

Historical Study on City Transformation and City Construction of Early Modern Nanchang

【作者】 袁雪

【导师】 李百浩; 陈李波;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是从城市规划史学的研究角度出发,通过对南昌近代城市规划建设各个方面的考察,运用历史学、城市规划学、建筑学等学科的专业知识,阐述了南昌近代城市转型过程、特征与近代南昌的城市规划建设发展历程,分析影响其发展的各方面的因素,以此理清南昌近代城市转型及规划建设的发展脉络,总结其特征,进而探讨南昌近代城市发展在中国近代城市规划中的作用和历史地位。首先从南昌城市近代化转型的角度分析南昌在转型前的历史沿革、城市地理及城市特征,重点阐述南昌城市近代化转型的各个步骤,包括城市近代化工业的开端、城市交通发展、城市功能转变等,总结出南昌在城市近代化转型过程中的特点,以此确定南昌近代城市规划建设的社会背景。再从南昌近代城市规划建设本身发展的角度出发,将南昌近代城市规划建设划分为四个历史时期,给出了划分的依据;然后着重阐述各个分期内的重要规划建设事件、规划文件、建设活动等等,此外本文还将对南昌近代城市规划管理机构的演变和发展做出分析。本章的重点在于对各种史料的组织与筛选,梳理出南昌近代城市规划发展的清晰脉络。为了更清晰的阐述南昌及近代城市建设特点,故对近代南昌城市规划建设中的典型建设实践进行研究,主要包括拆除城墙修建环城大道规划建设案例,城市公园——休憩空间的规划与建设,中山大桥的规划与修建,这些案例较早涉及了城市交通规划、景观规划,及跨江区域发展规划等现代城市规划面临的问题。最后通过以上内容的分析对南昌近代城市规划的发展动因及其近代规划特征进行总结归纳,在南昌近代城市动因方面主要从帝国主义的宗教入侵、振兴实业的思潮及新生活运动三个方面进行阐述;对于南昌近代城市规划的特征主要表现为马路主义、商业空间形态演变及富有政治色彩的城市规划建设。总结出的发展原因和特征。通过对南昌这67年的城市转型及城市规划建设的梳理分析总结,有利于对南昌近代城市发展有一个比较清晰的理解。更希望通过这种研究可以对现代南昌城市发展及其城市空间形态发展提供一些思路和参考。

【Abstract】 With the perspective of history of city planning, the thesis shows the process of the development in Nanchang’s city planning during the early modern period, and analyses the characteristics of city planning in the area to explain how the city’s development and evolution happened and its function and historical status. The methods employed include history, city planning, architecture, sociology, statistics, etc.From introduces the origin of the study, research content, methods, and framework in order to offer a theoretical background of this thesis. By tracing the evolution of Nanchang city, the second chapter summarize the general situation of Nanchang’s history and geography, importantly discuss the steps of evolution, including the beginning of the transformation, the development of the transportation, and the change of city’s function. The characteristics of Nanchang’s evolution are summarized to determining the social background for the city planning in modern period. From the angle of the city planning itself, firstly divides the research period into four sub-periods and gives the dividing reasons. Secondly the chapter shows the progress of changes and developments of the important aspects of city planning, including the guidelines and the significant events, etc. Lastly this part discusses the development of the urban management. The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the historical material and literature to outline the track of the development of city planning in Nanchang. Views on the study of the typical cases such as removing the city wall, building the road around city, city park-relaxation area’s construction, planning and building of Zhongshan-bridge, etc. These cases to some degree involves in the planning problems in transportation, landscaping and development of river nearby. A summary of the cause and characteristic of city planning. The religion invade of the imperialism, the thought of industrial waking and the movement of new-life compose the main cause. The characteristic is posed on the road commerce development and political construction. These analysis have something referential value for the research on city planning and space morphologic development. In conclusion,through the 67 years of Nanchang city transformation and urban planning and construction, it is beneficial for the development of modern cities of Nanchang have a clearer understanding. Hoped that through this modern city of Nanchang, the construction can provide some ideas and reference.


