

The Design of Plug-in Hybrid City Bus Driving System Based on EMT

【作者】 陈丽平

【导师】 吴森;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着能源危机和环境污染问题日益加重,传统汽车的使用不断面临着节能、减排的诘难,人们发现汽车行业的前途关键在于发展新能源,新能源汽车将成为最有前景的新兴产业。在这个大背景下,纯电动汽车、充电式混合动力汽车以及燃料电池电动汽车等成为汽车行业研发的热点方向。文中通过介绍我国政府对新能源汽车产业的扶持政策、与其相关的基础配套设施建设如充电站的发展建设以及充电式混合动力汽车的国内外发展现状,说明了发展充电式混合动力的机遇。并与普通混合动力进行比较,得出发展充电式混合动力的优势。本文以与武汉理工通宇新能源动力有限公司合作的电驱动自动变速系统项目为依托,进行充电式混合动力城市客车的研究与设计。在已有车型WD6100HN的基础上,设计一个布置紧凑、结构简单、匹配合理、传动高效的PHEV驱动系统。在分析和比较了混合动力的各种驱动系统结构的优缺点后,采用了单轴并联式的结构设计及后驱的驱动方式。另外,车辆动力系统由整车控制器控制,发动机与电机的动力耦合通过自动离合器来实现。在设计目标的要求下,对WD6100HN进行驱动系统各部件的选型和参数匹配,确定了发动机、电机、变速器及蓄电池组的各项参数。其中,采用的变速器是武汉理工大学汽车学院自主研发的电驱动自动变速器,它将电机与变速箱集成在一起,通过电机调速实现主动同步换档。本文在参考了当前各种混合动力汽车控制策略,结合了设计车辆驱动系统的特点、变速器的换档控制方案以及我国典型城市公交循环工况的特点后,提出了合适的整车控制策略。在初步设计完成后,本文还对设计车辆进行了仿真验算。在ADVISOR仿真软件中,建立该车辆的发动机模型、电机模型、变速器模型、蓄电池模型、整车模型及控制策略模型,并把中国典型城市公交循环工况导入其中,并在操作界面中输入各项参数,最后进行仿真分析。通过仿真得到了该车辆的最高车速、加速性能、爬坡性能、百公里油耗以及发动机和电机的工作点分布,这些结果表明车辆达到了预期的设计要求,说明本设计是合理的。

【Abstract】 With the energy crisis and environment problem getting worse, the use of traditional cars is continuous questioned by energy saving and emission reduction. It is considered that the future of the automobile industry is new energy vehicle, and it will become the most promising industry. In this background, BEV, PHEV, FCEV turn into the hot direction of research and development in auto industry.In this paper, it introduce the supportive policy of new energy vehicle by our government, the construction and development of related basal supporting facility such as charging station, and the present development situation of PHEV at home and abroad. As a result, the opportunity of developing PHEV is coming. Comparing to the ordinary hybrid cars, it gets the advantages of PHEV.Based on the EMT project from Wuhan Tongyu Company of new energy resources, the plug-in hybrid electric city bus is researched and designed. On the basic of existing vehicle WD6100HN, it designs a PHEV driving system with compact arrangement, simple mechanism, reasonable matching and high transmission. With analyzing various kinds of HEV driving system structure, it chooses the single axle parallel hybrid system and RWD drive mode. Besides, the vehicle power system is controlled by HCU, the power coupling between engine and motor is achieved by an automatic clutch.Requested by the design objective, it choose component model of vehicle WD6100HN driving system and match parameters of energy, motor, transmission and storage battery. It uses the self-research EMT system by Automotive School of Wuhan University of Technology. It is an integration of motor and gear box, and it complete shift gears by motor’s active speed governing. Referring to current HEV control policies, and combining with the driving system’s characteristic of design vehicle, the control policy of transmission’s shifting gears and the peculiarity of Chinese typical city bus road condition, it put forward a suitable vehicle control policy. After finishing the initial design, it checks the designing through simulation. In the simulating software ADVISOR, it builds the engine model, motor model, transmission model, storage battery model, vehicle model and control policy model, guides the Chinese typical city bus road condition into the software, inputs each parameter in the operator interface, and finally do the simulation analysis. And then it gets the results of max speed, acceleration performance, climbing performance, the vehicle fuel consumption per hundred kilometers and the working point distribution map of engine and motor. These-results demonstrate that the design reaches design requirements and the whole design is reasonable.

  • 【分类号】U469.72;U463.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】326
  • 攻读期成果

