

The Solution of Rural Land Contract and Management Rights Dispute

【作者】 许诺

【导师】 李旭东;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 三农问题中最庞大最复杂的部分就是农村,然而农村的建设等各方面又离不开土地,所以土地对于农村的重要性显得尤为明显和醒目,土地又是人们生活和生产的依靠。当前土地问题的解决对解决三农问题有很大的影响。我国农村土地制度现已成为了社会中的热点问题,也是很多矛盾聚集之处。随着社会主义市场经济的建立与逐步完善,农村土地承包经营也出现了许多新情况、新问题,侵犯土地承包经营权纠纷便是一种新的动向。这类纠纷面广量大,政策性和季节性都很强,处理难度大。所以要解决纠纷的重要性显得特别重要。农村土地承包经营权纠纷的类型主要有侵犯农村土地承包经营权纠纷和土地承包经营权流转纠纷。侵犯农村土地承包经营权纠纷主要表现有:村集体经济组织(或村委会)侵犯农户的土地承包经营权;承包土地所在地的村民干扰承包人的农业生产而形成侵权;外嫁女、离婚妇女、丧偶妇女被剥夺土地承包经营权等。土地承包经营权流转纠纷主要表现有:发包程序违反规定;土地承包合同内容不明确;发包人擅自毁约,将土地另行发包给他人;发包人单方提高承包金,不能按合同规定按时将土地交付给承包人使用;承包人不按时交纳承包金等。农村土地承包经营权纠纷的表现形式主要有:农村土地征用补偿制度不完善;农村新增人口没有承包地;土地权属关系不明或勘界不清引发的问题;农村土地承包经营权流转不规范的问题;村组未按规定发包或调整土地引发的问题;第三人侵害承包人的承包经营权引发的问题等。我国农村土地承包经营权纠纷产生的原因主要有:农民集体土地所有权被曲解、土地所有权残缺;社会保障体系法律、法规不健全;缺乏有效制约机制;农民集中居住和宅基地流转过程中对农民权益的伤害。农村土地承包经营权纠纷解决的关键和难点在于如何解决农村土地承包经营权方面的村规民约与农村土地承包经营权方面的政策及农村土地承包经营权方面的法律三者之间的矛盾。我国农村土地管理制度的成绩显示与政府的预期效应总是形成强烈的反差,过分加快城市建设当然也是一个重要的方面,但是目前急需解决的问题不是加快城市的建设,而是充分保护农村土地承包经营权。因为最根本最直接的原因还是农民的土地承包经营权没有得到充分而合理的保护,由此便会严重影响农村各方面的发展。另外,农民的土地权益时常遭受侵犯并不能及时有效的得以解决这一问题也会阻碍农业的发展,影响农民生活水平的提高。另外,法律规定的争议解决机制不顺畅,仲裁机构设置不健全。根据相关法律规定,对土地承包发生纠纷的案件,当事人可以选择协商、调解、仲裁、诉讼四种方式解决,假如机制顺畅可以有效地减少诉讼,减轻农民的负担和后顾之忧,并能迅速化解矛盾。而在实践中,协商、调解都要求双方自愿,且不具有法律强制力;而仲裁则存在着机构设置不健全,仲裁的性质和仲裁效力不明确,缺乏相关法律法规的配套规定等问题。这都使当事人最终不得不走诉讼这条道路。目前,我国的法律对于出嫁女、离婚丧偶妇女等人的土地承包经营权方面的保护越来越重视。日常生活中他们的权益受到侵害的事情时有发生。审理涉及此类土地承包经营权纠纷,应坚持“农村土地承包妇女与男子享有平等权利”的原则,这样才能充分有效地保护妇女的合法权益。应从建立住宅动迁和宅基地流转的农民权益保障机制、规范土地承包经营权合法有序流转、规范土地承包经营权流转合同,减少农村土地承包纠纷、合理的分工安排与权责划分等四方面来完善我国农村土地承包经营权的有关机制改革。必须加快《土地承包法》实施办法的立法进度,以增强此部法律的实践性。与此同时,要与农村基层民主的口号和大力发展社会主义市场经济的要求相协调,对《土地承包法》和《村民委员会组织法》等一些相关法律进行修订,但也应对下列问题加以注意:农村集体所享有的土地必须全部归村民小组所有;集体经济形式的村民也同样享有承包土地的权利,并在享有土地承包经营权的基础之上另外获得征地予以补偿并给其收益的权利。

