

The Tectonic Control on Gas Occurrence and the Gas Forecast in Changcun Coal Mine

【作者】 张书林

【导师】 张子敏; 张玉贵;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 矿业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 瓦斯是一种气体地质体,是地质作用的产物。现今煤层瓦斯的赋存状态、影响煤与瓦斯突出和瓦斯涌出量大小的地质条件,是含煤地层经受复杂地质演化作用的结果。因此研究构造演化及其对瓦斯赋存的控制作用具有十分重要的意义。本论文运用板块构造理论、瓦斯赋存构造逐级控制理论,借鉴前人的研究成果,分析了太行山形成的动力学背景及其形成过程;研究了沁水盆地地质演化史(构造演化史,山西组沉积埋藏、热演化、煤化-生烃史);研究了区域构造对矿区构造的控制作用、矿区构造演化及其对瓦斯赋存的影响;在此基础上,结合常村煤矿丰富的瓦斯地质资料,分析了井田构造分布特征、成因及其对瓦斯赋存的控制特征,划分瓦斯地质单元,预测各单元的瓦斯含量和瓦斯涌出量。研究认为潞安矿区在晋获断裂带和沁水坳陷核部的武乡-阳城坳褶带的控制下,由东向西,矿区构造变形由NE、NEE向的正断层演变为NNE、近SN向逆断层和宽缓的褶曲。矿区在构造演化过程中,经受多期次构造应力场的改造,由于应力场的转变,原来的NNE~NEE向的断裂反转为正断层,并形成一系列的地垒地堑构造,加之太行山快速隆起,此时NNE~NEE向断层成为主要的泄气通道,瓦斯得到大量的释放。而NNW向和近SN向断裂由于挤压、剪切活动较强,对瓦斯释放较少,在深部将会控制煤与瓦斯突出危险区的分布。井田东部,以NNE~NEE的断裂和阶梯式断块为主,控制了瓦斯的赋存;而井田西部则以近SN向的背斜、向斜和逆断层为主,控制了瓦斯的分布和煤与瓦斯突出的危险性。并以此把井田划分为6个瓦斯地质单元,合理确定了井田3#煤层瓦斯风化带下限,建立了各瓦斯地质单元瓦斯含量分布的数学模型,确定煤层上覆基岩厚度是整个井田瓦斯赋存的主控因素。在瓦斯含量预测的基础上,分析了井田内各瓦斯地质单元内的瓦斯涌出量。本研究为矿区矿井规划、通风设计、煤层气抽采利用和煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测提供参考。

【Abstract】 Coal seam gas which is a geological gas, is the product of geological processes. The gas occurrence of today’s coal seam and the geological conditions of gas outburst and gas emission are the results of complex geological evolution. Therefore ,it has great significance to do research on tectonic evolution and their effects on the control of gas occurrence.In this paper, the dynamics background of the Taihang mountains and its formation process were analyzed with the theories of the plate tectonics and the tectonic gradual control. The geological evolution histories of Qinshui Basin( the tectonic evolution, thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation history of Shanxi Fm) were also analyzed. The regional controls the mining area in terms of tectonic structure. Accordingly, based on the large gas geological datas of Changcun coal mine, characteristics ,causes of minefield structural, and its control features on gas storage were studied. Gas geological units were defined in Changcun coalfield. Gas content and gas emission in each gas geological unit were forecasted finally. Conclusions were as followings: Under the control of the Jinhuo fault zone and the Wuxiang - Yangcheng fold belt in Qinshui depression axial region, the tectonic features varies from the NE, NEE normal faults in the east area to the NNE, nearly SN reverse faults and the folds in the west. In the process of the tectonic evolution, Lu’an tectonic structures underwent multi-stage transformation of tectonic stress field, as a result, the NNE ~ NEE fractures reversed to normal faults, forming a series of horsts and graben structures. Coupled with the rapid uplift of the Taihang mountains, the NNE ~ NEE faults became the main discouraged channels ,losing a lot of gas. However, because of the compression and the strong shear force, the NNW, nearly SN fractures released less gas, and controlled coal and gas outburst in the deep.In the east of Changcun coal field, the mian tectonic structures are the NNE ~ NEE faults and the ladder fault blocks, which controlled the gas occurrence; however, the nearly SN anticlines, synclines and reverse faults are the main tectonic structures,controling the distribution of gas and coal and gas outburst. Then, six gas geological units were defined, and lower bound of the 3# coalbed gas weathering zone were also defined. Combined with the measured gas content datas, the mathematical models of the gas content in every gas geological unit were established, determining the overlying rock thickness of coal seam is controlling factor of gas occurrence over the whole mine field. Gas content and gas emission in each gas geological unit were forecasted finally.May this study give scientific evidences to mining area and coal mine planing,, ventilation, coal bed methane extraction and utilization, coal and gas outburst prediction.


