
参禅操琴 修心明性

【作者】 孙小迪

【导师】 罗艺峰;

【作者基本信息】 西安音乐学院 , 音乐美学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 禅宗构成了佛教文化中不可或缺的重要组成部分,甚至在中国整个文化的格局和思想史演变过程中起着举足轻重的作用,佛教的哲理影响了中国的哲学思想,尤其是禅宗哲学成为中国传统哲学思想的支柱和灵魂。而在禅宗思想影响下形成的琴禅传统中,修禅是琴以载道、琴以修心、身心双修的参禅悟道过程。本文将佛教中禅宗哲学引入古琴美学范畴,以古希腊罗马哲学传统为参照,将其身心修炼及其治疗意义的“哲学反思”运用到琴禅身心修炼传统的解释中;结合古琴理论和实践美学在僧界的琴禅传统进行深入阐发,探讨其理;最终试图在古希腊罗马时期哲学意义的反思及佛教禅宗思想史、琴禅美学等等问题上,找到了可能存在的契合点,并梳理它们之间可能发生的关联,逐渐的发现和开掘此课题的意义。在此意义上,哲学活动本身就是一种不断精神修炼的过程,其目标是使得个体的生活获得整体性的转化,实现世界观的转化以及人格的蜕变。如此看来,琴禅作为一种“人生哲学”,对于这种不执着于外相,空无挂碍、不立文字的中国佛禅中的个体——琴僧而言,“操琴参禅”这一艺术实践活动即是一种“欲望治疗”和“精神修炼”的“生活方式”。而在这一过程中强调精神性的内省和超越,彻见心源之本,反对运用逻辑和理论思辨,要求主体与客体直接切合的体悟方式,就是超越心中的执着和寂灭身体的欲望,最终获得一种心灵解脱的生活方式。

【Abstract】 Zen is the indispensable component of the Buddhism culture. It even plays an important role in the cultural structure and thought development in the whole China. The theory and ideas of Buddhism has an impact on Chinese philosophy, while Zen philosophy becomes the breath and soul of the traditional Chinese philosophy and thought. Qin Zen tradition influenced by the Zen thought has been forming, in which Zen meditation is the process of conveying thought in the Qin, beautifying soul and unifying body and mind. in the Qin. This essay introduces the Zen philosophy of Buddhism to the Guqin aesthetics. In reference to the ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, this essay applies the union of body and mind and the therapy of“Philosophy reflection”to the Qin Zen tradition. Combining the Guqin theory and Practical Aesthetics in Qin Zen tradition, it aims at a further exploration and research. Focusing on the problems of Buddhism Zen thought and Qin Zen aesthetics, and the reflections of the meaning of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, this essay attempts to find the possibly existed joint, arranges the connection, and gradually explores the meaning of it.The philosophy activity itself is a process of continuing spiritual exercise. It targets at the whole changes of individual life, vision for the world and the personality. Being the“life philosophy”, Qin Zen to the Qinseng (the individual caring not appearances, minds, or writings) is“a way of life”of“desire therapy”and“spiritual exercise”. During this process, it emphasizes the spiritual review and transcendence, looks into the root of heart and mind, opposes using the logical and theoretic speculation, requests the object and subject combining to reflect, and diminishes the perseverance of mind, the desire of body, which can help to free one’s soul.


