

Indentification and Screening of Waterlogging Tolerance in Brassica Napus Mutated by EMS

【作者】 薛远超

【导师】 李加纳; 徐新福;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 生物化学与分子生物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 甘蓝型油菜是一种世界性的重要油料作物,然而我国的甘蓝型油菜长久以来面临着湿害减产的问题,所以甘蓝型油菜的耐湿性育种具有重要的意义。本研究以1132份来自甘蓝型油菜中双9号和GH18的EMS诱变处理自交3代种子为材料,对芽期耐湿性进行综合评价。实验数据表明,EMS诱变后代的耐湿性存在广泛变异。以湿害处理的成苗率为指标进行初筛,有26%以上的材料成苗率高于50%,总共280份诱变种。其中所选出材料的5个耐湿性指标平均值均高于未诱变对照,各指标变异系数在0.1066-0.4853之间,变异丰富。用相对活力指数对其进行耐湿性分级,分别从GH18和中双9号EMS诱变后代中筛选得到14个和2个强耐湿性材料,这16份材料可以作为甘蓝型油菜耐湿性育种的优异资源。为了确认筛选出的材料都是耐湿材料,以及排除单一时期的耐湿材料,选取芽期初次筛选出材料中耐湿性系数相对活力指数大于0.6的67个材料(53份高抗的GH18诱变种,14个高抗的中双9号诱变种)做大田苗期综合数据调查。苗期的数据是以芽期筛选材料为基础做出二次检测,可以根据两个时期的测定数据判定芽期筛选的强耐湿材料的耐湿能力。苗期油菜在湿害处理下,处理组相比对照组地上部鲜重、可溶性蛋白、根干重、地上部干重、湿害形态系数5个性状表现均极显著降低,而叶片保水力、根系活力、质膜透性、根部干重、叶绿素、可溶性糖、丙二醛、游离脯氨酸8个性状的表现极显著升高。苗期参试的67个材料中耐湿性最强的是L2120-1。由芽期和苗期两个时期的筛选所得材料可以发现,L2120-1、L2135-2、L2125-1、L2091-2、L2018-1、L2110-1、L2807-3、L2540-3、L2112-2、L2127-3、L13108-1共11个诱变种在两个时期均有很好的表现,表现为强耐湿性。而初次筛选材料中L2026-2、L2028-1、L2243-3、L2110-3、L2111-3共5个单一时期的耐湿材料,在筛选中加以筛除。

【Abstract】 Rapeseed is one of the most important oil crops in the world. However rapeseed has being faced with the problem of Waterlogging, so Waterlogging research about rapeseed is significant meaningful. Lots of comprehensive and deeply researches on Waterlogging tolerance ability have been conducted in rapeseed.The 1132 M3 generation rape seeds which were mutated by EMS including Zhongshuang 9 and GH18, were used in this experiment and their waterlogging tolerance were comprehensively estimated. Experiment results showed that EMS mutations caused wide variation. Selected by the seedling rate of the materials treated by waterlogging, there were 26 percent of mutations with the seedling rate higher than 50% and of these selected mutations, all the 5 humidity indexes were higher than the contrast, with coefficient of variation between 0.1066 and 0.4853. thus it was confirmed rich in variation. Graded for the waterlogging tolerance of these treated materials by their relative activity index,14 and 2 materials with strong high waterlogging tolerance were selected from the EMS mutations GH18 and 2 from Zhongshuang 9 respectively and these 16 Brassica materials would be used as excellent resources in waterlogging tolerance breeding.Rapes seedlings with waterlogging treatment, shoot fresh weight, soluble protein, root dry weight, shoot dry weight,5 characters waterlogging performance index were significantly decreased, while the leaf water holding capacity, root activity, membrane permeability, root dry weight, chlorophyll, soluble sugar, MDA and free proline 8 characters waterlogging performance index were significantly increased.67 seedlings tested in the humidity of the strongest material is L2120-1. Waterlogging tolerance abilities of L2120-1 were the strongest in 67 seedling material.In the bud stage and the screening periods 11 materials of L2120-1, L2135-2, L2125-1. L2091-2, L2018-1, L2110-1, L2807-3, L2540-3, L2112-2, L2127-3. L13108-1 were very good at waterlogging tolerance. The initial screening materials L2026-2, L2028-1, L2243-3, L2110-3, L2111-3 mutation were 5 false-positive material.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

