

Research on Decoupling of Multivariable System in MOEMS Three-component Acceleration Seismic Geophone

【作者】 王小斌

【导师】 恩德;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为提高石油、天然气的产量,矿产勘探技术正朝着多波多分量的三维精细地震勘探发展,这样可以寻找到储藏在浅层、薄层的油矿气藏。检波器作为地震勘探中地震反射波信号的拾取单元,必须满足三分量地震勘探对其频带、分量间串扰、灵敏度、野外施工适应性等各项性能的要求。本文是国家自然科学基金资助项目“MOEMS三分量加速度地震检波装置新技术研究”的子课题。对检波器单个分量检测单元的工作原理、结构设计及关键部件的特性进行了介绍。分析了三分量加速度地震检波装置在工作过程中,三维振子检测到的信号的动态特性往往表现出非线性、时变性、多变量强耦合等特点。本文在前人研究成果的基础上,设计了一种多变量系统模糊神经网络解耦的控制方法。该方法结合了模糊自适应整定PID控制算法和神经网络解耦算法,用于三分量加速度地震检波装置的三维振子系统的耦合问题中,并对解耦设计方案进行了仿真研究,结果表明该方法稳定,可靠,对整个三分量加速度地震检波装置的研制给予了一定的帮助。

【Abstract】 In order to improve the production of oil, natural gas, the development of mineral exploration technology is heading for 3D high-precision multi-component seismic exploration, looking for the minerals product stored in shallow, thin layer. Geophone as the reflection wave receiver in seismic exploration, it must satisfy 3C3D seismic exploration’s various property requirements such as frequency band, crosstalk, sensitivity and adaptability in field operation.This paper is based on“MOEMS three-component acceleration seismic geophone”which funding by the national natural science funds projects. It introduced the working principle of single component detection unit, structure design and key components’characteristics. We found the dynamic behavior of detected signals has nonlinear, time-variation, multi-variable and strong-coupled. And research for the 3D oscillators’coupled problem in three three-component acceleration seismic geophone. Aimed at this problem, on the basis of realized research we proposed a method used a multivariable fuzzy-neural net work decoupling controller, designed and simulated the corresponding decoupling scheme. The results show that this method is stable and reliable, giving some help to the development of three-component acceleration seismic geophone.


