

Analysis and Evaluation on the Feasibility of Dalian Land-Island Night Transport for Passengers

【作者】 王振峰

【导师】 吕靖;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 海岛作为一个国家领土的重要组成,是划分领海及其他管辖海域的重要标志,是领海治控与海洋开发的基地。世界上的许多岛屿已经成为各国海洋开发和海空运输线的要冲和中转站,更是建设和保卫海洋疆土的重要战略据点。随着辽宁省、市经济的持续发展,其海岛由过去的国防桥头堡逐渐转变为经济、贸易和旅游的桥头堡,成为港口与海上运输、石油开发、水产养捕与加工的前沿阵地。与此同时,陆岛交通也日益紧张,并已成为海岛经济进一步发展的制约因素。目前大连陆岛客运涉及到的所有陆岛和串岛均为日航,若单以白天通航,则航道通航能力大幅度降低,与旺盛的陆岛客运需求尚不能完全适应。因此,开展夜间客运,可以充分发挥港口潜能和资源,促进港口的可持续发展。考虑到经济性问题以及现有条件和设施,本文研究的夜航主要是指适当延长营运时间。开展陆岛客运夜航还需要考虑航标设置、港口夜间作业条件及作业班次安排船员水平、船舶夜航设施配备、客运需求等诸多方面的因素。本文以“陆岛客运夜航的可行性研究”课题为依托,通过对大连陆岛旅客(滚装)运输现状的分析和其未来发展形势的预测,运用技术经济分析及论证的方法,结合大连陆岛夜航安全性评价结果,分析现有陆岛旅客(滚装)运输存在的安全隐患问题,并提出开展夜航的可行性和必要性,以适应大连市陆岛旅客(滚装)运输发展的需要。

【Abstract】 Island, as an important component of a national territory, has now become the symbol of divide between territorial waters and other waters under jurisdiction, the base for territorial sea control and marine development. Many islands in the world are key point for ocean exploitation and hub for sea-air transport, and also a strategic point to build and defend marine territory.With the continuous development of Liaoning Province, its islands has turned from a national defense role to an advance position for economy, trade, tourism, and also for shipping, oil exploration, aquaculture and aquatic product processing. At the same time, Land-Island transport is increasingly tense, being a constraint for further development of island economy. For the moment, Dalian Land-Island transport adopts day navigation only which reduces its capacity and not adapts with the increasing transportation demand. To start the night Land-Island transport will give more play to ports’resources and promote its sustainable development, in which case, however, many factors need to be considered, such as navigation aids setting, port facilities, seamen skills, equipment for night navigation on ship and shipping demand etc.Basis on the research of "Land-Island Passengers Transport at Night Feasibility", this paper makes a description on Dalian land-island transport situation and a forecast on its future development, and then, by means of technical economics and questionnaire statistics results, existing problems for the night transport are brought forward.

  • 【分类号】U695.11
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】154

