

Experimental Study on the Mineral Process of Pegmatit Alkalifeldspar Ore

【作者】 潘力

【导师】 张凌燕;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 矿业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国长石资源丰富,但大多数矿石品质较低不能直接使用。随着大量优质长石资源的开发与利用,优质长石资源日益减少,大量的低品质长石资源有待开发,而选矿提纯技术研究是提高长石资源利用率和产品质量的关键所在。山东某地长石矿床属于伟晶岩矿床,矿石储量大、容易开采,但杂质矿物较多,分选难度较大。矿石中含有一定量的方解石和云母,需将其浮选去除。根据该伟晶岩长石矿的特性,进行了磨矿、脱泥、磁选、反浮选方解石、反浮选云母等工艺的系统试验研究,结果表明:(1)该长石矿以钠长石、钾长石和条纹长石为主,主要脉石矿物是石英、云母、方解石,还有少量的赤褐铁矿、金红石和锆石等。其中钠长石49%、钾长石16%、条纹长石4.5%、石英17%、云母类矿物9.5%、方解石3%、赤褐铁矿0.5%,其他矿物<0.5%。有害元素铁主要赋存在黑云母和赤褐铁矿中,钙主要赋存在方解石中。(2)通过对比三种磨矿方式,确定了采用磨矿效率最高的钢球介质磨矿。并验证了通过“脱泥—磁选”流程可有效去除钢球介质磨矿过程中产生的铁杂质。(3)通过磨矿细度试验,确定了该矿石的适宜磨矿细度为-0.074mm63.68%;(4)通过考察铁、钙元素在矿石各粒级中分布情况,可知Fe203和CaO主要分布在-0.030mm的细粒级中,脱泥去除-0.030mm粒级矿物,可有效去除矿物中的微细粒铁、钛矿物和磨矿带来的铁杂质。进而确定了脱泥粒度为-0.030mm;(5)通过磁选试验,确定了磁选适宜条件为场强0.9T,矿浆流速0.8cm/s,磁选机脉动频率300次/分;(6)通过反浮选方解石试验,确定了浮选方解石的最佳药剂制度为:pH调整剂Na2C03用量为600g/t,捕收剂C用量为1500g/t;(7)通过反浮云母试验,确定了浮选云母的药剂制度为:pH调整剂捕收剂H2SO4用量为2000g/t,捕收剂(捕收剂A+烃油A)的用量为160g/t;(8)通过“磨矿—脱泥—磁选—浮选方解石—浮选云母”的工艺流程,对该矿石进行选矿提纯,得到的精矿指标为:TFe2O3=0.12%、CaO=0.26%、Na20+K20=11.05%。精矿达到了我国长石产品在釉料、陶瓷白胚和平板玻璃等方面应用的一级质量标准。(9)通过机理分析可知,在弱碱性(pH=8)条件下,捕收剂C在方解石表面的吸附有化学吸附的作用;在酸性(pH=3.5)条件下,捕收剂A在云母表面的吸附是通过静电力作用实现的,属于物理吸附。

【Abstract】 The feldspar resource in our country is very rich, but most of which don’t use directly due to its low quality. With exploiting and using of much high quality feldspar resource, the high resource is more and more poor, then lots of low quality is awaited to developed.The technical research on ore-flotation purification is the key to improve the use ratio of feldspar resource, and the quality of feldspar product.This ore deposit in Shandong belong to pegmatite deposit, which reserve is large, easy to exploit,but the impurity mineral is relatively much, so the difficuty to separation is rather hard.This ore contain a quatity of calcite and mica,which must be got rid by flotation.According to feature of this feldspar, it is researched syetemetically by a series of experiments:ore-griding, desliming, magenatic separation, calcite re-flotation and mica re-flotation.(1) As to this feldspar ore, the major mineral are albite, potash feldspar and perthite. The major gangue mineral contains quartz, mica, calcite and a lillte hematite, limonite, rutile and zircon.This ore contains albite49%, potash feldsparl6%, perthite4.5%, quartz17%, mica9.5%, calcite3%, hematite and limonitel%,other ore <0.5%.The element of iron basically is contained in biotite, hematite and limonite,titanium is contained in rutile and autunite basically is contained in calcite.(2) Compared with three means of grinding, the paper comfirmed that grinding ore by steel ball media is highest in efficiency, and the iron from steel ball grinding process can effectively get rid of by process "desliming-magenatic separation"(3) According to the experiment of grinding fineness, this paper comfirmed the available grinding fineness is-0.074mm63.68%.(4) By investigating the distribution of iron and autunite, the paper learned that Fe2O3 and CaO are distributed in small fraction of -0.030mm, and then demonstrated that desliming to the fineness of -0.030mm can effectively get rid of iron-mineral, titanium- mineral and iron from grinding process.and finally comfirmed the desliming fineness is -0.030mm. (5) According to 3 groups experiments, this paper comfirmed the best available conditions for magenatic separation are that magnetic field intensity is 0.9T, the flow rate of ore slurry is 0.8cm/s.the impulse of magnetic separator is 300 every minute.(6) According to 4 groups experiments of calcite re-flotation,this paper comfirmed the best medicament conditions for calcite re-flotation are that the dosage of pH modifier Na2CO3 is 600g/t,the dosage of collector C is 1500g/t.(7) According to 3 groups experiments of mica re-flotation, this paper comfirmed the best medicament conditions for mica re-flotation are that the dosage of pH modifier H2SO4 is 2000g/t, the dosage of collector (collector A+ hydrocarbon oil A) is 160g/t.(8) By a series of experiments, this paper comfirmed the best technological process to purify this feldspar, the process is "grinding-desliming-magenatic separation-calcite re-flotation-mica re-flotation",by which the final concentrate can be obtained which the content of total iron is 0.12%,calcium oxide was 0.26% and the sum Na2O and K2O is 11.05%.This final concentrate reached the first quality standard of feldspar for glaze, white blank of porcelain and plate glass.(9) By analyzing the mechanism between minerals and collectors, the paper verified that the absorption between collector C and calcite may be chemisoption in the alkalescent condition (pH=8), and in the acid condition (pH=3.5), the collector A absorbed on the surface of mica is depend on electronstatic force,which is physisoption.

【关键词】 长石脱泥磁选反浮选
【Key words】 feldspardeslingmagnetic separationre-flotation

