

Study on the Excursion Poetry Composed by Zhang Yuangan during His Retirement to Fujian

【作者】 周泥杉

【导师】 陈忻;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以张元干退居福建时期的交游词为研究对象,主要以其文本作为研究的切入点,探讨了张元干退居福建时期交游词产生的条件,梳理了与其进行交游的对象以及相关词作,分析了其退居福建时期交游词的艺术特质。本文的主体部分,可分为以下三个方面:第一部分交代了张元干退居福建时期交游词创作的时代背景以及其交游词产生的条件。主要从南渡后的社会形式,及其对当时文人士大夫心态的影响;以及张元干自身所具有的群体意识以及其生活境遇等方面展开论述,以揭示这些因素对张元干交游词产生的影响。第二部分从文本入手来考述张元干退居福建时期的交游词,梳理其退居福建后有交游词传世的交游对象。其中大致可分为四类,一类是以李纲、胡铨为代表,交游词主要展现了慷慨激昂的爱国主义情怀;一类是以李弥逊、富直柔为代表,交游词主要展现了张元干的退居生活及其心态;还有以吕本中、向子諲为代表的一类,交游词主要体现了对老朋友的深厚情感以及故国之思;以及以叶梦得、程迈等为代表的一类,交游词主要表现的是张元干在退居福建时期与当地官员的频繁互动。第三部分探讨张元干退居福建时期交游词的艺术特质。主要从其交游词中所表现出来的强烈的主体精神、宽广的内容情怀出发,并分析其艺术特质的成因。

【Abstract】 The thesis focuses on the excursion poetry, a type of classical Chinese poetry, created by Zhang Yuangan during his retirement, discusses the factors which cause to produce the kind of poetry during that time, classifies and elucidates Zhang Yuangan’s acquaintances and productions and analyzes the artistic properties of his excursion poetry. The main body of my paper is divided into the following three parts.The first part of the thesis concentrates on the background and causes when Zhang Yuangan created those excursion poetry during Zhang Yuangan’retirement to Fujian, elaborating the social regime after Northern Song Dynasty was conquered by Mongolian army and its government transferred southward, the effect on the men of letters and scholar bureaucrats at that time, Zhang Yuangan’s group consciousness and life circumstances.The Second part studies the excursion poetry created by Zhang Yuangang during his retirement, investigates the characters he had an intimate association with and it is the frequent contact with these friends that promote him to create the excursion poetry during that time which were handed down later. And those characters and the poetry can be divided into four classes as follows: the first one is typified by Li Gang and Hu Quan, and the type of excursion poetry reveals fervent feeling of patriotism; the second one represented by Li Mixun and Fu Zhirou and showing Zhang Yuangan’retirement and mentality; the third one embodied by Lv Benzhong and Xiang Ziye and unveiling the deep feeling towards his old friends and strong yearning for his homeland; the last one represented by Ye Mengde and Cheng Mai and displaying Zhang Yuangan’s frequent interactions with the local feudal officials during that period.The third part probes into the artistic characteristics of the excursion poetry produced by Zhang Yuangan during his retirement to Fujian, mainly discussing his intense individual spirit and a wide range of content expressed in his excursion poetry and analyzing contributing factors of these artistic properties.


