

Study on Optimal Allocation of Railway Container Transport Products

【作者】 张晓洁

【导师】 郎茂祥;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 运输与物流, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 摘要:铁路集装箱运输凭借自身优势已逐渐发展成为铁路快速货运的主要形式。近年来,我国铁路集装箱运输取得快速发展,但受铁路运能的制约,发展水平仍很低,既有铁路集装箱运输产品在数量和质量上与客户需求存在的较大差距也严重影响着铁路集装箱运输的竞争力及经济效益。我国高速铁路的大力建设,使铁路运能得到释放,并对铁路集装箱运输的发展带来机遇,因此,对铁路集装箱运输产品的优化配置进行研究,对于提高我国铁路集装箱运输服务质量,满足经济和社会发展需求都具有重要意义。论文在分析国内外铁路集装箱运输产品发展现状和经验的基础上,运用优化理论与方法提出了既有铁路集装箱运输产品优化调整的模型与对策,并对新产品——小编组快速集装箱班列的运输组织方法进行了优化设计;重点对我国铁路集装箱运输产品的优化配置方法进行了研究:分别采用灰色马尔科夫预测法与比重法对集装箱中心站和办理站的铁路集装箱发送量与交流量进行预测,进而确定集装箱中心站和办理站间铁路集装箱班列运行径路、组织形式及编成辆数,并以京广通道为例,确定了2012、2015和2020年铁路集装箱运输产品的具体优化配置方案;最后,从经营模式、货源组织、营销策略等方面提出了铁路集装箱运输产品优化配置的保障措施。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:Railway container transportation becomes a main form of railway express freight transport with its advantages, which achieves a rapid development in China nowadays, but the existing railway container transport products still have a wide gap with customer needs in quantity and quality, which seriously impact its competitiveness and economic benefits. The high-speed railway construction will releases railway transport capacity and accelerates the development of railway container transportation. Therefore, the optimizations of railway container transport products can highly improves the quality of railway container transport services and satisfies the economic and social development needs.On the base of analysing the development of domestic and foreign railway container transport products, this thesis proposed optimization models and measures to the existing railway container transport products, and made optimal designation to the new product——small marshalling rapid container train. The thesis focus on the research to China railway container transport products optimal allocation:using gray Makov predicted method and gravimetrical method to forecast the railway container volume and OD container volume respectively, then determined traffic routing, organizition forms and number of vehicals, then proposed container transport products specific optimal operation of 2012,2015 and 2020 for Beijing-Guangzhou corridor. At last, this thesis proposes safeguards from business form, supply organizations and marketing strategy, which can lead to the optimization of railway container transport products under the condition of high-speed railway construction smoothly implement.