【Abstract】 The most massive countryside is the most complicated part of rural, however countryside construction and so on various aspects and cannot leave the land, so the importance of land for the countryside appear especially apparent and striking, land and also people living and production on. To solve the problem of the current land to solve three agricultural problems has very big effect. Rural land system has become the hot issue in the society, but also many contradictions gathered.With the establishment of the socialist market economy, with perfect gradually contracted management of rural land also appeared a lot of new situation, the new question, infringing upon the contracted land disputes, is a new trend. This kind of dispute area wide amount is large, policy and seasonal are strong, processing is difficult. So will the importance of resolving disputes is especially important.Contracted management of rural land types of disputes main violation contracted management of rural land disputes and contracted land circulation disputes. Infringe upon the contracted management of rural land dispute mainly displays are:village collective economic organizations (or committee) infringed farmers contracted management of land; Local villagers interference contracted land of agricultural production and the formation of contractor infringement; WaiJia female, divorced women, widowed women were deprived of the contracted management of land, etc. The contracted land circulation dispute mainly displays are:contract awarding program in violation of regulations; Land contract content not clear; The developer, will release without authorization shall be separately subcontracted to others; land The developer unilaterally ChengBaoJin, cannot improve prescribed by the contract of land on time delivery to the contractor use; The contractor don’t pay ChengBaoJin etc.Contracted management of rural land disputes in the forms mainly has: the rural land requisition compensation system is not perfected; Rural new population not contracted land; Land ownership unknown or demarcation not clear caused problem; Contracted management of rural land circulation of non-standard problem; Not according to certain rules or radiolarian.it land caused problem; adjust A third person contracted management of infringement caused by the contractor, etc.Contracted management of rural land disputes causes mainly has: farmer collective land ownership be misinterpreted, land ownership incomplete; The social security system incomplete laws, rules and regulations; Lack of effective restriction mechanism; Farmers’ concentration living and homestead transfer process to farmers’ rights of damage.Contracted management of rural land to resolve disputes key and difficult is how to solve the contracted management of rural land in the village andvillagers pledges and contracted management of rural land policy and contracted management of rural land in the contradiction between the legal three. Rural land management system of achievement display and government expected effect is always the formation of strong contrast, excessive speed up urban construction, of course, is an important aspect, but urgent problems at present not speed up the construction of the city, but full protection of the contracted management of rural land. Because of the most fundamental reasons or the most direct farmers contracted management of land has not been fully and reasonable protection will seriously affect the development of the countryside various aspects. Legal system from mediation perspective, in order to better solve the contracted management of rural land disputes, and we should make full use of the local resource and improve rural contracted management of rural land legal system, give full play to mediation conciliation function. Because mediation with lower cost, flexible and effect is good wait for an advantage, and from legal history, from the perspective of our traditional society conciliation is the main means to settle disputes, especially in traditional rural community performance is more obvious.At present, our country legal for virgin female, divorce widowed women who contracted management of land on the protection of the growing importance. Daily life of their rights and interests are infringed upon happens. Trial involving such contracted land disputes, should adhere to the "the rural land contracting men and woman enjoy equal rights" principle, so as to fully effectively protect women’s lawful rights and interests.Should build residential resettlement and homestead conversion in farmers’rights safeguard mechanism, regulate land contracted management flow, legally regulate the contracted land circulation, reduce the rural land contracting contract dispute, reasonable division of responsibilities and arrange divided four aspects to perfect our country’s rural contracted land reform of the relevant mechanism."Land contracting law must accelerate the progress of the methods for implementation of the legislation to strengthen this part of law practice. Meanwhile, and rural grassroots democracy slogan and vigorously develop the requirements of the socialist market economy, to coordinate the land contracting law "and" the organization law of villagers committee and some other related laws to revise, but should also take note:the following problems of rural collective land must be enjoyed by all the villagers groups all return; Collective economic forms of villagers also enjoy the rights of the contracted land; And enjoy the basis of contracted land expropriation compensation acquiring other and the rights of its earnings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

