

Study on the Key Point of Train Operation for New Rail Lines on Urban Rail Transit Network

【作者】 秦蕾

【导师】 周磊山;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 摘要:近几年来,我国的城市轨道交通建设进入快速发展时期,随着新线的不断建设和投入使用,特大城市的轨道交通网络已初具规模,网络化特征日益凸显。城市轨道交通新线建设正处于快速扩充时期,新线接入问题已经引起了国内规划和运营单位的广泛关注。由于轨道交通新线的线型、功能、接入方式的多元性及客流需求特征的多样化,以往传统单一的运输组织方式已渐渐无法适应当前乃至今后新线接入的需求,迫切需要研究与路网不断发展相适应的运输组织新方式。针对我国城市轨道交通网络新线大规模接入的现状,在充分借鉴国内外先进经验的基础上,本文以不同接入方式下新线的运输组织新方式为研究对象,以满足乘客出行需求、提高轨道交通服务水平为根本目标,展开一系列的相关研究。(1)本文分析了确定新线建设规模及建设时机的影响因素;从新线的线型、功能及布局的角度,定义了新线接入路网的四种方式。(2)从新线客流的形成机理出发,通过实例说明了新线的接入使得网络规模扩张且乘客路径选择多样化,从而引起了网络客流分布的变化。针对不同的接入方式,分别分析了不同接入方式引起的路网客流分布变化情况。通过统计分析历史数据,得出了新线接入对整个轨道交通网络客流的影响。(3)本文从新线列车编组方案、新线首末班车时间设置、既有线延伸线的交路设置、市郊线轨道交通跨站停列车开行及覆盖区域重合线路的共线运营五个方面,探讨了网络条件下城市轨道交通新线的运输组织新方式。尤其针对新线首末班车时间设置问题,提出了新线首末班车时间制定的原则,并建立了市郊线首班车时间设置模型和脱网运行线路末班车时间设置模型。同时建议新线在运营初期采用开行“短列”的非固定编组方案,能达到提高列车的满载率并降低运营成本的目的。针对既有线延伸线“分期建设、分段运营”的特点,提出可行的线路近、远期交路方案。针对跨站停列车的停站方案设计,依据线路的长、短途客流特点和通过能力的利用状况,建立了以旅客总出行时间最小化为目标的优化模型。(4)针对目前既有路网客流增长迅猛、运力运能匹配矛盾突出的现状,分析了新线接入对既有路网可能产生的影响,提出合理有效的应对措施及建议,以保证新线接入的平稳、安全及有序。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:In recent years, the urban rail transit has been developed rapidly in China. For example, as the construction and operation of new rail lines, the network of urban rail transit is starting to take shape, as well as the network features are becoming obvious in megacities. However, when urban rail transit network is expanding tremendously, the challenge to connect new rail lines to the existing network is attracting more and more attention from local planning and operation units. Since there are varieties of types, functions and access modes of the new rail lines, the traditional method of train operation is not able to meet the requirements for new rail lines nowadays and in the future. As a result, study on new method of train operation adapting to the development of the urban rail transit network is necessary to be carried out.Based on the current situation of quantities of new rail lines in the network and the advanced experience at home and abroad, this thesis presents a series of study relating to the new method of train operation for new rail lines, taking the demands of passengers and enhancing the rail traffic service level as goal.(1) This thesis describes the factors that might affect the construction scale and timing of new rail lines. Considering the line types, functions and the layout of new lines, four ways to connect new lines to the existing network are also defined.(2) This thesis illustrates that new rail lines operation change the network passenger flow because of the network expanding and the passenger routing diversity. For different access modes, the distribution of network passenger flow is diverse. Through statistical analysis of historical data, come to a conclusion of operating new rail lines affect the whole passenger flow of the network.(3) This thesis discusses the new method of train operation for urban rail transit network, regarding to the train marshalling and the departing time setting of the first and last train for the new lines, as well as the train routing setting for extension lines, skip-stop train scheduling for suburban lines and joint operation arrangement. Especially, principles of departing time setting of the first and last train for the new lines are brought up, in terms of which, models of scheduling the first and last train in suburban lines and off-grid lines are built up. Meanwhile, suggestions are also addressed:unfixed train marshalling plan could be applied in the initial stage of a new line operation; the long-term and short-term train routing for extension lines; according to passenger flow characteristics and capacity utilization, optimization model for skip-stop train plans, with the aims of the minimal total travel time of passengers was proposed.(4) Measures and advices on connecting new rail lines into the existing network are given out, aiming at solving the contradiction between the rapid growth of amount of passengers in the existing network and the matching of carrier capabilities, ensuring the safe smooth orderly connection of new rail lines.


