

The Requirement Analysis of Safety Management System for General Contractor Enterprise

【作者】 邓世富

【导师】 方俊; 代智华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 土木工程建造与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于我国正处于工业化中期,建筑行业在国民经济中占有重要地位,该行业为国家吸纳了大量的劳动力就业,但是由于建筑行业的特殊性,该行业所生产的产品和生产产品的场所是无法固定的,每个工程建设项目都有其自身的独特性,管理比一般的工业企业难度大,其安全和健康状况一直让人担忧,而且严重制约建筑行业劳动生产率和建筑产品质量的提高。调查表明,大量安全事故的发生都源于安全管理的不完善或者人员失误,因此建立有效的安全管理体系,加强施工现场安全管理,加大新技术、新材料和新施工工艺的使用能有效提高施工现场的安全管理水平,安全管理工作是工程项目管理工作的重中之重,安全管理的成功是项目管理取得成功的先决条件。本文对我国施工总承包企业现场安全管理现状进行了概述,通过对建筑施工现场安全管理的需求分析,所有安全问题的根源在于现场施工人员,现场施工人员的误操作会影响自己或是别人,从而最终导致安全事故的发生,接着又分析了施工现场人员素质的提高绝非易事,劳动者综合素质的提高需要做大量的工作(像政府投入的公共基础教育,医疗以及经济发展等)。这些都需要长时间,既然施工现场人员的素质提高见效慢,那么我们要提高施工总承包企业的安全管理水平就必须从其他方面入手,本文提出建立以物联网技术为基础的施工现场安全管理机制,它将改变以前的安全管理方式,物联网技术的出现将使施工现场安全管理更有效,更方便。总之本文介绍的以物联网技术为基础的施工总承包企业现场安全管理系统是对工程建设项目施工全过程的时时监控,它能使施工现场的安全信息时时地传递到现场管理人员甚至公司的管理人员,为工程项目建设过程中安全管理提供有效的参考和依据。

【Abstract】 Because our country is in the middle of industrialization, construction industry in the national economy occupies an important place for the country which absorbs a large number of labor obtain employment, but due to the particularity of the construction industry, the production of products and production product place is not fixed, every construction project has its own uniqueness, which is more difficult than the general industrial enterprise management, and its safety and health has been worrying, and severely restricts the construction industry labor productivity and improve the quality of construction products.Investigation shows, a lot of the accidents originates is from the non-perfect safety management or human error, thus establishing effective safety management system, strengthening construction site safety management, increasing the new technology, using new material and new construction technology can improve the level of safety management of the construction site, safety management work is the top priority in the work of the project management, security management success is a prerequisite for project management success.This paper discusses the general contractor enterprise site safety management and summarizes the present situation of construction site in our country, through the analysis of the demand of safety management, all the security at the root of the problem is site construction personnel, on-site construction personnel will affect from his own incorrect operation or others’, thus finally lead to security incidents, and then analyzes the improvement of the quality of construction site personnel is no an easy task, the laborer’synthesis quality enhancement need to do a lot of work (like the government input based education, medical and public economic development, etc.). All these must waste long time, So construction site personnel quality improving is non-effective, We should improve the general contractor enterprise’s safety management level from the other aspects, this paper proposes the establishment by the internet of things technology as the foundation of the on-site safety management mechanism, it will change the previous safety management mode, the emergence of the internet of things technology will make on-site safety management more efficient, more convenient. In short this paper based on the internet of things technology of the general contractor enterprise site safety management system is the construction of the project construction of the whole process of the constantly monitor, it can make construction site safety information to transfer to the site management personnel, and even company safety management personnel. So it can provide effective reference and basis for project construction process

  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】350

