

Study on Carrying Capacity Bottleneck of Urban Rail Transit Network

【作者】 皇妍妍

【导师】 周磊山;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 摘要:随着城市轨道交通网络化进程的不断推进,在网络效应和票价的双重刺激下,城市轨道交通的客流记录不断的在刷新,客流在急剧增加的同时,城市轨道交通相关设施或设备也暴露了与之不相适应的各种问题,特别是运输能力和客流不协调的运输能力瓶颈问题日益凸显。目前,我国一些大城市的轨道交通网络已经初步形成,对运输能力瓶颈问题的解决要求也越来越紧迫。然而,国内外关于城市轨道交通运输能力瓶颈问题的研究尚无系统的成果。本文就是在此背景下,对城市轨道交通运输能力瓶颈问题展开了系统的研究,具有一定的前瞻性和理论价值。针对我国城市轨道交通网络化的发展现状,本文在充分借鉴国内外先进经验的基础上,对运输能力瓶颈问题展开了一系列的相关研究。(1)分析了城市轨道交通网络化运营的特征和网络系统的构成,以及成网条件下运输能力概念体系;提出了运输能力瓶颈的定义,在此基础上,对瓶颈进行分类和对瓶颈的特性研究,为后面的研究提供了必要的准备。(2)分别介绍了城市轨道交通不同粒度下车站集散能力和不同闭塞方式下线路输送能力的计算方法,以此作为研究运输能力瓶颈的基础。(3)分别对静态瓶颈和动态瓶颈进行了研究,在静态瓶颈的分析中,提出了基于约束理论的静态瓶颈的定位和排序方法;在对动态瓶颈分析中,首先对城市轨道交通网进行客流分配,在此基础上,瓶颈进行识别,并按照专家打分或根据紧迫程度对其进行排序。(4)在上述理论的基础上,分析了静态瓶颈和动态瓶颈产生的原因,提出了相对应的消解瓶颈的运输组织对策和设备改造对策,并介绍了改造方案选择的原则和最佳改造时机的确定方法。(5)本文以R城市轨道交通为背景,就运输能力瓶颈进行了算例分析,对本文提出的静态瓶颈和动态瓶颈的识别、排序方法和疏解对策进行了验证。

【Abstract】 In the process of rapid developing of China urban mass transit network, passenger record is constantly refresh in the double stimulation of network effect and the price of ticket. At the same time, the equipments and facilities of urban transit have shown issues incompatible with such a growth, especially the contradiction between the capacity and passenger has arisen gradually. At present, urban rail transit network has preliminarily formation in some large cities, and solving the capacity bottleneck becomes more and more urgent. However, there is not any valuable research about capacity bottleneck at home and abroad. This thesis is established based on this background, which proved to be a prospective study.Based on the development reality of urban transit network and the advanced experience at home and abroad, this paper takes a series of related research on capacity bottleneck.First of all, this paper analyzes the features of urban transit network operation, and the structure of rail transit, puts forward the relative integrated concept carrying capacity bottleneck of urban rail transit network, the lassification and characteristics of the bottleneck, which lays the way of the research on capacity bottleneck.Secondly, the theory and cumulating methods of station collection and distribution capacity in different granularity as well as the line carrying capacity in different block way are discussed respectively, which is considered as the foundation of the study on capacity bottleneck.Thirdly, the static bottleneck and dynamic bottleneck are studied. This paper puts forward the static bottleneck positioning and sorting method based on theory of constraints. The dynamic bottleneck positioning is proposed on the basis of passenger flow assignment.Their order is determined with erpert system or urgency.Then, this paper analyzes reasons which caused static bottleneck and dynamic bottleneck separately, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to relieve bottleneck, including transport organization and reforming of main equipment.The pricipe of selective reconstruction and the method of establishing the best time to reform are also presented.Finally, the models and methods above are applied to R urban rail transit network, and the result proves that the theory in this paper is useful to a certain extent.

  • 【分类号】U239.5
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】517

