

Biofeedback Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Its Relationships with Personality

【作者】 谢琴红

【导师】 郑涌;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前国内外关于焦虑症及生物反馈的研究报告日趋增多,但就广泛性焦虑的研究相对较少。就焦虑症而言,关于其与人格之间关系的研究结果却报道不一;在生物反馈治疗方面,生物反馈对辅助治疗焦虑症方面有明显疗效,但肌电、脑电共同作用的研究报道甚少;同时,目前国内外关于人格等因素对焦虑症的生物反馈辅助治疗疗效影响的研究未见报道。目的:(1)探讨广泛性焦虑与人格倾向关系;(2)探讨脑电、肌电生物反馈合并药物及心理干预对广泛性焦虑的治疗的有效性;(3)探讨广泛性焦虑症生物反馈辅助治疗疗效与人格倾向间的关系。对象:本研究研究从某医学院门诊病例中选取16-60岁的广泛性焦虑患者63例。纳入标准:符合CCMD-3广泛性焦虑诊断标准;16周岁以上者;能按要求完成实验者;排除标准:伴有严重的或的心、肝、肾、内分泌等内科疾病者;一年内酒精或药物滥用者;哺乳期和妊娠期妇女;甲状腺机能亢进、高血压、冠心病等躯体疾病的继发性焦虑;兴奋药物过量、催眠镇静药物,或抗焦虑药的戒断反应,强迫症、恐惧症、疑病症、神经衰弱、躁狂症、抑郁症,或精神分裂症等伴发的焦虑。方法:根据病人SAS测评结果初步选定,然后根据纳入标准和排除标准收入试验,并对其进行EPQ测试;所有纳入实验的受试者在接收两周的药物治疗及心理咨询后,在进行咨询的同时,使用南京伟思多参数生物反馈仪进行连续10次的生物反馈辅助治疗。前3次训练为一天一次的肌肉放松训练,而后采用焦虑方案对患者进行的EMG(肌电)和α脑电波进行训练。7次焦虑方案训练中前2次为一天一次,中间两次为隔天一次,后三次训练的时间间隔又根据病人情况逐渐拉长,整个训练周期不超过20天,每次训练时间约30分钟。训练时及时对患者进行指导,并给予其积极反馈,强化其积极行为。每次练习完毕,指出其成绩,并让其进行肢体屈伸运动,令其感到轻松愉快,布置家庭作业,再离开治疗室。10次生物反馈治疗后进行SAS测验。研究结果:(1)所纳入实验的63名被试中有47.6%(30人)治愈,仍有20人患轻度焦虑,占31.7%,11人中度焦虑,占17.5%,2人重度焦虑,占3.2%。同时治疗后被试群体的SAS得分均值显著低于治疗前,且各自变量维度上的前后差异也非常显著(P<.01)。(2)治疗前后患者的SAS得分及其差值无显著性别、年龄、文化水平差异。(3)来访者SAS得分与精神质(P)、神经质(N)两个维度呈正相关(P=.045,r=.253;P=.031,r=.272),而与其他两个人格维度间无显著相关。(4)SAS后测结果及前后差值与艾森克人格问卷的4个维度间均无显著相关。结论:(1)生物反馈结合药物及心理咨询对改善广泛性焦虑患者的焦虑水平有显著疗效。(2)焦虑水平与精神质(P)、神经质(N)两个维度呈正相关,表现出精神质P水平越高,焦虑水平越高,神经质水平N越高,焦虑水平也越高的特点。而与内外向(E)和掩饰性(L)两个人格维度间无显著相关。

【Abstract】 The research reports on anxiety disorder and biofeedback at home and abroad are increasing, but relatively few studies on generalized anxiety. The research of the relationship between anxiety disorders and personality have reported diverse results; in biofeedback therapy, it assists in the treatment of anxiety disorders having significant effect, but the research reports on the interaction of Electromyography (EMG) and Electroencephalogram (EEG) are little; simultaneously, the research of adjuvant treatment effects on personality factors to anxiety biofeedback at home and abroad have not been reported beforeObjective:(1) Explore the relationship between generalized anxiety and personality characteristics; (2) Explore the effectiveness of the Auxiliary Therapeutic Effect of EEG and EMG Biofeedback of the treatment of generalized anxiety; (3) Explore the relationship between biofeedback adjuvant treatment of generalized anxiety disorder and personality characteristics.Objects:The study cases selected 63 patients with generalized anxiety from a medical clinic aged 16-60. Inclusion criteria:meet the CCMD-3 diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety; 16 years old or more; Can finish the experiment. Exclusion criteria:with severe or unstable heart, liver, kidney, endocrine, blood and other medical diseases; alcohol or drug abusers for one year; lactating and pregnant women; hyperthyroidism, hypertension, coronary heart disease caused secondary somatic anxiety; overdose of stimulant drugs, and withdrawal symptoms of hypnotic and sedative drugs or anti-anxiety drug, and compulsive disorder, phobia, hypochondriasis, neurasthenia, mania, depression, or schizophrenia associated with anxiety.Methods:Choose the subjects according to the preliminary evaluation of SAS and the tests based on inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria, Then, give EPQ test. all objects in the tests accept two weeks of medications and counseling, then, At the same time, it uses the biofeedback for 10 times adjuvant therapy. Give a muscle relaxation training once a day at the first three days. and then using the anxiety training program to train the patients’EMG and a brain wave. In the training program, The first 2 times are once a day, and the middle 2 times for every other day, and the last 3 times according to patients’ situation has gradually lengthen. But the training cycle was not exceeding 20 days, and about 30 minutes each time. In the training, Give timely guidance for patients, and give positive feedback to reinforce their positive behavior. With the completion of each exercise, pointing out the results that achieved, and asking the patients to moving body several times, in which patients feel relaxed and happy. After giving patients some homework, and then leaving the treatment room. SAS tests after 10 times biofeedback treatment.Results:(1) In the experiment there was 47.6%(30 people) were cured,20 people (31.7%) suffering from mild anxiety, and 11 people (17.5%) with moderate anxiety,2 people (3.2%) with severe anxiety. At the same time, The scores of SAS after treatment was Significantly lower than than before (P<.01). (2) Patients’ SAS scores before and after has no difference among gender, age, level of culture. (3) SAS score of patients was positively related to two dimensions:Psychoticism (P) and Neuroticism (N) (P=.045, r=.253; P=.031, r=.272), while the other two personalities have no significant correlation. (4) The test results of SAS and the difference in the before and after has no significant correlation among the four dimensions of personality.Conclusion:(1) There is a significant effect in biofeedback in combination with drugs and counseling to improve the level of anxiety in patients with generalized anxiety. (2) Anxiety and Psychoticism (P), Neuroticism (N) was significantcorrelation, showing features that psychoticism (P) level is higher, the higher the level of anxiety; the Neuroticism level is higher, the higher the level of anxiety. But there was no correlation in the introverts and extroverts (E) and the lie (L).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

