

Research on Urban Mass Transit Passenger Route Choice in the Condition of Network Operation

【作者】 秦志鹏

【导师】 赵鹏; 刘伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 摘要:随着我国大城市加快城市轨道交通网络的建设速度,运营管理逐步由单线向网络化发展。客流是成网条件下运营管理的基础,是票款清分、应急指挥和运营计划合理制定等的重要依据。在网络化运营条件下,由于“一票制”的实施,虽然可以通过AFC得到精确的网络OD数据,但是无法对乘客出行路径进行记录。为了解决这一问题,本文对成网条件下乘客出行路径选择进行研究。论文首先分析了影响乘客出行路径的各种因素,在拥挤、换乘等影响因素的基础上加入了对于进出站额外时间,以及长途乘客对于座位的需求等因素的分析;其次,提出对乘客进行分类,将乘客分为熟悉型和陌生型两类,分析其路径选择依据和特点,并分别给出了综合出行阻抗的计算方法;之后对可行路径的两种搜索算法,即删除算法和双向搜索算法进行了详细的介绍;然后,选用阻抗分层的多路径客流分布模型进行客流分配计算,并改进了客流分配比例修正方法,加入座位需求系数;最后,通过调查问卷得到相应参数后,结合现有客流数据,以北京城市轨道交通网为基础,进行了乘客出行路径选择问题的相关计算,得到了OD间不同路径的客流分配比例,以对以上研究过程以及相应的改进方法进行验证。

【Abstract】 With the accelerated progress of Urban Mass Transit system construction in some major cities, the operation management mode brings about a big change from dependent operation by line to network operation. As the foundation of network operation management, passenger flow is a key basis to ticket fare clearing, emergency command and operation scheme making. Due to the application of the AFC system in the One-Ticket transfer network, the OD data can be easily collected accurately, but the travel route of passengers can’t be recorded clearly. So precisely in order to solve this problem, this paper studies on passenger travel routes choice in the network operation conditions.First of all, the paper analyses different kinds of factors influencing passengers’ choice. Based on the crowds and the queuing time whiling transferring to another rail, the paper add other two factors, additional time of into or out stations and seat demand of long-distance passengers. Second, the paper for the first time put forward to classify passengers into two categories, familiar type and strange type. The paper analysis travel routes choice, and get a formula of comprehensive travel impedance. Third the paper introduces two algorithms, Deletion Algorithm and Bi-directional Search Algorithm. Then ratio correction method of multi-route distribution model is improved. Finally the paper uses passenger flow data and parameter which is from questionnaires to calculate passenger travel routes choice and get final calculation result, which verifies the above studies.


