

Research on the Cultural Preservation and Tourism Development of Ciqikou Town

【作者】 王恺多

【导师】 张述林;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国20世纪80至90年代,古镇旅游开始兴起。古镇旅游作为一种独特的旅游形式,以其丰富的历史资源和文化内涵吸引不少旅游爱好者,古镇旅游持续火热带来了古镇的振兴和深度开发。但同时,古镇旅游的开发对古镇本身独特的历史文化带来不可忽视的冲击。目前还存在的过度商业化、承载力饱和、旅游产品同质化等问题。古镇文化资源保护是旅游开发的前提和着眼点,只有古镇得以很好的保护,古镇的人文精神得以很好的传承,才能让更多的游客在古镇旅游中享受古镇历史文化的价值,从而促进古镇旅游的发展,实现古镇的繁荣和振兴。因此研究古镇文化保护与旅游发展关系、提出对古镇文化保护性开发的对策,对古镇旅游的发展有着积极的作用。位于重庆市中心地段的磁器口古镇历史悠久,文化内涵丰富。巴渝文化、沙磁文化、红岩文化、宗教文化等各具神采,又融为一体。成为重庆历史文化的一个典型缩影,吸引国内外众多的参观者。在磁器口古镇越来越备受瞩目的同时,磁器口的文化保护与旅游开发矛盾也日益突出,存在文化特色主题不鲜明,开发欠缺整体规划、民俗文化日渐消失、旅游产品档次较低,商业气息过于浓厚掩盖了丰富的历史文化底蕴等问题,古镇文化难以完整地呈现在世人面前。失去文化核心的古镇将是一座“空城”,这必将影响到古镇的旅游价值和可持续发展。本文以古镇、古镇文化、古镇旅游、古镇文化保护与古镇旅游发展的关系为逻辑主线,层层递进,着力阐述古镇文化与古镇旅游开发之间互相促进又互为矛盾的关系。并将这一观点应用于磁器口古镇的文化保护与旅游开发的关系研究,针对目前磁器口古镇旅游发展现状和存在的问题,在综合国内外古镇开发与保护的研究成果的基础上,对磁器口古镇的旅游发展提出对策建议,为磁器口古镇文化的复兴与旅游良性发展提供借鉴。全文共分八个部分:第一部分是绪论部分,主要是选题的背景和意义,研究综述,研究的内容和拟采用的方法;第二部分阐述了古镇的概念、古镇的类型;古镇文化内涵和外延,古镇文化如何传承以及古镇文化旅游资源等内容;第三部分阐述了古镇旅游,古镇旅游的概念,古镇旅游发展的历程;第四部分研究古镇文化与旅游的关系;阐述了古镇文化是古镇旅游发展的基础这一观点,需要处理好古镇文化与旅游的发展矛盾冲突,实现古镇文化和旅游的融合发展的问题;第五部分介绍了磁器口古镇丰富的文化资源,剖析了磁器口古镇文化的保护现状;第六部分分析了磁器口古镇文化保护中存在的问题;第七部分在磁器口古镇文化保护的前提下探讨古镇旅游发展对策。第八部分是结论部分。归纳论文主要观点,并提出需要进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 The 1980s and 1990s have seen the boom of ancient town tourism. With rich historical resources and cultural deposits, this kind of tourism has prospered ever since then, given its strong attraction to visitors, which has geared up the revitalization and development of old towns. In the mean time, such human activities have had some side impacts on cultural protection which cannot be neglected, resulting in over-commercialization, saturated capacity, and homogenization of tourism products. Resources preservation is the precondition and key of tourism development. It is only when the ancient towns are well taken care of and their human spirits are finely inherited that the consistent prosper and vigor of ancient towns would be made possible. Therefore, the study on the relations between preservation and development and strategies will bring an active influence.Located in the city proper of Chongqing municipality, the ancient town of Ciqikou enjoys a long history and rich cultural contents. As a typical miniature of Chongqing, it has appealed many visitors from home and abroad. With more eyes-focusing, the conflicts between protection and development have become increasingly prominent. Problems like poor planning, fading folk culture, and commercialization overtaking history have badly hindered its further progress. Such a town is apparently an empty one without the core of culture, which will affect its value and sustainable development.Logically arranged in the context of ancient towns, towns’cultures, tourism, cultural protection and tour development, this essay takes efforts to elaborate on their mutual beneficial and conflicting relations. Taking the current situations and problems in Ciqikou into consideration, I have put forward some recommendation on its future development based on previous research achievements, hoping that this may be helpful for its revitalization and bring it back into sound cycle.There are all together 8 parts in this essay. Part 1 is the preface, introducing the background, content and method. Part 2 elaborates on the concepts and types of ancient towns, cultural heritage and resources. Part 3 tracks the development of town tour. Part 4 studies the relations between culture and tourism and emphasizes that the culture is the foundation of tourism. Part 5 illustrates and analyses its current situation and the problems are raised in part 6. Relevant measurements and suggestions are therefore put forward in part 7. Part 8 is the conclusion, with main ideas concluded and new problems raised.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【下载频次】1224

