

Study on Transit Feeder Buses Routes Optimal Design of Wuhan No.2 Subway

【作者】 吴修朋

【导师】 蒋惠园;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 轨道交通因其速度快、运输效率高及安全性高等特点在公共交通系统中越来越受重视。目前国内已经进入到轨道交通大发展时期,共有14个城市拥有轨道交通线路、27个城市正在筹备建设城市轨道交通。武汉轨道交通发展速度也很快,到2012年武汉有地铁二号线以及地铁四号线投入运营。届时武汉交通状况将大大改善,缓解武汉过江难、高峰小时拥堵的状况。接运公交是为轨道交通输送与疏散人流的公共汽车,与轨道交通形成轨道—接运公交系统。在这个系统中接运公交线路与城市轨道交通衔接可作为城市轨道交通线路的延伸,由于轨道交通线网密度低,与接运公交接驳能够有效提高轨道交通的客流吸引范围及影响区域,能够为轨道交通输送较为多的客流。接运公交与轨道交通接驳,可以实现零换乘,并通过轨道交通运量大、速度快的优势提高运输效率,通过接运公交线路灵活、通过能力强的特点实现门到门运输服务。在武汉轨道交通二号线即将开通的情况下研究接运公交线网的优化能够为武汉公交线网优化提供决策依据,有极大的现实意义。本文首先通过轨道交通常规公交与接运公交的联系以及接运公交功能分析两方面阐述接运公交的性质与作用,其次分析了武汉市公交状况,提出武汉市轨道交通接运公交发展的必要性。接着对传统的公交客流OD推导方法进行了改进,提出平均乘距约束及修正的OD推导模型,推导并预测了2012年武汉轨道交通开通后的的公交客运需求量。然后通过对通用的公交线网优化目标的选取以及限定条件的筛选,选取合适的目标函数和限定条件。运用直达乘客量最大为优化目标建立了轨道交通二号线线网优化模型。最后分析了公交线网各种优化算法优缺点的基础上选取蚁群算法作为武汉地铁二号线接运公交线网优化求解方法,结合直达乘客量最大为目标函数进行求解,最终得到优化结果。根据优化结果结合武汉城市特性得到武汉地铁二号线接运公交线网优化方案。本文研究成果为以后接运公交线网的优化提供了参考,能够为武汉轨道交通二号线接运公交线网优化提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Rail transportation attracts more and more attention because of its fast, efficient and safe transport characteristics in the public transport system. At present, rail traffic has entered the period of great development, a total of 14 cities have rail transit lines, 27 cities are preparing the construction of urban rail transit. The development of Wuhan rail transit is quick, there are two subways being in operation in 2012 which are Wuhan No.2 subway and No.4 subway. Then the traffic situation of Wuhan will be greatly improved and the situation of peak-hour congestion and difficulty to cross the river in Wuhan will be ease.Transit feeder buses are normal buses which pick up and evacuation passages for rail transit and it become transit rail-feeder buses transportation system. In this system, the link of transit feeder buses lines and urban rail transit can be used as an extension of urban rail transit line. Because the rail transit network density is low and transit feeder buses connections to improve passenger rail transportation to attract the scope and impact areas, so as to get rail passengers. The link of transit feeder buses can achieve zero transfer, and take the advantage of large volume, fast speed and high transport efficiency of traffic by rail, pick up bus lines through flexible, strong ability to achieve through the door to door transport services. Wuhan No.2 subway is about to open, in the case of this, the study on transit feeder buses routes optimal design of Wuhan No.2 subway can be decision-making basis for routes optimal of Wuhan bus lines. So the study has great practical significance.Firstly, we analyzed the nature and role in public transportation of transit feeder buses through the links between transit and transit feeder buses bus functional analysis of transit feeder buses, followed by analysis of the situation in Wuhan city bus. Then we proposed the necessity for transit feeder buses routes optimal design. Then, we proposed a modified model by an average of OD from the constraints and the derivation of the modified model which was the modified through traditional method of transit passenger OD derivation. On the base the paper predicted rail traffic in Wuhan in 2012 after the opening of bus passenger demand. We select the targets and qualification screening through general public transportation network and then optimized by the select the appropriate objective function and qualification. Then we use the maximum direct passenger rail traffic optimization objective to establish model for transit feeder buses routes optimal design of Wuhan No.2 subway. Finally, we choused ant colony algorithm to solve transit feeder buses routes optimal design of Wuhan No.2 subway Wuhan based on the analyses of the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation network of various optimization algorithms and get the final optimized results. Then we got transit feeder buses routes optimization scheme of Wuhan No.2 subway according to characteristics Wuhan city and optimization results which obtained before.This research provides reference for transit feeder buses routes optimal design in the future and theoretical basis for transit feeder buses routes optimal design of Wuhan No.2 subway.

  • 【分类号】U291.75;U239.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】419
  • 攻读期成果

