances all aspects of Chongqing Public Security Bureau’s reputation, but also inspired the morale of the work led to the steps, on the level. So how to further improve the football body of work in Chongqing, the role of the public security police, how to do football and overall combination of work, how football in this platform to the body of Police effort to build quality projects in Chongqing, it is our of thought.This study used the literature, logical analysis, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics, the Public Security Bureau of Chongqing Municipality, namely:Urban football, soccer district bureau directly under the unit football team, the Urban Games, the public security system, such as the research object Football League, the public security police in Chongqing, Chongqing Public Security football team work, training, competition, etc.; Coach of the basic component status, training, management, etc.; districts and counties of the venues and facilities, and other sources of funding situation to investigate. On the basis of the development proposed by the corresponding counter-measures and suggestions, hoping to bring other advantages of sports development projects, create a group of police physical characteristics of the project and quality, so that the majority of both Chongqing policemen physical training, and training skills, and from Chongqing public security work and team building needs, bold exploration, innovation, the combination of combat sports and police to promote body building in Chongqing Police comprehensive development.The results show that:(1) Chongqing police leadership attention and support of grassroots football in the wide spread of the police station, fully tap the high level of sustainable development and improved football team, has the body of work as police arrested a strategic task Well, realistically, caught in place, and continue to standardize and improve the training of management, organization, evaluation and infrastructure protection, and promote the sport in Police work and the long-term development of police in Chongqing; (2) most of the male police both loved and actively participate in football practice, has been consciously used as improve their own quality of football, a good opportunity to improve themselves, and can correctly understand police work and to promote the mutual relationship between football training, which comprehensively improve the physical quality of police and police business skills of great importance; (3) high level of Chongqing Public Security a good model for the entire soccer team football as well as being a police officer body of the work of the police played a role in fueling. However, in actual operation, because the majority of policemen in the sports culture of being a police officer or inadequately understood, coupled with less contact for football had more of a passion and love of virtue, which makes the current popularity of Chongqing, the Chongqing Public Security Public Security Police football body of work with a degree of disconnect. This is also the constraints of Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau Football key to move forward, but also hinder the body of the work of Chongqing Public Security Police "short board" factor. Therefore, the next step in the body to work closely around the police building, I believe that the police from the scientific research body, the police body to create quality, improve the regional balance and strengthen the backbone of police body, take the initiative to respond to events, strengthening the convergence of several aspects of the police body to continue deepening of the body to fully optimize the resources of the police structure, and promote a virtuous cycle in Police resources.This thesis is divided into four parts:The first part of the purpose and significance of this study, and state the reasons for the selected topic.The second part of the status quo. This part of Chongqing’s public security system for the popularity of football, training, competition and the Chongqing Public Security and Management of Top Soccer training and competition were reviewed, including (1) attention, recognition and affection of the degree; (2) space, equipment and financial situation; (3) districts and counties training, competition and management; (4) constitute a high level of the basic status of the soccer team; (5) construction of high-level soccer teams form, training means the status quo; (6) high level of football team training and competition situation.The third part is discussed and analyzed. This section of the second part of the investigation were discussed and studied.The fourth part of Chongqing City, the football public security measures and suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【下载频次】57

