

The Study on the Systhesis of the Intercalation Compounds with the K4Nb6O17 as a Precursor

【作者】 王僖

【导师】 徐跃华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 无机化学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究的内容是:以分析纯Nb205和K2C03为原料,经过仔细研磨,将其放入铂坩埚中,采用高温固相反应制备K4Nb6O17,制备出的K4Nb6O17具有层状结构。向K4Nb6O17层间插入一些过渡金属氢氧化物、氧化物,制备出具有一定功能性的层状化合物,旨在研究以K4Nb6O17为前躯体插层化合物的合成方法,以及合成插层化合物的最佳反应条件。系统研究了原料K4Nb6O17的合成、质子交换反应、胺剥层反应以及过渡金属的插层反应,并得出各步反应的最佳反应条件。以铌酸钾为前驱体,通过水热合成的方法合成了镍铌氧插层化合物,其化学式为[Ni(OH)0.68]1.55K1.95Nb6O17·5.82H20,此化合物为单晶格化合物,正交晶系,晶胞参数为a=0.3442 nm,b=1.0943 nm,c=0.4341 nm,α=β=γ=90°。以铌酸钾为前驱体,通过水热合成的方法合成了铜铌氧插层化合物,其化学式为[Cu(OH)0.66]1.53K1.95Nb6O17·8.31H2O,此化合物为单晶格化合物,正交晶系,晶胞参数为a=0.5251 nm,b=1.0707 nm,c=0.6302 nml,α=β=γ=90°。所得的插层化合物采用一系列的测试手段,并对这些测试的数据进行分析,最后得出插层化合物的结构特点及其性质。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, growing attention has been paid to the issue of energy. People are exploiting plenty of energies such as coal mining, oil, natural gas, etc. These energy sources will be exhausted in the near future. Thus finding new energy sources is the important task now. It can produce much energy when hydrogen is burned, and the water which is no hurt to the environment is the final product. So hydrogen is considered as the green energy source and become the best energy source. However, how to produce hydrogen conveniently is still a great challenge at present. Many scientists are trying to explore a variety of highly efficient catalysts. They hope to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen with solar energy by using these catalysts. The layered compounds caused more attentions of the scientists due to the interesting structures. Some compositions can be intercalated into the interlayered spaces of the layered compounds with some special methods, by which the width of the forbidden band is changed to nearly 1.23 ev, and these compounds can be used as the catalysts in the water spitting with visible light.In the layered compounds, niobium oxides and titanium oxides are paid more attentions by many researchers. K4Nb6O17 is a two-dimensional layered material built with NbO6 octahedrons. The lattice parameters of K4Nb5O17 are:a=0.783 nm, b= 3.321 nm, c=0.646 nm. In this thesis, by using K4Nb6O17 as the precursor, through ion-exchange, exfoliation, intercalation, etc, some intercalation compounds have been synthesized. The synthesis conditions of the compounds have been investigated, and the characterization of the compounds have been produced.The layered compound NiNbO has been hydrothermally synthesized with K4Nb6O17 as a precursor. Its chemical formula is [Ni(OH)o.68]1.55K1.95Nb6O17·5.82H2O. This compound is orthogonal, and the lattice parameters are:a=0.3442 nm, b= 1.0943 nm,c.0.4341 nm,α=β=γ=90°.The layered compound CuNbO has been hydrothermally synthesized with K4Nb6017 as a precursor.Its chemical formula is [Cu(OH)0.66]1.53K1.95Nb6017·8.31H2O. This compound is orthogonal,and the lattice parameters are:a=0.5251 nm,b= 1.0707 nm,c=0.6302 nm,α=β=γ=90°。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】O614.113
  • 【下载频次】113

