

On the Orientation of Curriculum Value under the Relational Thought

【作者】 喻庆明

【导师】 张家军;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 价值是人类认识的永恒话题。价值是在价值关系中产生的,并有着广阔的理论基础。马克思主义哲学、怀特海的过程哲学、胡塞尔的现象学、埃德加·莫兰的复杂性理论都为价值的关系范畴作了诠释。关系思维是相对于实体思维而提出的。面对基础教育课程中出现的一些二元冲突问题,尤其是关于课程价值取向的冲突,关系思维为我们消解这些冲突提供了一种新的视角,因而思考并探寻关系思维视阈下的课程价值取向就成为课程研究的应然诉求。价值产生于价值关系中主体对客体的理解,以及客体的存在的对主体的意义这一相互联系之中。而价值取向则指人们对这一联系总的认识和看法。关系思维强调在动态平衡中把握事物的发展方向,考虑此事物与彼事物之间的关联。关系思维视阈下的课程价值取向是指在个体与社会二者的动态平衡中,以个体发展为课程价值评价的旨归,并兼顾社会需求,从而对课程价值进行整体理解的一种总的看法。它具有关系性、不确定性、相容性等特征。在明了关系思维视阈下课程价值取向内涵的基础上,课程价值主体、课程价值理想、课程价值原则和课程价值评价共同构成关系思维视阈下课程价值取向的基本内容。通过对二元冲突的比较,一元性与多元性、个人本位与社会本位、应试课程价值取向与注重个性发展的课程价值取向、主体课程价值取向的自身冲突,从内外两个方面深入探究其实现策略。外部策略表现为:首先,在课程内容的选择上保持社会、个人课程价值取向的动态平衡,具体从三个方面考虑:第一,选择学生感兴趣的课程内容,并链接社会实践;第二,根据本土实际,调整校本课程内容;第三,在课程内容设计上,考虑临近学科课程内容的衔接。其次,在课程价值取向的传递渠道上,实现学校、家庭、社区教育有机结合。亦是从三个方面考虑:第一,通过学校文化传播促使个体重新认识课程价值;第二,建立家长与子女的沟通机制,加强情感;第三,做好社区教育工作,对学生施以人文关怀。内部策略表现为:合理判断课程价值、正确作出课程价值选择、感性课程价值认同与理性课程价值认同相结合,最后通过课程实践,从而实现关系思维视阈下的课程价值取向。

【Abstract】 The value is the eternal topic that the mankind knows. The value is generated from the value relation with the broad theoretical basis. Marxist philosophy, Whitehead’s process philosophy, E. Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology, Edgar Morin’s complexity theory all made annotation for the relation category of value. The relational thought put forward comparatively to entity thought. Faced with the two dimension conflict problems which appeared in the elementary education curriculum, especially the problem in the curriculum value orientation, the relational thought provide a new visual aspect for us to eliminate the conflicts. Thus, considering and exploring the curriculum value orientation under the relational thought become the point in the curriculum research.The value generated in the mutual relationship of the understanding of the subject to the object and the meaning of the object’s existence to the subject. However, the value orientation refers to the people’s overall view and thoughts. The relational thought stressed that grasps the development direction in the dynamical equilibrium, considers the connection between this thing and other things. The orientation of curriculum value under the relational thought is refers to the thought that taking the individual development as the curriculum value appraisal’s aim, and gives dual attention to the social demand, thus carries on the whole understanding to the curriculum value in the two’s dynamical equilibrium between individual and society,. It has some characteristics, such as relation, uncertainty, compatibility and so on. On the basis of clearly understanding the connotation of the orientation of curriculum value under the relational thought, curriculum value subject, curriculum value ideal, curriculum value principles and curriculum value evaluation together constitute the basic content of the orientation of curriculum value under the relational thought.From the comparing the binary conflict and case analysis, constitute the implement strategy to the orientation of curriculum value under the relational thought. This article explore the implement strategy from external and inner aspects, take curriculum contents as to carrier, with school, family and community education as the delivers of the orientation of curriculum value under the relational thought, judging the curriculum value reasonably, making the choice of curriculum value accurately, combining the approbation of the emotional and rational curriculum value, and realizing the orientation of curriculum value under the relational thought of realize through the curriculum practice at last.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】G423
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】201

