

Coal and Gas Outburst Control Using High Pressure Waterjet Slotting Technique

【作者】 赵志坚

【导师】 陆庭侃;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着矿井开采深度不断加深以及开采规模的进一步扩大,出现了“三高两低”(即高地应力、高瓦斯、高非均质性、低渗透性和低煤体强度)的现象,煤与瓦斯突出问题日益严峻,严重制约着煤炭工业的发展。目前常用的防突措施如:超前排放钻孔、水力冲孔、高压注水、松动爆破等,这些措施在某种程度上,取得了一定的防突效果。但是,这些措施具有施工重复率高、防突效果检验指标超标率高等局限性,特别是在严重突出煤层中快速掘进,其片面性和局限性表现的更为突出。导致突出煤层的掘进速度缓慢,采掘比例失调,严重影响煤矿的安全快速生产。在这样的技术与社会背景下,本文提出了高压水射流割缝快速消突技术。首先介绍了水射流的几何结构特性,分析了水射流破岩理论,并研究了高压水射流割缝快速消突机理;结合FLAC3D数值模拟软件,在微观尺度上对煤体的应力、塑性区进行了模拟分析,对措施的消突机理进行了补充和验证;利用ANSYS对旋转喷头的内部流场进行模拟,通过正交试验确定高压力矩喷头的优选参数;此外,通过室内剪切试验研究了含水率对晋家冲煤矿11112机巷掘进迎头煤体内聚力与内摩擦角的影响;最后通过部分理论分析确定割缝系统的其他参数,完成高压水射流割缝工艺的制定,并在贵州晋家冲煤矿进行了实施,从割缝影响范围、掘进速度、瓦斯涌出量等方面进行了效果考察、分析,试验结果显示该措施消突突效果显著,煤巷掘进速度提高了1.5倍,给煤矿带来了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 For the past few years, with the increase of the depth of seems mined and the further expand of the mining, there is a phenomenon of“three highs and two lows”(high geostress,more gas,high nonuniformity,low permeability and low strength of the coal) which leads to coal and gas outburst, which restricts the coal industry development.The methods for controlling the outburst such as“advanced borehole and emission”“hydraulic punching”“high pressure water injection”and“standing shot”are widely used. But these techniques contain some kind of limitations, such as high construction repetition and high over-limit ratio of test rating in outburst control. The limitations of these methods becomes even more serious for heading development rate in coal seam with possible outburst, and it results in low excavation rate and imbalance of mining proparation which has a strong impact on the safety and production.Thesis presents the research on technique of high pressure water jet slotting to control coal and gas outburst during heading development. At first, the author describes the features of the geometric structure of water jet, analyzes the theory of rock breaking by water jet and then studies the mechanism of high pressure water jet slitting to control outburst. Then, numerical modeling method (Flac3D) has been used to analysis the effect of waterjet slotting parameters on outbutst control. Besides, using ANSYS the author simulates the inner flow field of the spinning nozzle, determines the optimum parameter of the high pressure moment nozzle by means of orthogonal test. In addition, the influence of moisture content on the head-on coal cohesion and internal frictional angle is studied via indoor shear tests the in wood road 11112 of Jinjiachong colliery. Finally,high-pressure water jet slitting technology was established after determining other parameters of the slotting system through theoretical analysis. What’s more, the author made an experiment in Jinjiachong colliery of Guizhou Province inspecting and analyzing aspects such as the slotting affected areas, rate of advance, gas discharge etc. This experiment proves that this measure is effective in outburst elimination with the coal roadway driving speed rising by 1.5 fold reaping significant economic and social benefit.


