

Numerical Simulation and Prediction of Karst Water Dewatering Flow in Pingyu 1st Coal Mine, Henan Province

【作者】 唐辉

【导师】 潘国营;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 地质工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 平禹煤电公司一矿主采二1煤和二3煤,煤层底板分布有石炭系薄层灰岩和寒武系厚层灰岩,岩溶裂隙发育,富含岩溶水,富水性较强,承压水头高,采煤过程中时常发生突水事故,历史上已经发生四次寒灰水突水淹井或淹采区。随着采掘深度的加大,作用在煤层底板岩溶水水压增大,突水危险更大。在查阅分析国内外相关文献的基础上,结合矿区多年的水文地质资料,综合分析平禹一矿的地质及水文地质条件,设计并进行了疏放寒灰岩溶水试验,充分地了解了平禹井田寒灰岩溶水补给径流和排泄条件,以及寒灰岩溶水疏放难易程度。利用放水试验所形成的岩溶水疏降流场及各观测孔水位动态等资料,运用相关分析法预测未来疏放条件下的涌水量。并在放水试验数据的基础上,运用国际上通用的、标准化的地下水数值模拟软件Visual Modflow建立了平禹一矿地下水渗流模拟模型。经过模型验证和参数识别,建立的数值模拟模型符合实际水文地质条件,稳定且可靠性较好。应用此模型预测未来加大疏放水量时岩溶水的流场。预测结果显示,随着矿井疏水量的进一步加大,地下水处于负均衡状态,岩溶水水位持续下降,形成以三采区和技改井放水孔为中心的水位降落漏斗。矿区在放水量为4880m3/h的情况下,持续放水1年可使漏斗中心水位下降至-50m左右。

【Abstract】 The 1st mine of the Pingyu Coal and Power Company is mainly working on 21 and 23 coal. The Carboniferous thin limestone and Cambrian thick limestone are distributed in the coal seam floor, with developed karst fissures, rich karst water and high confined water head. So, it’s a threat to mining seam in the process of coal mining. So far, The mine has occurred four Water inrush accidents, leading to the mine inundation or mining area inundation. With the depth of mining increasing, the pressure of karst water working on the coal seam floor increases, and the risk of water-inrush also increases.Based on lots of relative literature and the hydro-geological information of the past years, this paper analyzes the geological and hydrogeological conditions of Ping Yu 1st mine. In order to understand the Cambrian karst water recharge,discharge and runoff conditions of Ping Yu mine field, a dewatering test has been done. According to the information of the drainage test, this paper used correlation analysis method to predict the mine water inflow under the conditions of dewatering in the future. On the basis of the drainage test data, the simulation model of groundwater flow will be established by using Visual Modflow to predict karst water flow field in the case of water discharge increasing.The stability and reliability of the model is proved by model verification and parameter estimation, and the model fits the hydrogeological conditions of Ping Yu 1st mine. Based on the predicted results, with further increase of mine water discharge, groundwater will be in a state of negative equilibrium, and karst water level will continue to decline, causing the formation of depression cones as the center of the third mining area and well rehabilitation’s water drainage hole. When the mine warter discharge is 4880m3/h,central cone’s level will drop to -50m or so after one year.


