

Research on Methods of Traffic State Identification Based on Fixed Detector

【作者】 魏强

【导师】 曲昭伟;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国社会和经济的快速发展,城市交通结构和交通状况也发生了巨大变化:一方面,城市化进程的快速推进促进了道路里程和道路网结构的增长和完善;另一方面,由于汽车保有量的迅速增加,导致交通需求的增长速度远远超过了交通供给能力的增长。这直接导致了各大中城市交通环境的不断恶化,交通拥挤越来越严重,城市道路拥堵里程不断增加,拥堵时段也显著增长。据统计,国内三分之二的城市都存在“高峰”交通拥堵的问题。交通拥堵不仅导致交通事故频发、增加车辆延误和汽车尾气排放,还严重影响着社会和经济的可持续发展,给人们的日常生活和工作带来了诸多不便。因此,采取必要的交通管理和交通控制措施,通过对交通流进行合理、有效的组织来缓解城市交通拥堵所造成的社会压力和经济压力,成为当前亟待解决的一个问题。区域交通状态判别是有效进行交通管理和交通控制的先决条件,因此,区域交通状态判别一直是国内外交通专家的研究重点。本文在分析区域交通状态判别方面的国内外研究现状的基础上,针对道路网交通状态不均衡的特点,将道路网和交通流的不均衡性进行量化,通过对流量、速度、占有率等交通参数的分析,将区域交通状态由点及面的进行分析,最终实现了整个区域交通状态的分析和判别。论文第一章介绍了本文的研究背景、研究目的及研究意义,在对国内外研究现状进行总结的基础上,提出了本文的研究思路和研究内容,为后续章节的完成奠定了基础。第二章首先分析了路网的不均衡特性,对路网中路段和交叉口各自的特性进行了分析,然后利用图论对路网的拓扑结构进行了分析和表达。最后,在对交通流参数选取和检测器布局优化的相关问题进行分析的基础上,确定了能够合理表达各路网元素交通状态的交通流参数和检测器的布设位置。第三章在分析路网中路段和交叉口交通运行特性和路网结构特征的基础上,选取了表征路段和交叉口状态的交通流参数,建立了路段和交叉口交通状态判别模型;在分析路段和交叉口各自属性特征的基础上,分别建立了路段和交叉口的权重模型,对路段和交叉口的不均衡特性进行了量化;通过综合分析路段和交叉口状态对路网整体交通状态的影响,建立了区域交通状态判别模型,确定了表达区域交通状态的指标。第四章分析了区域整体交通状态的表现形式,研究了表达区域整体交通状态的宏观交通状态参数的直观性和有效性,通过分析本文提出的区域交通状态判别指标与宏观交通状态参数之间的相互关系,确定了区域交通状态级别划分方法,对区域交通状态进行判别,并对区域交通状态进行了拥堵级别划分。第五章利用微观仿真软件对本文提出的区域交通状态判别方法进行了模拟验证。首先根据本文所提方法的特点,在VISSIM中建立了合适的路网结构和仿真测试环境;然后根据仿真需要设计了仿真测试方案,选取了合适的评价指标;最后根据仿真数据对仿真结果进行了分析,进而对区域交通状态判别方法的判别效果进行了验证。第六章对全文进行了总结,回顾了本文的研究内容和研究进展,并提出了下一步的研究计划。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of our social and economic, urban transport structure and traffic conditions also changed dramatically:On the one hand, the rapid advance of urbanization promoted the growth of road mileage and the improvement of road network structure; On the other hand, the rapid growth of cars, causing traffic demand growing much faster than the traffic supply capacity. Which led the traffic congestion more badly, the mileage of congested road was increasing, the congestion periods also increased significantly.According to statistics, two-thirds of our cities had traffic congestion problem in "peak" periods. Traffic congestion not only led to frequent traffic accidents, increased vehicle delay and vehicle emissions, but also had a serious impact on social and economic sustainable development; people’s daily lives and work were disturbed. Thus, taking the necessary measures for traffic management and traffic control, easing urban traffic congestion which caused social and economic pressure, become a problem to be solved. The regional traffic status discrimination is the prerequisites for traffic management and traffic control. Therefore, the research of regional traffic state identification was focused on by domestic and international transportation experts. This paper analyzes the state distinguishing aspects of regional transport research status at home and abroad, quantifies the imbalance of the road network and the traffic flow based on the unbalanced characteristics of the traffic states. Analysis the regional traffic states from point to surface, finally, the state of the entire regional transportation were analyzed and discriminated.The first part introduces the research background, purpose and significance of this research. Meanwhile, this part establishes frame structure of the paper based on the review and summary of research results both at home and abroad, thus lays a foundation for subsequent research work.The second part analyzes the imbalance of road network, the respective characteristics of road sections and intersections were analyzed, and the topology of the road network is analyzed and expression using graph theory. Finally, on the basis of the selection of traffic flow parameters and the layout optimization of the detector, determine the traffic flow parameters which can expression the traffic state of the network element and the layout of the detector.The third part selected the traffic flow parameters which can express the traffic state of the road sections and intersections and establish the state identification model of road sections and intersection based on the analysis of the traffic operation characteristics of the road sections and intersections; In order to quantify the imbalance of the road sections and intersections, the weight models were established; the regional traffic state model was established based on the comprehensive analysis of the affect of network element state, and the index of regional traffic state was confirmed.The forth part analyzes the manifestation of the overall state of the road network, and study the intuitionist and validity of the macro-traffic state parameters which express the regional traffic state. The methods for determine the state level was confirmed based on the analysis of the relationship between the state index and the macro-parameters, and determine the congestion level.The fifth part validate the state identification method using micro-simulation software. Firstly, create the appropriate network and the simulation environment in VISSIM; then, design the simulation program and select the evaluation index; finally, analysis the simulation results based on the simulation data, and discriminate the effect of the methods for regional state identification.The last part of the paper gives a summary of the full text, and reviews the research contents and progress of this paper, finally, puts forward the issue to be further explored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

