

The Numerical Simulation and Seismic Monitoring Research of Mining Induced Fault Activation

【作者】 张群

【导师】 唐春安; 张子敏;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 时至今日,煤矿安全已经成为人们关注的重点,解决煤矿安全问题日趋紧迫,然而在煤矿产业中,断层活化作为影响矿山地质灾害的重要因素之一,巷道的开挖,煤层的回采均能诱发前方断层的活化与滑移,究其根本是由于受采动的影响,导致煤岩体内部各种复杂的变化,造成断层活化甚至滑移事故,危及矿工的生命安全,更是造成了煤矿及国家的损失。本文先是通过对淮南矿区新庄孜矿B10煤层62110采面过F10-5断层以及回采煤层的实际情况,运用RFPA2D模拟软件,选取合适的参数,再现了F10-5断层活化的全过程,并分析其内部详细的发展变化过程。后又通过在建立的ESG矿山微震监测系统上对监测系统进行现场调试并正常运行后,对实际监测结果作分析,得出了断层活化在系统中的具体表现形式,并为回采工作提供了一定的指导,使其制定相应的过断层措施,用最小的损失顺利通过断层。最后通过对数值模拟和微震监测结果的相互比对,得出了数值模拟在断层活化方面的可行性与可靠性,同时也证实了断层活化在微震监测系统中的可被识别性,并得出提前模拟加之现场微震监测是研究断层活化的一种新方法,并可作为预防回采前方遇断层活化的一个分析手段,在最大程度上降低断层活化所造成的损失。

【Abstract】 At the present time,coal mine safety has become a major concern ,solve coal mine safety problems are becoming urgent, however in coal mine industry ,fault activation as influence coal and gas outburst is one of the important factors. Roadway excavation, the front seam mining can induce the activation of the fault, the impact of mining is the basic reason,caused complex changes within the coal and rock, caused fault activation even slip, not only Critical life and safety of miners, but also Resulted in the loss of coal and the State. First, this paper based on the fact of Mining 62110 Coal Mine B10 fault F10-5 in XinZhuangZi Coal Mine, used simulation software RFPA2D , selected the proper parameters, reappeared the whole process of the fault F10-5’s activation, and analyzes the process of its internal development; And then analyzed the actual monitoring results from ESG, got the useful data to help making proper plan to Avoid accidents; Finally, after the mutual comparison of the numerical simulation and the results of microseismic monitoring, we found RFPA can reappear the fault activation, add to the ESG’s real-time monitoring is a new way to research fault activation, and reduce the loss which caused by the fault activation.

【关键词】 断层活化诱发突出RFPA2D微震监测
【Key words】 Fault activationInduceProminentRFPA2DSeismic monitoring

