

The Quality Evaluation of Farmland Beyond Submersed Area and It’s Influence to the Settlement Task of Immigration

【作者】 刘冰

【导师】 倪九派;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水库是水利设施的一种,水库的兴建也不可避免地产生大量的水库移民。中国是水库移民最多的国家之一。水库移民涉及政治、经济、社会、人口、资源、环境、工程技术等诸多领域,这是一项庞大而复杂的系统工程。水库淹没线线上剩余耕地是移民最重要的生产资料,耕地质量的好坏,与移民的生产生活水平密切相关。依据“以人为本”的原则,保障移民拥有最基本的生产、生活资料,进行耕地质量评价是线上移民安置的重要环节,对移民安置任务的确定有重要影响。通过中国水库移民的历史实践证明,以土为本的大农业安置方式是传统安置模式中效果相对较好的一种。土地是农民赖以生存的基础,是移民最重要的生产资料,土地调整工作是移民生产安置最重要的一个环节,直接关系到安置区居民和移民的切身利益和长远发展问题。大农业安置以种植业为主,以土地为依托,重点是落实可征用土地面积,只有这样,才能将大农业安置规划落到实处,并具有可操作性。本文在此基础上分析了大农业安置方式的优势和弊端:优势是保障了农村移民基本需求,有利于农村移民的生产和生活适应性;弊端是这种安置方式实施难度大,工作量大且效率低,还容易造成移民与安置区内原居之民间的利益冲突。大岗山水电站淹没影响区位于典型峡谷地带,漫滩及河谷区域耕地质量好且相对数量多,高海拔山地耕地质量较差,两者反差很大。大岗山水电站建设征地范围内多是河谷区域,建设征地范围外剩余资源多位于高海拔山地,因此当一个村民小组的大部分河谷区域质量好的耕地被淹没后,建设征地范围外剩余的小部分高海拔山地(以质量差的耕地为多),即使其数量达到当地人均耕地的平均水平,由于其难以改造,也不足以保证剩余人口的原有生产、生活水平,所以必须进行生产安置,计入生产安置人口;或者剩余土地资源有质量保障,但数量太少,安置移民后不足以维持最基本的社会关系网络,以及其基本生活条件如基础设施等的恢复也十分困难或成本太高等因素影响,也应把这部分人计入生产安置人口。本研究以大岗山水电站淹没线上剩余的77块耕地为例,对线上剩余耕地质量评价及其对移民生产安置任务与搬迁安置任务的影响进行了探讨。借鉴农用地分等定级理论和方法,计算耕地质量折算系数,以评价建设征地范围外剩余资源数量和质量。用线上剩余耕地的调查面积乘以耕地质量折算系数,得到各地块的质量折算面积。研究结果表明,线上剩余耕地质量主要受海拔、耕地类型、坡度和土壤类型的影响。线上剩余耕地质量评价前后移民生产安置任务分别为2569人和3187人,进行线上剩余耕地质量评价后,大岗山水电站淹没影响区的移民生产安置任务增加了24.06%。线上剩余耕地质量评价前后移民搬迁安置任务分别为2659人和3276人,进行线上剩余耕地质量评价后,大岗山水电站淹没影响区的移民搬迁安置任务增加了23.20%。从移民搬迁安置任务的变化幅度来看,与移民生产安置任务基本一致,原因是生产安置需要搬迁的人口是搬迁人口的主要组成部分。通过线上剩余耕地质量评价,能更科学合理的确定移民生产安置任务与搬迁安置任务,对移民安置工作的顺利进行有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Reservoir is kind of water facilities, and the construction of the reservoir will inevitably bring a large amount of immigrants. China is one of the nations with a large population of reservoir immigrants. The reservoir resettlement refer to the problems such as politics, economy, society, population, resources, environment, engineering technology and other fields, therefore, it is a complicated and systemic project. The remaining arable lands above reservoir flooding line are the most important production material for immigrant; therefore the quality of cultivated land is closely related to the production and living standard of immigrant. According to the people-oriented principle, the immigrant should be ensured owning the basic production, living material and carrying out farmland quality assessment is an important step of immigrant resettlement, which has a significant effect on the determination of immigration immigrant resettlement.The history and practice of China’s reservoir immigration prove that the effect of agricultural resettlement mode based on land adjustment is much better than other traditional modes. Farmland is the basis for the survival of farmers, is the most important means of production. Land consolidation is the most important part of migrating and is directly related to the resettlement area residents and vital interests of migrants and long-term development issues. The agricultural resettlement mode is dominated by farm cropping and depends on the land adjustment but the most important is to ascertain the area of confiscated land. Only through this, the planning of agricultural resettlement will be more feasible and accessible. On this basis, this article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the agricultural placement way. The advantage of it is to protect the basic needs of rural migrants, to suit the favor of rural migrants in production and life adaptation, meanwhile, the disadvantage of it is that this measure is too different to with low Efficiency, and finally result the conflict between migrants and ResidentsThe submersed area of Da-gang-shan power station is located in typical canyon area, the quality of cultivated land is good in floodplains and valley area and it have a lot relative quantity, the quality of farmland in high altitude mountain is poor, they have a big contrast. There are more valley area within the scope of land requisition of Da-gang-shan power station, residual resources outside the scope of land requisition most located in high altitude mountainous, so when the high quality farmland submerged in a group of villagers, residual resources outside the scope of land requisition(most have poor quality),even if the quantity of cultivated land reach to local average level, because its hard to reform, surplus population is not warranted to keep the original production and living standards, so the production settlement is needed, included in the production settlement population:or the remaining land resource is quality assurance, but not enough to keep up the basic social networks after immigrants resettlement, and its basic living conditions, such as the infrastructure recovery is very difficult or cost too higher, it should also be included in the population of production settlement.Based on the 77 blocks cultivated land beyond submersed area of Da-gang-shan power station, the quality evaluation of cultivated land and It’s influence to the production settlement task and moving settlement task were discussed in the paper. In order to evaluate the quantity and quality of rest resources outside the region of land confiscation, the quality conversion index of arable land was calculated through the theory of farmland grading and classification. And the conversion area of each plot was got by the survey area of rest arable land multiply the quality conversion index. Results showed that the quality of cultivated land beyond submersed area was mainly subject to the altitude、cultivated land type、slope and soil type. The production settlement task were 2569 and 3187 respectively before and after the quality evaluation and the production settlement task increased 24.06% by the quality evaluation of cultivated land beyond submersed area. The moving settlement task were 2659 and 3276 respectively before and after the quality evaluation and the moving settlement task increased 23.20% by the quality evaluation of cultivated land beyond submersed area. The variation amplitude of the moving settlement task of immigration basically the same whit the production settlement task of immigration.because that the population of production settlement task is the main component of the population of moving settlement task. The production settlement task and moving settlement task could be reasonably confirmed by the quality evaluation of cultivated land beyond submersed area and it was important to significance for immigration resettlement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】F323.211;D632.4
  • 【下载频次】98

