

The Research of Rural Land Exit Mechanism in the Rapid Urbanization Process

【作者】 张蔚

【导师】 杨庆媛;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 城镇化是一个国家经济社会发展的必经阶段。我国目前已进入快速城镇化的时期,面临一系列亟待解决的突出问题。其中最主要的就是改革阻碍人口和城乡要素流动的现行户籍制度,并妥善处理与之密切相关的农村土地制度、社会保障制度等一系列制度改革的关系。建立农村土地退出机制,为城镇化进程中的农民转变为市民后提供农村宅基地和承包地的处置途径,是快速城镇化进程中农村土地制度改革的一项重要内容。但是目前国内尚无成熟完善且符合国情的农村土地退出机制,严重制约着户籍制度改革的推进和城镇化的快速健康发展。完善的土地退出机制既要有利于保障土地退出主体的合法和合理利益,同时也要有利于盘活农村存量建设用地、提升农村土地的产出效益,促进农村土地的节约集约利用和规模化经营,达到发展农村经济和保护耕地安全的目标。重庆市作为中西部地区唯一的直辖市,也是我国最年轻的直辖市,在促进区域协调发展和推进改革开放大局中具有重要的战略地位。针对推动城镇化发展过程中面临的体制束缚和理论难题,作为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区的重庆可以充分发挥其“先行先试”的特权。2010年7月,重庆市在全国率先全面启动户籍制度改革,以户籍制度改革推进城镇化快速健康发展,并出台了与户籍制度改革配套的农村土地退出与管理利用规定。本文选择重庆市开展实证研究,旨在抓住改革机遇,通过典型区域的研究,探索构建快速城镇化进程中与户籍制度改革相配套的农村土地退出机制,为解决快速城镇化进程中的农村土地处置问题提供依据和参考。本文共分为五个部分:第一部分为绪论。分析了论文的选题背景及研究意义,回顾了国内外关于城镇化快速发展和农村土地退出机制的研究进展,介绍了论文的研究内容与目标、研究思路与方法、研究特色。第二部分为城镇化发展、户籍制度改革与农村土地退出理论解析。通过文献分析和理论推导,对城镇化发展、户籍制度改革与农村土地退出之间的相互关系进行了深入的梳理,揭示了三者之间的联动关系,论证了快速城镇化进程中建立农村土地退出机制的必要性。第三部分为重庆市城镇化和农村土地退出历程分析。通过对重庆市城镇化发展和农村土地退出历程的梳理,分析了各阶段农村土地退出的特点。第四部分为重庆市农村土地退出的影响因素分析。在对重庆市典型区县进行实地调研的基础上,通过定性与定量分析,总结了户籍制度改革启动后的农村土地退出现状特点。并深入剖析了重庆市农村土地退出的驱动因素和障碍因素。第五部分为重庆市农村土地退出机制的构建。针对重庆市农村土地退出工作开展中存在的问题,结合重庆市城镇化发展和户籍制度改革推进目标,运用系统论和可持续发展理论,构建重庆市农村土地退出机制框架体系,包括:重庆市农村土地退出的动力机制、运行机制和重庆市农村土地退出机制运行的保障机制。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is a necessary step of the economic and social development of a country. China has entered a period of rapid urbanization, facing a series of conspicuous problems to be solved. The most important is to reform the existing household registration system which impeding the flow of population and factors between rural and urban, and properly handle the related reforms of rural land system and social security. Establishment of rural land exit mechanism is an important content of the rural land system reform. It can provide disposal ways of rural residential land and contract land for the peasants when they turn to citizens in the process of rapid urbanization. But now there are still no perfect rural land exit mechanisms which in accordance with national conditions. This situation restricted the process of the household registration system reform and urbanization development. A better rural land exit mechanism should meet the following conditions:It should be beneficial to protect legitimate and reasonable rights of peasants; beneficial to activate the rural construction land and improve output efficiency of rural land; promote economical and intensive land-using and large-scale operation; help to archive the goal of the rural economy development and arable land security.As the youngest municipality and the only municipality in mid-west of china, Chongqing occupy an important strategic position in promoting regional coordinated development and pressing ahead reform and opening-up. For solving the institutional problems and theory of constraints in the development of urbanization, Chongqing as the experimental area of national urban and rural overall reform, can take full advantage to their "first try" privileges. Chongqing launched the reform of household register system overall at first in July 2010, to promote urbanization develop rapidly and healthily. As supporting measures, the exit and management of rural land use regulations published at the same time. This article undertake empirical studies in Chongqing, is for the purpose of exploring the constructing of rural land exit mechanism by holding the reform opportunity, through the typical regional research. And provide a basis and reference for rural land disposal in the process of rapid urbanization.This article has five parts:The first part is an introduction. Analyze the research background and significance. Review the research progress on development of urbanization and rural land exit mechanism in China and abroad. Introduce main contents, research methods and characteristic of paper.The second part is the definition of the urbanization, household registration system reform and rural land exit. Through documentary analysis and theoretical derivation, reveal the relationship among the household registration system reform, urbanization development and rural land exit, and demonstrate the necessity of establishing the exit mechanism of rural land in rapid urbanization.The third part is about the history of urbanization and rural land exit in Chongqing. Analyze the characteristics of rural land exit at all stages.The fourth part is influenced factors analysis of rural land exit in Chongqing. On the basis of field research on the typical district of Chongqing, through qualitative and quantitative analysis, summarize the characteristics of rural land exit under the household registration system reform, and find its influenced factors.Part five is the construction of rural land exit mechanism in Chongqing. Based on the problems of rural land exit, combine with the urbanization development and the household registration system reform goals, use the system theory and the theory of sustainable development, construct rural land exit mechanism system in Chongqing, including:dynamic mechanism, operational mechanism and supporting mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】F299.2;F321.1
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1445
  • 攻读期成果

