

Research on Test Paper Successive Determination of Gold, Silver and Copper in Core Sample

【作者】 程年芳

【导师】 魏明坤;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 无机化学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 金、银和铜广泛应用在我们日常生活的每一个领域中,然而,随着社会的发展进步,人们对这些金属制品的需求越来越大,因此,找到含有这些金属元素的矿样尤为重要。如何能够快速、准确找到含有金、银、铜的矿样呢?长期以来,我国都是从野外采矿—送化验室化验—得出结论—是否开发矿石。而且要测出三种元素的含量,就要把一种矿样测定三次,按三种金属元素的测定方法进行三次矿样的分解、测试等过程。其中要用到大量的仪器、试剂以及数据的处理等,这将要经历一个长期、复杂的过程。本课题选用一种快速连续测定矿样中金、银、铜的方法-试纸法,是利用野外金、银和铜测定箱连续测定金、银和铜的含量。矿样用盐酸和助溶剂溶解,采用处理好的鸡(鸭)蛋皮做金和银试纸,将特制的滤纸剪成2cm×1.5cm大小的吸附片作为铜试纸,用4,4’-二甲胺基-二苯基甲硫酮和浴铜灵做显色剂,参考色标对照比色,结果与参考值基本一致。这种方法与以往测金、银、铜的方法比较,具有快速、简单、成本低廉、减少污染、节省试剂和时间等诸多优点。论文的第一部分内容研究了试纸法测定矿样中的金、银、铜的实验方法。主要研究了如何选择合适的试纸,如何选择反应的条件和时间、酸度对反应的影响、干扰离子对反应的影响等。用试纸法和其他方法对比,结果接近。论文第二部分研究了试纸法连续测矿样中金、银、铜的实验方法。研究了合适的矿样分解方法,矿样分解方法中一般采用酸分解试样,如果按照传统的方法用王水分解矿样,则硝酸会迅速分解,产生大量的的NO2和Cl2等有毒气体,本论文中采用一定助溶剂,使用NaNO3,减慢了NO2和Cl2的释放速度,减少了污染。同一试样连续测定金、银和铜,取金、银和铜的标准溶液及金矿标样按分析步骤测定结果。并对试纸法进行加标回收,计算回收率,加标回收率在90%—110%之间。由结果可知,试纸法得出的数值和参考值基本一致,令人满意。

【Abstract】 Gold, silver and copper are widely used in our daily life, however, with the development of the society, the requirement for these metal products is more and more. Thus, finding the core sample containing these metal elements are extremely important. How to find the core sample containing gold, silver, copper rapidly and accurately? For a long time, the main research line is as follow:the field of mining; laboratory tests; the conclusion; the development of core sample. For determination of three elements, the sample is tested by three different kinds of methods, respectively, that is, one element requires one test method. A large amounts of equipment, reagents and data process are executed, which will go through a long and complicated process.A fast and continuous use in the determination of gold, silver and copper in core sample, which called paper method, detected gold, silver and copper contents by using gold, silver and copper determination box continuouslly. The method is the fact that are dissolved with hydrochloric acid and cosolvent, using a good deal of chicken (duck) egg skins as gold and silver strips, the special filter paper cut into 2cm×1.5cm size of the adsorbed film as a copper strip,4,4’-methylamino-diphenyl-methylthio ketone and bath copper reagent as reagent. Comparing with the reference color, the result is consistent with the reference value. This method is fast, simple, low cost, low pollution, less solvent and short time in contrast to previous measurements of gold, silver, copper methods.In the first part of the paper, determinating gold,silver and copper experimental methods are studied. How to choose the appropriate test papers and the reaction conditions and time of the impact of acidity on the reaction, interfering ions on the reaction and so on are studied. Comparing the paper method with other methods, the result suggests that it is very close to those of other methods.The second part of the paper studied paper method of detecting gold, silver, copper continuously in ore. It studied the decomposition method of suitable ore using acid decomposition method in the decomposition of the general sample. If ore samples are decomposed with aqua regia, the nitric acid will quickly decompose, resulting in a large number of NO2, C12 and other toxic gases. This paper adopted a certain solvent of NaN03, which slowed down the release rate of NO2 and C12 and reduced pollution.The method can continuously test gold, silver and copper, and get the results compared gold, silver and copper standard solution to gold standard samples. The recovery rate was calculated by recovering test paper which indacated between 90%-110%. The results that dipstick values and reference values were basically same satisfied us.


